Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

and we italians think we are the one with weird accent… im bookin reservation in scotland and while i was checkin a glasgow suburb called milngavie i discovered the pronunciation was somethin like mulghy… i hope to be able to ask for food with my poor school english

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Anytime! And we could get Starney as well. Probably Robokiller too? Think he too lives in the vicinity. :smile:

Really sadge… it’s one of those little topics that could bring peeps together. :cry: And… this happens.

Where I live, hoomans all move out sooner or later because of the overall conditions. Like education… teachers are on a giant strike in Hungary right now, because of the long working hours, difficulty and low wages. Even unqualified I earned more than them… :frowning_with_open_mouth:

And it’s only one of many flames. :smiling_face_with_tear:

What’s the main problem over there, things like electricity and gas bills I take it?

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northeners thinking they special … you should come to my neck of the wood and hear our accents.

someone once told me “jesus lad there is a bit too much salt water in your accent” lol

we sound like farmers come pirates down ere in the south west.


Sad thing, truly
Okay, she wasn’t my Queen, but she was part of the world, our world for seven decades
Truly, the world feel… smaller after her departure and frankly, a bit bleaker and greyer. A bit like when Pope John Paul II. left us.
There are names and persons who were part of the world and life and it was/is strange, impossible and a bit frightening imagine the world without them
It reminds us, we are not geting younger, and what is now normal to the new generations, for us, like every change, terrifying
Be it a monarch, like her, dictator, like Castro, Pope like Jhon Paul II, celebrity, like Benny Hill, Bud Spencer or Belmondo ?
The world is smaller and smaller, untill just you remain :frowning:


Ach ye’ll be just fine, just remember that ye’ll be oan the West coast o Scotlan, fu’ o, Weegies and gadgies fae the likes o’ Pollok an’ Mutherwull. fir the real Scotlan ye gave further tae the likes o’ Inverness an even further up, or ye gave East tae Aiberdeen an’ doon the Lecht wiy, but ye have tae watch doon thon wiy cis they do tahk in a muckle ahkwird accent. Bit dinna cim neer Dindee whaur ah bide or ah’ll mak ye beh me a fish supper fae the Silvery Taiy chipper… best chipper ah’ve river been tae.

Oh and if onybidy asks whit team ye support, just say “ah’m a Dindee Derk Blue…”

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I understood a few words and my google translate contacted an exorcist for me next week.

But I did google “Scotland fast food” and this came up

Scotland seems ok to me!


Probably a sumerian tablet would be more decryctable.
Now im drunk. Tomortow ill try to read better.
But thanjs for the effort :slight_smile:

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For normal people lol…


thanks :smiley: . unfortunatley this time ill stop in fort william…

Just in case people forgot what a delicious pizza looks like:

And have a blessed weekend!


yes. this is becomin problematic. Im lucky cuz i have a good job but… how long?


It’s gonna be a rough autumn/winter everywhere :neutral_face:

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We WILL survive!
Even Agent Smith / Elrond knows THAT

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you all know elmo, right?

Brace yourselves… winter is coming. :cold_face:

Good! We are prepared


check out for something new

my wife is a princess

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Nice. You are a lucky man!