Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Recipe for Potica cake:

Potica is a traditional holiday cake in Slovenia. It is very rich, so it was really only ever baked on important occasions, like Christmas and Easter.

Ingredients for the dough:

500g white flour

30g yeast

120g butter

80g sugar

Three egg yolks

2.5dl milk


Lemon or orange peel

Vanilla essence


Put the flour in a bowl, sifted if you like, and add salt. In one cup dissolve the yeast in water or milk, and in another mix the eggs, sugar, rum, vanilla essence, lemon or orange peel. Heat the milk and melt the butter.

Add hot milk to the flour, stir and add the mixture of eggs, sugar, rum and flavourings. Stir again, add dissolved yeast and melted butter and stir into a medium thick dough. Knead this until it is elastic inside and smooth on the outside. Make sure the dough does not stick to the bowl and that it is not too hard. Cover the dough with plastic film and leave to rise at room temperature. Once the size of the dough has doubled, knead it once, roll it out and spread it with the filling.

Ingredients for the filling:

500g ground walnuts

100g sugar

100g honey

One dl milk

Two eggs

Vanilla essence

Ground cinnamon

Ground cloves

Lemon peel


Melt the honey in tepid milk, then add one half of the walnuts along with the sugar, eggs, flavourings, spices and rum. Spread the filling on the rolled-out dough and sprinkle with the other half of walnuts. The temperature of the filling should be equal to that of the dough. Roll tightly, put in a mould, prick and leave to rise. Before baking, coat with a thin layer of milk and egg mixture, and make sure the holes are not blocked.

Bake 50 minutes at 190Ā°C.

Source: Taken partly from Janez Bogatajā€™s Potice iz Slovenije, Ljubljana 2013, Rokus Klett Publishing House.


Its looks like the Hungarian Bejgli
ā€¦or sponge cake roll :thinking:
To be honest, the fusion of the two


My grandma used to do it, she was from Slovenia. We still prepare it for every Christmas, will eat it again later this evening. :yum:

Well Slovenia was Austro-Hungarian after all, so it doesnā€™t surprise meā€¦

Well now, how surprising, he is on the mission to shut the thread down?
We always open another, while he will be banned, then he will be back and try again
Circle of life I guess?
Minor inconvenience, nothing more
Or he is spamming one of his ā€œimportant massagesā€?
No matter
That kind of shows where his priorites lies - if it would be a ā€œgenuine heroic actā€ he would open a thread for it, to spread the Truthā„¢ :thinking:
I think only you remained or maybe Starney who not ignored him soā€¦

Oooh, now I understand
The culinary arts and food knows no boundaries!


no im not trying to get the thread closed down ā€¦

i have said this beforeā€¦

i was telling you if you keep flagging

you will probably do it yourselves.

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Already did some time ago. :eyes:

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you will open another i have no doubt in thatā€¦

but at least it wont have anything to do with me ^^

Roboā€™s brother I take it?

It looks very similar to our Beigli rolls!

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this quoting is starting to make a nice pattern, keep it up

We solved that mistery :wink:


You are naming & shaming since this morning though, and itā€™s against the forum guidelines. Plus all the quote spamming. Flags are legit.

No one is provoking you, if jolly Christmas gifs on Christmas Day are triggering you, itā€™s your problem. :person_shrugging:

And now back to the really important stuff:


OHH NO!!.. im not afraid to name the big bad toxic people who have been trolling me for a yearā€¦

you think i honestly care at this point ?

If you didnā€™t care you wouldnā€™t still be posting. Youā€™re not fooling anyone :rofl:


This is happening because you canā€™t let things go.

You are not the victim, everyone else is for having to put up with you.

Merry Christmas!


me ?

is that why you show up all the time because ā€œIā€ cant let things go ?


i tell you what Uvallā€¦

why donā€™t you show us how much of a better man you are than meā€¦

unhide your post history so people can see who exactly you been replying too with your 45 posts on toxic hatred ā€¦

Uvall definitely not a scared regular poster scared to show their face.

you are pathetic.

You blaming others for your own problems is why I keep showing up.

You are not a victim.

Pointing out you lie a lot is hardly being toxic, easily avoidable if you stop doing it.


Thats a new one
I thought it is the usual self-vicitimization

It seems I wasnā€™t that far off thoā€™ :thinking:
You really should just ignore him thoā€™ Uvall
But I guess, like Starney you need a hobby tooā€¦ if you find reading such things amusing :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


likewise with you kentarro ā€¦

you may act innocent but you are far from.

He said while blaming others for his own inability to stop going to a forum for a game he doesnā€™t even play anymore. Even playing the self-harm card now and pointing fingers at othersā€¦ Yeah Iā€™m the one whos pathetic :roll_eyes:

I should but itā€™s Christmas and Iā€™m just doing my part to make this forum a better place.