Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Can’t wait to make a horribly inneficent, but totally fun “RP” talent setup :laughing:
It will be hard to wait untill we can reach lvl 70 for the full potential of the talents tho’


i prob gonna have 1 too XD

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I think I read that we can choose our spells while levelling too, which would be great.

While levelling my hunter, I was thinking when am I getting some AOE here, as 3 or 4 mobs were spawning and attacking at the same time… She had run out of chew toys and traps to keep them all busy.

If they are arranged like that, then probably yes. Say, Beast Cleave is right beneath Kill Command or something (just an example).

But having an okay AoE early on is a privilege, mostly for mages and pallies. :sweat_smile:

(Which reminds me that in TBC, only mages and max lvl warlocks had a proper AoE, or pallies for tanking… everyone else had cooldowns on theirs, like 1 min Volley or Hurricane, 2 min Bladeflurry, 5 cleaved attacks with Sweeping Strikes etc.)

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Tomorrow’s lunch will be paprika potatoes by the way!


good morning.
just an info: but the event where we could farm new mogs wasnt supposed to start today? or in 2 weeks?

Paprika potatoes in the making!


you shold try these directly from solace in ansalon (dragonlance)


I’m not a great cook (for the moment…) unfortunately but thanks for the idea :smile:

Morning btw


Good morning! so quiet here lately…
Are you planning to become a cook dunkiee?


Meowning. I’d say people just play more when there’s something new in the game and the topics shift too.

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Wouldn’t be a bad idea, even if I only cook for myself :smiling_face_with_tear: a couple simple dishes are a better idea than eating out all the time.

But as a profession, no. I’d probably go mad from all the hastiness.

im actually levelling a kt shammy on a medium pop realm. Ele is really strong with the new tree. and ive chosen talents not like wowhead says but with my flavour.

normally other persons really appreciate a man cooking. :wink:


Yeah, I feel like ele was fun since SL prepatch, while I was still maining feral I was slowly shifting towards shammy for main. The other specs are fun too, visuals are great. Only gonna be better in DF like you said :slightly_smiling_face:

I think as a more of a casual and solo player you’ll have a lot of fun with the trees, you won’t feel forced to go for a cookie cutter build unlike in more competitive content.

I love it when my gfs are good cooks :smile: I’ve been very lucky in most cases except for one but that was a special case altogether :joy:

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Of course, especially since the field tends to get dominated by women these days :sweat_smile:

If I had a wife/gf, they’d probably value it that I do this sort of work every now and then.

One other thing I should be able to do well is rice and peas, and we have a fan oven of sorts to make breaded meat with. Or, making pasta isn’t too much a hassle either and can be paired well with a lot of things here, like marmelade, walnut or poppies. :yum:

Say, here’s some poppy seed pasta. Makes for a decent and relatively cheap meal I think.

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I’m quite sad for it, but then I understand many peeps are crazy to play either Classic or the prepatch.

I was mainly active while at my aunt’s in September, but only, and only because I didn’t carry my rig there as she hates gamers. But since I’m back a few weeks ago… been playing a ton ever since. After all I’ll be back to work at my former workplace in a week (and that’s where I am right now, on the mandatory entry training) so best use my freedom while I still can! :sweat_smile:

ill be away for a week starting on monday so no pictures in that period :(. anyway its normal the things need to be up and down… so we’ll see

My last gf was a sorceress cook. After we split i returned to eat bad cuz i totally suck in the kitchen. A pity.

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I feel you :expressionless: I love good food but cooking seems 1/ tldr for me and 2/ like you said I suck big time. I believe in my ability to tackle pretty much anything but that!

Once I forgot to add sth and the pan started sizzling all over the place and I hid behind the table until I mustered the strength to approach the induction stove and switch it to zero.

That level of bad in the kitchen.

I also left popcorn for too long in the microwave once as I got distracted with sth and it caught on fire. That was fun.


Morning folks


The like was for the morning, not the toast ? :grimacing:

Morning all !