Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

Magyár Dunkiee will only see lángos from now on.

Even when I start linking burgers. Lángos goulásh burgers :clown_face:

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Well, now that we know you are Czech and an artist, you’d be a great wingman for me.
You bring the music and sensitivity, I bring the muscles and “fancy” food. We will be scoring for 2 weeks straight yo

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my dinner for the last two days consisted of this

ht tps://

:drooling_face::drooling_face:, probably because of cheese!

Noooot exactly sure on this - maybe it’s just me but looks a tiny bit bland, of course may have a good taste :sweat_smile:

So a filled pizza? Reminds me of a story…

There was a small restaurant that made filled Langos where I studied. Didn’t last long - we first ate there in '18 with the boys, and by 20’s summer, it was about to close. Too bad, I loved it really! :cry::cry:

Sigh… you got me. :clown_face:

Does this godly nice combo exist? If it doesn’t, I assign it to you to create the very first specimen.

Reward is 10 servings of felweed. No negotiations. :herb:


im learning drums because i like hitting things with sticks


You playing druid now??? Or are you a Morris dancer

Other news - my son got his exam results today, he clearly gets his intelligence from me…

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As long as he grows up to be a man of culture like you it’s all good :wink:

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I can be cultured, apart from Tyrande Whisperwind tjen my mind reaches levels where you would find teenage mutant ninja turtles :wink:

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Perfectly understandable tips hat

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Also, I worked hard to day for my burger; 9/10 heroic Castle :hamburger:
Sire is a bit toughter to pug than I thought

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I already have my private “felweed” distributor in Amsterdam, but the more the merrier!

Lángos burger

Needs more old school stew/soup in there, but, a good start

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Even a pinch of Goulash will be fine as some extra filling :clown_face:

Which means I’ll leave here some…

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i need to go in hungary. too much time i never been there.

good morning!


Why no one helped out Twiggz?

That’s sad my friend. Everyone deserves a pizza once a week
Some even twice a week.

Myself, I deserve half a pizza a week. But I still eat a whole one. (Sometimes TWO! don’t tell anyone)

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Cheers Dunkiee, my boss mode pizza has been updated!

Pineapple, minced meat, onion, blue cheese, bacon AND jalapeno.

And of course some regular extra cheese pizza as well. Just so the first pizza doesn’t feel lonely

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Even a single pizza can keep easy company in your belly :face_with_hand_over_mouth: with… itself of course.

Minced meat with all the onion to be exact. Maybe a bolognese sauce. And pasta.

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We miss Starney

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Where did he go?

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Judging by his pics and travel spots, my guess is:

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