Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

i dont really care who it is honestlyā€¦

just wish whoever it is grew up lolā€¦

soul afenton furea mariusā€¦ doesnt matter they are all one of the same at this point.

they all cannot help themselves when im involved.

Big Break too! Proper weekend telly lol

I never want to hear again anyone criticizing my raisin and jelly baby pizza or my raisin and jelly baby mac and cheese after seeing that. Did you scrape your gutters out and just throw it on a pizza!?

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probably trying to highjack this thread right now to push the past into the pastā€¦

they never post this actively here usually.

im done with it anyway ^^ enjoy.

no fan of twiggz butā€¦

would never have guessedā€¦

its not like you talk about her all the time

so should youā€¦ but dreams are safer

its souldefiler im 75% sure and afenton is him too

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This next one is a work of art. Filled with love and cholesterol!

Pizza burger loaded fried chicken sandwich



Was never a big fan of that, dunno why. probably because I never really thought of John Virgo as being particularly funny. Didnā€™t also help by that time I was more into games than tv

This much is enough for you right?

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I spy the devilā€™s sauce on that! Burn it with fire!!

Why must everything be ruined with ketchup and onions?

Whatā€™s so bad about it :cry: raisins on the other hand!!

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Thatā€™s true I donā€™t talk about her all the time lol. She doesnā€™t need me to hold her hand, sheā€™s more than capable of doing it herself. We are just roughly the same age give or take a few years and shared the same cultural upbringing as it were. Such as ā€œBullseyeā€.

Jealous? I canā€™t help being the most sought after forsaken on the forum :innocent:

Itā€™s the hair, everyone adores a blue fauxhawk :joy:

Today I learned that Afenton is Spambot and now Iā€™m happy because I thought they had gone away.

Your wrong. Soul is an American moved to EU last I checked. Afenton is entirely someone else.

Is the good stuff

simple as

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mmmm wouldnt go with jealous no, more like its a bit sad

but if youre into it thats great! :smiley: your hair is fabulous

im just sad he doesnt chat up Dunkiee as much anymore after finding out its a blokeā€¦ that stuff was hilarious

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lol closeā€¦

Iā€™m actually Scottish but moved to the US about 13 years ago, lived there for ten years and more or less became Americanized (only thing I donā€™t have is dual citizenship but working on it) and moved back to my hometown two years ago to look after my mum.

And Sonofmogin has a dislike for me because I called him out as one of the cowards liking the troll posts on the Farewell to Brigante thread.

I mean if he wants me to keep reminding people I certainly willā€¦

Iā€™m not :laughing: I know who they are though and he makes no secret of who he is.

Currently he is semi absent from the forums because he is spoiler avoiding though, he did the same before SL too which is why you wonā€™t see him posting too much until launch.

However Iā€™m kinda flattered people think Iā€™m him, he is an awesome poster and hilarious.

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You still have them all living rent free in your brain is whyā€¦

I am in the fortune favored discord. People barely mention you at all. Only noticed it today.
Twiggs youve got to let goā€¦ People have liked you allot since you returned. Donā€™t ruin it by bringing up old drama I beg of you.