Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

That’s what I thought when I saw Zymara. What happened to you, you look kinda bloated😅

Yes, it’s some spinach cheese pasta - originally was looking for a simple spinach pasta but I suppose this is much better :smiling_face_with_tear:

Add some fresh bread and it’s a good filling dinner. And vegan friendly too.

Probably not environment friendly, if it gives you gas overloads your mana. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

it look like pasta col pesto


I blame the Clown’s workout “diet” he posts
And these are muscles!
Me BIG me SMASH puny Trolls!!!
But jokes aside, one of my biges grieves is the lack of less-buff male Draenei, kinda like Velen’s body type

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50% of your avatar is just chest :smile:

Well, it was nice while it lasted.

(Maybe we’ll find a way to reverse the ritual)

Dunno what you mean. I’ve followed the clown diet for years and just look at me.
Perfect height and size!

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Silly Gnome, forgot to help you with TL3 assistance.


Fits right into my salad!

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Thank you! :heart:

Yes, but now with 50% more tentacles!

And 1% head size :joy:

Someone served me that id be coming back at 4 am and burning the place down. That just looks revolting.


Wow skinny alien

I mean, can’t post with pictures for not having TL3

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Tik tak tik tak :mantelpiece_clock:

Woke up for unknown reasons

Goes to Caverns of Times and tells Nozdormu to put me to sleep again

A story came is Dalaran HS, then went to Orgrimmar, then to Tanaris portal for bronze Dragonflight

4 hours later

8 AM has been awaken and takes weapons

A week off from work. But no pizza until Saturday.

We tried to have a civil discussion about it with ourselves.
My argument was that if I eat pizza today, I won’t eat pizza on Saturday.
But then I countered that with “Saturday only exists in your mind”.

That made me confused for a few seconds, but then I realised what I meant.
“There is no pizza” ?

There is Pizza, but only if there is Saturday


Every day is a Saturday then :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


pizza is everything



finally 12 days off… this past week of work was super stressful >.> … glad to have some time off… some people intentionally trying to cause me mental stress at work atm…

anyway good news is something awesome arrived today.

ht tps://


Last remote console I had was a PSP. The first ones.

Great concept. Playing games while …keeping the toilet company :grin:


got it cause im traveling a lot atm between houses this way i can keep my steam library with me :stuck_out_tongue: