Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Just came here to say my last farewell on the forums, as it’s only fair to my forum friends before I leave. Wish you luck in life and your gaming adventures

Afenton, Starney, Soul, Dunkiee, the forum MVP’s, Kentarro, Tesla, Robokiller, Palivar, the nightborne dude sorry forgot your name :rofl: , and anyone else who I may have forgotten because I haven’t had my coffee yet.

Wish you good health, good food, and good gaming. :green_heart:

I will continue to play the game so you might catch me in-game. Just not on the forums. :smile:


Mushroom and pepperoni pizza!! :drooling_face: stuffed to bursting now though :sweat_smile:

Also this thread is doing that mad thing of pretending to have a new reply when it doesn’t :ghost: spooky…

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Where is the pineapple ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I asked Soul to make you a special pineapple pizza… I gave him some “special” pineapples grown in Tirisfal :grin:


and dont tell me - Dunks gave him the ‘special’ herbs and spices…oh wait, this is pizza no t KFC lol


I dont think people here will change unfortunately.

Have fun folks while the thread lasts :slight_smile:

They already flagging everything i post lol.

Peace n love to you all regardless


Probably :eyes: I know nothing of the secret recipe for kfpc

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you definitely seem to have a nice new outlook on life.

have to admit i have missed you quite a lot whilst youve been away.

ive certainly learned to stop being a bully and scaring my only friends away.


I have to say it was not easy to change the way i thought.

So many people were telling me the same thing over a period of 2 years.

I actually gave up and started believing what i was being told as i didnt have a support network to show me otherwise.

Even the trolling here was getting to me and i was taking it as fact.

I always thought if they are wrong about me they will always eventually realise it and return to me to talk one day sooner or later and sure enough over a period of 1 months they all slowly started reappearing in my life to say sorry to me.

It made me realise that i was actually right about myself all along just didnt have the support to confirm it.

A lot of my stuff on this forums is from a very dark place where i had no self worth and had effectively given up on myself and was just feeding off the negatives people kept throwing at my here as it was the only feedback i was actually getting.

I wasent myself at all in most of that and can only really apologise for what thats worth.

Welcome back moomon. We been missin’ ya. It be nice hearin’ dat life be improvin’ but me not sure about da relationship choices.

Dere be an easy solution to da pebble, don’t be wearin’ de shoes mon. It also help sneak in de shadows.


Just because many people say something, doesn’t mean it’s true or right.

I mean, just look at Trump supporters. :crazy_face:

That’s when you take a step back and leave the forums. Whenever I feel like the negativity on the forums are starting to affect me or anger me - I leave for months.

I’d call these fake people.

Aww noes look whos back and already “it wasn’t really my fault”



Pot kettle black much?

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it actually wasnt my fault.

it was the fault of everyone else who put the pebble in my show and made me eat a 43 pound cupcake instead of going to the gym.

ofc i am now a far better person for all my struggles but i am in no way to blame.

i actually ended up having my leg amputated to stop the pain from the pebble which is obviously all their fault too but i dont hold grudges and wont mention how everything is their fault in all 600 posts i make today.

i am the forgiving type really.

even if no one believes me ofc.


Rocks be no joke, if somemon not believin’ ya dey obviously not been hurt by one.


Not really blaming anyone tbh.

As said people here wont change, not a coincidence they been silence for months then all reappear when i post .

I put money on the fact fibbz counted the days for my return.

The people who do matter to me changed thats all that matters .

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Poor bambi… :deer:

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