Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

i have spent like 2000 hrs just crafting in NW

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did you ever try the crafting in ā€˜final fantasy 14ā€™ ?

that is the best one in my personal opinion.

EDIT: it actually feels like a profession you can do instead of exploring.

imagon doing BGs with haveing ā€œalarm turretsā€ as eng :stuck_out_tongue:
yes as eng u can pust down alarm turrets in DF

Thereā€™s been a lot less drama and infighting lately now that you mention itā€¦


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i still think the best version of engineer was the class in

warhammer onlineā€¦ (R.i.p that game)

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interesting that isnt it ?

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tahra, Jito, Retributorā€¦ where are you?

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I know that Tah took a break. Iā€™d like Daestra (with her attitude), Schmusedecke (with her feral druids) and Twiluna (with his Twilunas) to return.

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i dont like to point it out but they are all people who actively head hunted me on this forumā€¦

and they all disappeared when i came back.

Tahra especially was posting right up to the day before i got overturned.

possibly they were abusing a certain forum function they should not of been

Jito disappeared a fair time before hand thoughā€¦ that is unrelated.

EDIT: as the saying goesā€¦ play with fire you eventually gonna get yoself burned.

ā€œNisse pisse pƤron ā€¦kungā€

You should check out the TBC forums. Bring lots of popcorn :clown_face:

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hahaahah yes!!! always i think about bones and his ā€œheā€™s dead jimā€ in this kind of situation!!

true! a lot of time i never hear him. first time i saw his name i mispelled it in gemusedecke. and i had a laugh. (i know i laugh for nonsenseā€¦)

Jitoā€¦ was getting a bit tired last i saw his postsā€¦ it seemā€™d even he was starting to get negative towards blizzard which was out of character for him, my guess is he took a breakā€¦

Schmusedeckeā€¦ heard through punyelfā€™s posts on this very forum they decided to take a breakā€¦

deastra, was obviously not happy being on the forum anymore my guess is they decided to move onā€¦

Tahraā€¦ my guess is a long overdue vacationā€¦

Retributorā€¦ my guess is a long over due vacation

Mariusā€¦ my guess is a long over due vacationā€¦

Twilunaā€¦ i guess they ran out of spirit for nowā€¦ probably will return one day eventuallyā€¦ i know there was a bit of ruckus involving a certain discord a while ago which i thankfully was not part of which caused a fair bit of upset with some of the regulars behind the scenesā€¦ maybe related??

who knowsā€¦

these are my best assumptions.

I wouldnā€™t even count those being anywhere near on the same level as the big league players.

Well one is getting there but they have a good heart just wears it on their sleeve.


No idea, apart from the fact sheā€™s on vacation.

Well, weā€™re quite similar in behavior - funsy and immature as we can be!

And both of us were believed to be females. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I do miss him too - hope heā€™ll be back asap!

No problem, if I didnā€™t tell it to the peeps myself, Iā€™d still live in a sort ofā€¦ lie :sweat_smile: sometimes I do wish I was a she, however.

Hope itā€™s not a biggie for you though :yum:

Pretty much on a breakā€¦ from the original flock (as in, last summer), I only see Soul and Puny posting, mostly. Ananda very rarelyā€¦ Marmar disappeared who knows where, and most others are just unsubbed and/or playing FF.

Iā€™m very happy however, that this thread brings together almost all who count. I love each and every one of the roughly dozen posters who visit here. :heart:

Ancient legends say that posting kitten stomprs increase her odds of returning.

By the way, sheā€™s a resto druid + shammy. One of two other healers Iā€™m frens with :sweat_smile: only reason we didnā€™t play too much is because of the clash Iā€™d be forced to shadow spec. :unamused:

Yeah, he had an exit thread too.

Good questionā€¦ now whoā€™ll stop the Horde Bias?

PS: Still waiting for a Retributor vs Erevien showdown. Lemme know if you hear of it. And bring popcorn. Or alternatively summon Sinaaki.

Sinny too is unsubbed, afaik. I really miss my favorite popcorn goat as well. :cry:

Iā€™ll leave some here. I hope it will be effective at summoning her back!!


when wow will end finally there will be the final battle between Retri and erevien. Popcorn companies stock exchange will skyrocket that day

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a faction based raid to end the factions for goodā€¦ with Retributor and Erevien as the main bosses?

before we all buddie up with cross faction ?

would be more interesting and fun than the actual lore characters imo.


EDIT:donā€™t judge me but i think being masculine is something which should be celebrated not frowned upon.

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Iā€™m not, i just dont really play much atm and i basically stopped using the forums because of the dreadful moderation.


Quite similar happened with me several times, been ā€œaccusedā€ to be Twiluna in disguseā€¦
It was an honor thoā€™ in my eyes