Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

he posted pics here?

I remember one personal pic from him with his feet/lower legs. And a few location pics
Very nice :sunglasses:

This reminds me, I still haven’t posted those pineapple pizza postcards to random Italians.

I got 20 of them right here. Just waiting.
(50 would cost too much.)

Dont you dare!

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Authentic Italian pizza:

Very popular in Italy.

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Do you think we have forgotten? Do you think we have forgiven? Death to pineapple! And to Pizza with Pineapple!

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I do like a good Hawaiian Pizza. Maybe I’ll get one tonight to spite ya’ll. :3


This dude gets it! :pineapple: :pizza:

Don’t kill them, Tesla.

Just send it over to either Clown or me.

We’ll dispose of it in the… way it’s properly meant, so it will end up as a pizza topping. :drooling_face:

Here’s Tesla’s share of mats for it… every contribution counts. :pineapple:

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seems reasonable


I had too much food for lunch and I’m out of ice cream, send help.

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Hopefully, it isn’t too sweet!



Porper food it needs!


On a non food related topic, my son smashed all his exams apart from one which he is retaking at college- he also starts college on September 7th doing combined agriculture, horticulture and animal management


i dont even know my exam results lol… i never went back to collect them… i sat 18 exams…

but soon as the last one finished i left and never went back :stuck_out_tongue:

it is of my opinion, unless you hold the top honors in a subject they really do not matter anyway… better to show your expertise in person than on paper i find.

some people perform better hands on after all…

others can have all the paperwork in the world but still be bad at a job.

how often do you hear , “i have a high qualification in X subject…” … “what do you do for a living?” , “i work in mcdonalds”

EDIT: i had one friend back in my late teens… who literally took LAW at uni just to get laid…

he never planned to pass the course he just used it to get the girls while in uni.

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what do you think about that?

I don’t have any kids (that I know of) but man you must be the proudest dad right now. :sunglasses:

From Clown with love:

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do not misunderstand me btw, i do think education can play a positive role…

but i always been one to learn on the job and work my way up through the ranks earning my promotions on the way.

starting from the very bottom and working my way upwards.

not only u get a better feeling for the job that way but you also have better knowledge to deal with day to day problems which paper cant teach you.

EDIT: not only that but doing this way you find you also get the full support of the people u surpass as they know and worked with you.

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Yes, but even if we’re not talking surgeons and other professions that literally require the education, many big corps and basically anyone who can afford to get picky still require the paper sadly - and that’s even for what I’d consider entry level jobs, apart from receptionist, secretary, assistant or office manager.

i never suffered a turn down in my life on the job front and i have never carried paperwork with me…

i think its partly down to how u approach the interview tbh…

who would you rather employ ?

mr. i got paper to show im good?


mr. i worked hands on with the people and they can tell you im good?

EDIT: as u say though there is certain jobs which do require some proof of education… i was not referring to those.

i would get your son into a entry level role in the industry he wants to work in … while he is doing the education part… it will help him 1000 times over.

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