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Sanctum, doneā€¦ have my jello cat
From 10 boss, 0 drops
Not even a conduit!


Even i am very unlucky, Use 3 raid finder and yet no gears either, in normal sanctum 2 bosses skipped (invited when Eye Jailer was defeated), in 8 rest of the raid bosses only dropped 0 gears bruh

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I feel youā€¦ had only a bracer, which is only useful for offspec, but then I only cleared to get the cat :rofl:

Have some nutella cake as a late tasty loot:

Probably has more use than any drops in a normal raid.


Wrote a ticket - of course - because even after patch, fix, etc, I am still unable to turn in my Mystic Anima Spherule (298) Iā€™ve recieved for the 4xMyth weeklyā€¦ :unamused:
Answer: have you tried to turn in?
*Facedesk *
Noā€¦ just let it sit in my bag! Of course Iā€™ve tried to turn it in, with every vendor.
Wrote another ticketā€¦ lets hope this time works :roll_eyes:
But this was the worse way to start this misrable day
I need something unhealthy and yummy
(And if someone links Justin Bieber - Yummy I will stomp his kiwis with my hooves :dagger: )

Nice to have a jello catā€¦ but man, Iā€™ve forgot it canā€™t fly
No that I ever would use that, I have my favorite mounts, this was just defiance, I WILL have it, despite the dirty they pulled on us with the LFR stuff
But still a bit sad, dead jello cats canā€™t fly

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This is so classic :joy: Did you try to turn your computer on and off?

Iā€™m sad about this too ngl. Iā€™ll still use it for pvp, but I prefer to have just one mount on my bars as theyā€™re always full so flying mounts win for me.


lately the customer service in wow is almost useless. once ive asked a thing and they answered to me ā€œcheck on wowheadā€

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Ngl guys I am not impressed how Blizz is (not) handling things lately.


I got a 285 globe from legion key weekly. Turnin was at the last page of the normal vendor, so probably the same for you with heroic vendor :slightly_smiling_face:

Nope, sadly
It is up to the customer service now

Have an awesome weekend all!


Just got to get through a late shift tonight and tomorrow night, tben 2 weeks off :grinning:

Got 1 tonne of wood chips coming, so need to get my butt into the garden at some point. Following a chat with the old couple behind us, digging out a tunnel under the fence for our resident hedgehogs and making a feeding station/shelter for them :hedgehog::hedgehog:

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Sooo, weā€™re doing that grilling now - hereā€™s a couple pics! Looks really yummy this far :drooling_face: thatā€™s how we cook in Hungary! :hungary:

PS: please repost them. Regards, an unlucky TL2.

PS #2: Iā€™m terrible at posing IRL. Unlike my forum toon.



And we will have a nice fireworks tomorrow!


Oh, that too! But, the budget on fireworks is better spent on the poor, old, or helpless.

Taxes will skyrocket during winter. Donā€™t pity my granny, who canā€™t even switch to a fireplace instead of gas. :cry:

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Build a man a fire, and heā€™ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and heā€™ll be warm for the rest of his life. :grin:

But yeahā€¦ Winter will be harsh
I do hope your granny will manage to stay warm
And she will be okay :+1:


not meā€¦ i work the entire weekend again :frowning:

but hey only 4 days and then 12 days holiday!



Maybe not bbq food but found KEBAB LANGOS.
Yes you read it correctly. KEBAB langos.

Donā€™t be hating now

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