Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

I am lucky (?) enough to live on the outskirts of the city, semi urban, semi rural with lots of green belt land, farm land and woodland which means a lot of wildlife including foxes which scavenge the streets at nights, they pee everywhere!! and you can tell when they’ve been because the smell is… unique.

We also have fairly old style houses with massive gardens which are a boon to the scraggy little things. They screech to each other all night too which is fun, especially if they happen to be right outside your house at 3am :laughing:

Also, as a fun note, you can buy it online for… reasons…


Emperor Shaohao? No need to crown another, he is still around. Dead but never resigned his title… kept even in death
And the The Zandalari Empire is and Empire, it should have an emperor, not a king!
Emperor Dagran Thaurissan was the Emperor of the Dark Iron clan

No kink shaming here!

Always His name be blessed.

EDIT: sorry - but someone can give me some info about how to begin to play from 0 to the warhammer franchise? i know is like… askin info about star wars franchise in terms of quantity of material… but i would like to try to play a different franchise. (no i wont left wow but playin with calm now i have more time). Thanks!

Where can I buy these, then? For…

…for nothing…

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Don’t worry, I myself will be abandoning you all in 3 weeks (ish) when Hogwarts: Legacy releases :grin: wow will go to a couple of times a week whilst I follow my true calling as a witch :laughing: (and I think Anizah is going to be joining me at hogwarts which makes me a little sad it isn’t an mmo)

No idea, I just read about it on reddit.

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is the right thing to do to avoid burnout.
i just need some direction from warhammer ppl and ill give a shot. 2 years ago when i discovered original sin 2 i was away for 6 months

The Zandalari have no Empire. No territories outside of Zandalar. Just waning influence over the other Troll clans. But now the significantly weakened Zandalari have now joined the Horde this changes their standing with other Troll Tribes.
This is why they have the title of King and Queen but not Emperor and Empress.

The reign of Emperors end at death. ShaoHao is quite literally a corpse.
But yes since the Sylvannas expansion (Shadowlands) death has become completely meaningless now.

The greater discovery is that the noses of the Forsaken still work. But with how filthy they are then Vulpera that was never potty-trained are the least worst things they have sniffed.

They are practically Zombies that died to Nurgle’s rot.
The degeneracy of the Horde must be shamed.

So that is why Vulpera were welcomed into the Horde. So can get high off sniffing fox pee.
The Alliance really needs to rethink Void Elf membership. A race of junkies only care for their next high. Should their Blood Elf kin start smuggling Vulpera stuff to then this is something that we will have to purge from our ranks.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Didn’t your kind live in a glorified sauna with no baths or showers for decades only peeping out once a year to steal beer from a party?

It is practically another world underground. But yes we have clean underground currents and water supplies as well. Our water Shaman are not the most popular but they do have their uses.
Many of us do love a good drink and scrap. We need new sparring partners after 1 v 2 the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer Dwarves.

Ahem. Don’t you have Vulpera to sniff?

Sniffing and peting a Vulpera brings you luck!
It is scientifically proven!
It is good for you!
It is like a warm hug from a divorced aunt who has moved back to home from Canada

Our hunters that track Vulpera to cull their numbers report very strange behaviours. Especially when Vulpera think nobody is watching.
So Vulpera sniffers are…unfortunate.

If only this wasn’t a PS-heavy game… I’ve been wanting to try it but the fact a ton of content is PS exclusive, just puts me off. Justice for PC players!

The only vulpera related stuff I’ll smuggle will be fox fur at best.

No worries, just kidding for now. :smiling_face_with_tear: Felweed sells for a much higher price! And I can get it without harming any animals as they’re scared of the level difference of course. :herb:

So does booping their little noses. Right?

That may or may not result in a bite

It will be available to xbox and pc eventually so it’s not a massive thing. I’m not gonna go spend hundreds of pounds on a playstation just for a questline that will be available in a year on pc anyway :laughing:

Alliance hunters make a good amount of gold by selling back to the Horde races the Vulpera fur.
This is an odd thing that we have in common as many Horde dislike Vulpera as well.
Should the Vulpera leadership find out then it could cause more Horde internal conflicts.

Boop their noses. You mean with Axes - Warhammers and Lightforged Hammers. Right?
Boop boop.

Ishnu’alah, if Elune wills it.

I’m thinking of trying a Slytherin and going full evil witch/ wizard lmao.

And by then we might also get a discount during the Winter Sales with any luck :rofl:

Well maybe not, the new games almost never get one.

Yours with a staff. Behave!

We aren’t harming vulperas here. Not Kentarro, anyways.

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You deserve some old school villainy

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I will be a Ravenclaw, but I know me and if I can I will chars for each house :joy:


I wanted Ravenclaw originally but knowing myself I will be too dumb to solve riddles and be locked out of the Common room.

Hogwarts Legacy will be big! Just hope they introduce multiplayer dueling in the future. Would be fun to dual other Potterheads around the world

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