Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

My neighbour got something similar, oled something.

I know I’m getting old because I actually asked “what for? didn’t you already have a portable console?” :upside_down_face:

Enjoy your free time mate :partying_face:


Breaking news!
our local Robokiller will be away from sunday to either thusday or friday. he will go to:


I do hope that means a ton of pictures for us!

And since it sounds Italian, some nice little pasta. :spaghetti:

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Enjoy your break ! :smile: :+1:

Tired this morning, drinking coffee…

Also fancy a bacon and egg sandwich toastie (with runny yolk) but can’t find an accurate picture that doesn’t have a bite taken out of it… :frowning_face:


i can’t post pictures of my phone here since i do not have something to do so (for now). thought it’s not in italy either! it’s in Slovenia!
it was an italian city thought after WWI it became a city of Slovenia. :smiley:
they talk italian too, but i know english Very well :smiley:
oh and im about to eat my favurite dish: Ravioli Burro and Salvia


…and bring back authentic mozzarella pizza to us all!
x2 portions for the clown.

Robokiller for president!

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Not the juiciest pic, but I want it.

This one is mine!

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That is a nice picture, tasy looking but not over the top, I approve ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grinning: :+1:

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Ham, pineapple cheese toast:

And pineapple juice? I guess

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I’ve yet to try pineapple juice.
This has my vote - the Council forgives you.

Here’s some more juice, this time made of mango:

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Ok barĂĄt, you want a pineapple duel?

Nvm, that’s coconut. Not pineapple. You win.

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Why duel over the best food or drink when we can consume them all together? :yum:

PS: cousin is finally coming home tonight - as he put it over the wire, “it’s a pleasure to be talking to the only sensible person at home”. Which means I’m the only other gamer and chill person in the family, this feeling’s mutual. :laughing:

Anyways, once he arrives, we’ll crack a good Dreher beer open. Can’t wait for this!

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Oh I know how that feels. There’s a reason I have so many mirrors in my apartment.
It’s not all to view my body. But also to have a logical and loving conversation with myself



to hike? its a great place to stroll around!

Hiking can be fun!

Clown is bored. Send pizza plz :frowning:



Looks nice but, those toppings for me, is more suitable on a baguette or something.

Now THIS is a pizza:

I genuinely thought this was Langos… :smiling_face_with_tear:

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this was a “calzone farcito” a type of pizza.

this is my preferred one (two)

or we have the pizza alta

ore with cornicione farcito

or pizza bianca (rome)

or pizza fritta

enjoy what you like!


Same. Funnily enough I am bored even though theoretically I could be doing a zillion things :roll_eyes: … but it’s still summer, right :desert_island:

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