Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

shadow of mordor?

Hmm no…

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nope didnt play that.

This awesome track is just for you!

(and also Twiggz because we like Vulpera)


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Yo, Tifa and Twiggz.

What you need is some old school action

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It played a bit the same like this yes!

Hmm saw there was a new Settlers coming out a little while ago…love those games too…or the Black and White games…those were soooo fun… sigh good times

…actually it was Settlers I wanted to link. Forgot the name.

Same when I mentioned Golden Axe when I meant Gauntlet.

Try using your brain when it’s divided in 3 chars


if you liked black and white…

you’d probably like populous … very old game now though lol.


Liked that one too yes!


i can remember being blown away by the fur graphics on the beasts in black and white 2

was groundbreaking graphics.


never played settlers

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I always picked the cow creature…it was so cute :heart_eyes:

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was the monkey myself lol

Beastclown will not give in until Wolfy returns to us and helps me. I mean helps Beastclown.

Wolfywarlock is weird/different and clown likes him very much.
He will understand my hairy hunger

(mr clown…eh… is it possible that Wolfy/Brian is your other alts? That would be too weird, even for us.)

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it’s possible that you could be everyone on this forums even me.

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XP buff is coming back! Yay!!


so it begins

Is this xp buff in Retail only?

They just disabled the 50% exp buff in classic, once Wotlk went live…



** Experience boost not available in World of Warcraft Classic titles.*


soo the same as it always is then?

hope they got other things planned for the people who dont do any of that content.

otherwise it will be shadowlands all over again.