Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

Blue means rare. Get some purple cheese if you can!

Or manually dye it yourself as possible.

Never seen such a type of cheese so far - can you show what it looks like?

I think the pizza shop will use something like this:

Otherwise they usually say “Gorgonzola”

Yes, purple cheese, I’ll get right on that!

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rejoice with Gorgonzola. (i could kill for this cheese)

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I’m not an expert on stinky/tasty cheese so I googled.

It’s basically the same type of cheese but with different names depending on where it comes from.
Roquefort - France, Gorgonzola - Italy, Stilton - England and Ädelost - Sweden.
Ädelost directly translated means “Noble cheese”

Also, what most European countries call blue cheese, Sweden likes to call green or blue/green cheese.

Might be a weird Swedish flex, I don’t know. I will ask the next Swede I encounter about this whole blue cheese business.

we havent any swedish here?

reject food, embrace drinks!!!


Heat is coming back in Sweden. Or so they say.

Time to stock up on ice and tasty drinks again

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currently drinking some homemade tea that rested in the fridge, then i sliced a lemon and put 2 slice in the glass, i then picked 3 ice cubes and gently put em inside. picked a straw and voilĂ ! good cold tea

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Freshly made greaves and ice cold pickles and the juice from the jar… and home made bread, still hot from the oven is my nom nom right now


Homemade bread sounds great :yum:

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I could go for some bacon and cheese bread. Shipping is free yes?


That green thing in it should be cheese or onnion? :thinking:
Or leek?

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And their rotten fish?

I put out a restraining order. Sure one or two may slip through but it’s good sport to hunt them.

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It is. But if it isn’t, I’ll arrange it…

The border guards will buy whatever I sell to them. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Spinach, maybe? :eyes:

PS: leave some spinach pottage for me here. As well as a fried egg or two. Perfect dinner, Popeye approves of it, trust me (uh… him) :wink:


Yes, spinach sounds better. Been eating broccoli for 2 decades every week.

Maybe I should’ve been eating spinach instead.

Spinach/bacon/waeffa salad

Needs some tasty low fat dressing


10/10 would try this…

A guy once wanted to have his arms look like Popeye’s, buuuut…

It had to be amputated :grimacing: there were complications with it.

Yeah. Extreme injections.

I feel sorry for them.

This year’s Darwin award goes to…

Anyways, since spinach’s on the menu today, here’s a nice related dish:


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It looks… terrifying and tasty at the same time!
Is that cheese I see on it?
Anyting is good with cheese!

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Cheesy pesto bacon pasta bake

1 week off of work! It’s go time

This in my belly. NOW