Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

Actually, if you’d ever be tied with a friend on who should do each other a favor this is a neat toy to let fate decide, with an RP flavor :smile:

Say, flip heads and I’ll post a beer for you here. Tails, you post a glass of wine for me. Deal? :yum:

No cheating!

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I wouldn’t trust a filling that looks like a booger :no_mouth:

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I wouldn’t trust anything that would survive a nuclear holocaust and the radioactive fallout…
Twinkies are one of those food
Widely accepted, if anyone would survive the appocalypse, they would live on twinky supplies
Personally, I would sooner eat any of my combrades than one of those twinkies…

Smaller, but bigger. :sunglasses:

Two more work days.

Rib Burger:


good mornin!


How on earth is anyone mean’t to eat that lol ? :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl:

Smol clown, big belly.

Don’t underestimate him! :yum:


Haha, trust you to find a picture… :grin:

Good morning btw :laughing:


today at lunch i will have…


Seafood pizza:

Needs bacon

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Why on earth they left the tasty clams in their shell? And left that shell on the pizza? :grimacing:

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i hope the shells were washed

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In times like these you must always look back on the words of the wisest in history, for example a Sun Tzu Quote helps define this clam-question:

“I have no idea what’s going on but I wanna throw myself off a bridge”


i prefer Cartesius “I have no idea what’s going on but I wanna throw the person who cooked a pizza with complete clams off the bridge”

Common in soup as well to leave them like that.
But my theory is that so the clams would lie comfortably while enjoying the pizza sauna :clown_face:

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Out! Out I say, with all the topping!

Except the lemon. The lemon can stay.

That, and pineapple! And some corn. :drooling_face:

The result is…


We have already made plans for a special pizza this weekend.

Bacon, pineapple, minced meat, onions and…BLUE CHEESE!

It’s gonna be epic. Both the taste and later the farts :sunglasses:

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