Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

We are surprised that no one asked about the second pizza.

These foodies are faking it!

Itā€™s like this room:

But in afterlife/space!
Except it sucks and looks like the inside of toilet roll and requires a certain alcohol blood level to even come close to the fabulousness of Hall of the Brave.

Iā€™m sorry! I thought you were making that one tomorrow D:

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Caffeine in moderate amount is pretty healthy.

Itā€™s just that most drink too much and ofc get somewhat addicted to it.

My nutjob morning routine beats any amount of caffeine I promise you!

Option 1: Wake up at 0400 and run around for 1 hour chasing seagulls! They donā€™t run the beach, you do

Option 2: Jumping jacks at the beach and swim around to cool off, repeat.

Option 3: Do all of this but in the inner city, swim in those tiny ā€œduck poolsā€, you know with water ornaments and such.

Post here again once they let you out of the loony bin :clown_face:

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Female Troll with pink hair. I miss AD.

Once my ban has lifted, I shall return stronger and creepier than ever!


Itā€™s the most boring pizza ever. Kinda typical in Schverige (Swe)

Ham, shrimp, onion and mushrooms. WUT, no kebab?!

I messed up the order yes. So sad

routine isā€¦

0400 wake up , 50 push ups followed by breakfast

0430 weight and workout routine + situps pushups pullups dips squats crunches etc

1400 30min jog indoors, weather permitting 1 hour jog outdoors

1800 2 hour walk outdoors

2000 round 2 of weight workout routine


i been doing this nearly everyday give or take the walking / running some daysā€¦ for about 3 years.


Yes u did and you should feel bad.

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Youā€™re such a man of culture, Frizzle. Made me feel like a hobo, usually just cracking some beer and such unless Iā€™m out.

Not that I drink often since my turbulent teen years, I donā€™t like the caloric intake ^^


I was feeling sad for you for a while, since you donā€™t seem to have Foodora delivery where you live.

But then I saw your fancy monitor and Ibiza styled cocktail.

Clown thinks that Frizzle is doing alright :wink:

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Just need a fancy 2000$ spinning leather chair, 4000$ suit and a beautiful lady for a every day of the week and Iā€™m set ^^

Best part with cocktails over say beer or cider is that itā€™s kind of
comparatively pricy and a bit more effort to make so one usually donā€™t down them like a six pack.
Though this one has egg white in it so itā€™s totally a protein drink and youā€™d be unhealty not to drink it :wink:

I have one location to order from on foodora and it is not that good to put it politely^^
Gotta pick it up myself from a decent place like itā€™s the 1990ā€™s all over again if I want convenience.


im going to sleep for tomorrow :wink: iā€™ll miss you guys, know i will be watching this thread! for now Bye!! :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:


Soooo, I didnā€™t manage to make too many pics of the food apart from this wedding cake butā€¦ here you go.

I also took the bride for a couple rounds of dance, her name is Dorothee btw and sā€“

A monkey-like creature suddenly grabs Dunkiee by her throat and drags her away, taking the sinā€™dorei maidenā€™s place.

Shut your jabber, drama gal! The Monkey King got another plan!
Tonight we got a horkinā€™ show, an ookinā€™ tale you think you know.
That evil Crone? Sheā€™s not the worst. Another witch was nasty first.
Mean dooker locked up all us hozen! Another path she should have chosen.
So sit and slerp, relax a jibbet! Enjoy the show that we callā€¦ Wikket!

Dunkiee gets back on the stage after a few minutes, confused.

I shouldnā€™t have mentioned her name. Ouchā€¦! This monkey does have a grab. :sweat:


that cake looks yummy - gimme a bitā€¦

Yeah, looks nice that cake!

ā€œDonā€™t drink and driveā€ but no one ever says ā€œDonā€™t cake and driveā€
Too much cake = food coma = unsafe to drive!

Sunday Funday, I welcome you with open arms!


That happened in my caseā€¦

I ate 2 bowls of soup first. Nothing special, waited 45 mins.

Then, some Pƶrkƶlt, made of deer meat. Nothing special, 1 hr wait.

Finally, a full out mix of dishes like breaded chicken + cheese, Gordon Bleu, some meat with baconā€¦

Ate a slightly bigger bowl of them and oof. Could barely even move for 1.5 hours. :sweat:

But, it was all really tasty! Even Pƶrkƶlt, which as a dish Iā€™m not fond of. I swear Iā€™d have eaten a nice serving of it, but everyone could get a bare taster only.

Happy Funday yā€™all!!


Clown sometimes buys cordon bleu from Lidl. But donā€™t tell the foodie club

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meanwhile my dinner consisted of a slice and some biscuits.

oddly was enough too didnt feel hungry for the rest of the day.

EDIT: i never eat a lot when im at my houseā€¦

but when my dad makes me a dinner when im at his i demolish itā€¦

been a long time since i ate anything close to as much as you did.

i think i gone so long with eatting little now that im just used to it.

gonna make myself a nice salad today and that will be my dinner for the next 3 days.

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Weā€™re lucky enough to still have some leftover food from the wedding, so hereā€™s some more of it:


I guess the newfound silence is related to the fact itā€™sā€¦ Monday, so Iā€™ll just leave a good cappuccino here. :coffee: Hereā€™s hoping it wakes peeps up!