Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

What kind of monster do you think I am?
Bambi is alive and well, grown up, became King of the Forest! Happy end!
This is Bambi’s mother :smiling_imp:

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Liver is not yummy :(

You are right
It is not yummy
It is delicious!!!

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Uuuuh,… :eyes:

That was the end!
Bambi, his father, Faline, and the forest animals manage to reach shelter on a riverbank after the Human hunting camp bruned down along with a part of the forets thanks to their campfire
The following spring, Faline (Bambi’s love intrest) gives birth to twins under Bambi’s watchful eye as the new King of the Forest, after his father passing the mantle to him

Or could be Great Prince of the Forest… :thinking:
Potato potahto
Speaking of deer love?

Really disappointed that no one replied to this with “is not a tomato tomahto”

Also stop posting weird food vids… I can’t watch them because I’ve blocked youtube on my parental controls but still!! We don’t need liver and hearts when bacon exists :laughing:

Damn Baconists!
:pray: :bacon:
Don’t opress other foods!
And tripe would have been the next… but mind you there is nothing weird in the edible lining from the stomachs of various farm animals!
:fork_and_knife: :fox_face: :wine_glass:

I come Yorkshire, I’ve never eaten tripe myself but it is a food I believe my people are known for…

It is also a language common on these forums :grinning:


Don’t tell me what to do.


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What is this?

a tribute to the thread where you wanted a certain someone taken out lol

Me did that? Misa musa

Is the alliance dead yet?


not yet … but i was homeless once

a very humbling experience… if you ask me personally


I see you’re still at it let me ask you this why do you hate the Alliance and the horde and why do you feel the need to want them dead do to others as you want others to do onto you.

I hate the alliance because they ruined my fun back in Bfa for the game forever.

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And how did they do that? Please do say so in details.

Oh that is easy.

1st. Alliance won all battles that came after Telrassil. No land gains and we were pushed out of serveral zones we used to control before.

2nd. We lost half of our leader cast to bad writing, death and exile.
Rastakhan, Gallywix, Nathanos, Saurfang, Sylvanas

and the replacements for them are milk toast at best and inspire less then zero faction pride. We are forced to do peace with the alliance which ruins our entire purpose in the story.

3rd. And not to forget we are forced to take quests and orders from alliance characters because none of our leaders right now have any business in the neutral story against the big bad guy. Blizzard just expects everyone to respect Anduin, Jaina and Tyrande for whatever reason.