Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

Fancy word describing a Farmer :thinking:
(Just joking, those are damn hard exams, be proud of him!)

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Idk what jobs you applied for, but I used to work in a big corp for quite some time and I can ensure you there wouldnā€™t even be an interview without the education they asked for. Alright, one exception, if you already know someone in a high place in the corp. :wink:

I personally agree with your view and many smaller businesses, startups or more progressive large businesses support the idea. I see the tides turning, but itā€™s still sometimes too rigid overall. Many very talented people donā€™t do well in school for various reasons, many of them even become self-sufficient professionals or business owners etc.

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education will be vastly different in 50 years imo.

as it works now it fails more people than it helps .

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I hope soā€¦ the stuff they teach at our colleges, itā€™s so dated, esp. for fast changing fields like Marketing. The system as it is simply cannot keep up with the increasing speed of modern day progress. Nothing useful (apart for giving people some basics in math and such, often in a poor way) is taught in high schools either. There needs to be a big overhaul to whatā€™s taught or even something more radical than that eventually. Iā€™ve definitely learnt much more outside of school from various courses, practice or simply seeking and enjoying self-education.

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i think A.I teachers will be the next step personally they will keep up to date with changesā€¦

humans are good but ā€¦

human error is there for a reason.

interactive lessons rather than pen and paperā€¦

learn by doing rather than studying

want to build tanks in the armyā€¦ sure lets put you in a interactive tank building courseā€¦ where u physically build a tank in VRā€¦

To be fair, a lot of our university teachers have taught the same stuff since socialism :rofl:

In the state sector where I live, you actually have to have a degree to advance above a certain rank/position. It does not even have to be a degree in a specific field, any degree will do - I have colleagues who have a masters degree in hussite theology, which has absolutely nothing to do with anything we do.

Not sure how it works in the private/corporate sector. Would imagine experience is more valueable there than a degree.

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this is why i get into the company at entry level no degree required and earn the respect from within to higher my promotion

they wont even look for a someone to fill a certain role if someone already in the company is showing signs they can already do it, and telling them they want to

hold up, now you post stuff unrelated to the game, why again?

in my current job ā€¦ iā€™ve gone from working right at the bottom as common dogs bodyā€¦ to hanging around with the company execs

now i can use this experience to boost any future job applications i apply for and then climb further if i see fitā€¦

i find it funny cause my current boss came up to me yesterday ā€¦ and asked me why the company boss keeps coming up to me and talking to me lolā€¦

they are jealous they arent talking to them

I kind of described that in my first post.

It really varies. Simply not having the paper could still definitely stop you from getting a dream job in your dream company. Even more true for people who are smart enough/can pay for the paper but arenā€™t a massive talent or a downright genius. Itā€™s often seen as simpler to just go and get it. If it has any value depends on the college too, some jobs can do with any paper like youā€™ve mentioned though. Big players are pretty specific.

It also depends on how old you are and how long youā€™ve worked in the field, what youā€™ve achieved and can prove youā€™ve achieved and many other variables.

this is how i get recognition

Exactlyā€¦ education really feels flawed, itā€™d do much better to be learning on the field.

Also, I wish the grading systems are removed. It generates a ton of stress. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

What theā€¦

Isnā€™t it just better to have experienced people without a degree? :smiling_face_with_tear: Right, I get it, I get itā€¦ itā€™s a special piece of paper. But worthless if the knowledge behind it doesnā€™t advance a groupā€™s interests meaningfully.

Fineā€¦ so my main will have Iridescent Ravioli with Apple Sauce for dinner. Sheā€™ll receive 30 mastery if she spends 10 seconds minutes eating. :clown_face:


For some stupid reason, Iā€™ve decided to level my profession, Jewelcrafting and engineering
The old ones I mean
Outland engineering is a pain in the :peach:
I could kill for a tons of Khoriumā€¦ :expressionless:
I shouldā€¦ :thinking:
I will :dagger:

Yea, I remember puking before highschool exams.

Well the system was implemented to avoid politicians from giving their friends/family positions in the public sector. So the law has a system of ranks for both civilian employees of the state and armed forces, where above a certain rank you need to have X years of service within the institution and a university degree of a certain level but without specification of the field it has to be in.

We are a weird post-socialist country lol.

:frowning_with_open_mouth: but it is nice to have a thread for just general chat! The forum is mostly just full of m+ cry threads, I cant relate to those lol

i didnt take my high school exams serious enough ā€¦ my mind was on girls and skateboardingā€¦

which makes me raise the question maybe they take those exams at too young of an ageā€¦

though i do not know my resultsā€¦

had i taken them in my 20ā€™s i would of walked them no problem.

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ok i get it, then i can agree with you why

Beefyclown or Hairyclown, show these gifs from my link, thanks

so i can give you a chance to post stuff

oh look, i kinda posted unrelatives to the games

have fun here

Well now, It turned out nor me nor my sister were born
Our birth certificates are gone from the Systemā€¦ thus the Goverment cenceled our parents pension salary because they retired due we exist, so they could retire before their required time
Of course, the Goverment wants back the not-justified pension salary it payed to themā€¦
We literally have to prove we have born and existā€¦ with papers! Because standing there and talking (yellingā€¦) is not enough
I ā€œloveā€ bureaucracyā€¦
I need a pizza and some drinks :unamused:


now is your chance to run into the forest and never exist according to modern documentation ā€¦

go rob a bank they cant prove it is you if you were not born!(joking ofc)

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The forest have horrible WiFi to play WoW :thinking: