Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Maybe he’s… actually well fed. The horror!

Me wants the funny clown barát back! :pleading_face:

Until then, I’m on the funny food spamming duty:

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yea i dunno whats wrong… hope nothing too bad, if anything at all.

all i do know is i can only take so much of kitaara’s and alagondars ERP each day xD…

clown was the calm between the storm…

there i go being too honest again…

If anything it’s better. No need to say more about it but thank you for your concern! :clown_face:

I present to you, duck mount!


no more needeth to be said.

i get ya.

happy for ya :slight_smile:

I shouldn’t have trained them to this… I mean, they could have learned fashion from me, but they were more keen on my shadier side.

I ought to only post cute goth makeup pictures for them. Definitely an upgrade!

This weekend gonna try another juicy one.
No BK bias I swear.

Mucho Nacho Double Beef

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dunno probably just me but i just don’t find it funny lol.

there is a time and place for sauce ofc… mostly where there is a substantial piece of meat to be consumed…(see i can do it too)

to me it is pretty cringe … i would say it is probably my old nature/age… but i have reason to believe they both could be older than i am xD


that bun needs more seeds on it

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And bacon at the bottom and two slices of cheese between the patties.

They do requests! …and usually they do it well. Just have to give them the “hungry eye and smile” and strike a little fear motivation into the workers :clown_face:


fried onion and mushrooms too i hope.

Pepe decided to give up on fishing and tryed to be a jewelcrafter!
he made it past 1.000.000 points in Jewelcraft!


That is pretty much still me atm, waiting for the coffee to kick in… :sleeping: :coffee: :smile:

Morning workouts you addicts :clown_face:

Pfff. I have 24 hour shifts. But then I have three days off.

The drop in food pics is sickening, I shall have some for you soon. Just waiting for a friend :sleeping:

Have you tried the venues directly- probably cheaper than Ticketmaster or LiveNation. Same situation with iron maiden, they go on general sale tomorrow but Guaranteed sold out in minutes

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my alarm clock woke me up…

the alarm being my next door neighbour drilling the wall next to my bedroom :+1:

EDIT: as soon as i got out of bed… they stopped drilling too …

it’s like they have cameras in my house.

i’ll look into it.

it’s one of my dads bucket list bands he wants to see.

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I do apologise, im actually behaving meself by spending less time on here :grin: