Do NOT nerf Ulduar

nerfing ulduar on toc release is just fine

The suggested nerfs are not fine, under any circumstances. 10-20% nerf? Okay, maybe acceptable. 40%? Are you kidding me?

Thatā€™s worse than what they did to T5 content.

Agreed. Iā€™m sure that nerfing the content will satisfy some, but it will upset many others. I donā€™t have the data but is the gain/loss in satisfied customers really in their favour with this decision?

I hated Naxxramas since the first time I raided it in phase 1. It was void of any challenge and it was just a mindless lootfest. Iā€™d hate to see Ulduar get the same treatment. Ulduar as it is right now is a lot of fun.

Iā€™m in a similar position, and I much agree. My guild is fairly casual; we only raid 10mans and we do not tailor our group for maximum efficiency (i.e. we do not force people to bench, we try to be as fair as possible by granting people who bench bench-immunity). I donā€™t know if weā€™ll beat Algalon before phase 3, and it doesnā€™t really concern me. We didnā€™t beat Sartharion 3 drakes. That just means we have something to get back to, as better gear will cover for our lack of skill/coordination.

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Well 20% flat nerf to hp and damage on all bosses would be my guess at best. Nerfing it like T5 no thanks that was torture

Also do not agree with nerfs. The raid is fun because itā€™s not braindead. Realistically, even very poor guilds are managing most HM. You could maybe think about Council/Yogg0 & Ala but whatā€™s the point? Nerf them and then gear increase makes it a worse joke than Naxx.

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Already cleared all the hardmodes and got my prestigeous achievements with the dates on them, so who cares?

I will say though that for the longevity of this phase itā€™s probably a good idea if they wait a while with the nerfs so people are still inclined to do the content for the challenge.

People are already at such item levels that most hard modes are a walk in the park besides the ones that require tactics and communication like Yogg0 and Algalon. There is literally no point in nerfing it when pug groups are getting to Algalon on 10m and 25m.

According to wcl 984 out of about 12000 guilds are 54/54. Itā€™s safe to say very poor guilds are nowhere near managing most HM.

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54/54 is all hardmodes, including Algalon. Thatā€™s not what I said.

Then donā€™t do ā€˜HARDā€™ modes? Clueā€™s in the nameā€¦

Exactly like on Classic.
I remember when i was on Classic, 98% of my mate quests was backpeder lol.

Because itā€™s not official, because we at least have our expansion-ERA and from a time, players play chill.

ā€œWarmaneā€ means nothing if you donā€™t mentionne the specific realm.
Icecrown is a standard serv
Lordearon was a serv with every boss buffed at +100% HP, every damage was fkin up, not like here, and EVERY adds on boss was buffed too so it was harder than this Wotlk Classic.

Ulduar has been out for a month and two weeks, itā€™s not realistic to assume that everyone will be speeding through heroic modes, theyā€™re meant to be hard and challenging. The reason why Ulduar is still remembered as a good raid is because you could opt into the difficult fight if you wanted to, not because you needed to.

For reference:
10 Guilds got [Alone in the Darkness 25] before August 4th and the major Trial of the Crusader nerfs when Wrath originally launched.

I think it can be said that the majority of players that are attempting Ulduar now with their guild or in pugs never played the content when it was current, itā€™s not a bad thing when it takes longer to achieve something than other guilds, if anything Iā€™d say it makes it more worthwhile.

More guilds are already clearing it than in original Wrath, there is no need for nerfs in all honesty, people will get better gear and as a result will catch up.

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It could mean as its an achievement for when cata classic comes out?

Nah i have no problem with hardmodesā€¦ the problem for me is that people who are not up to doing them are actually expecting to be carried through them like itā€™s Naxx or something.

Ulduar hard modes werenā€™t even that hard I donā€™t think. My guild have more wipes on Muru and pre nerf lady vashj in TBC

You donā€™t need to be a try hard to clear ulduar hardmodes. You do however have to be awake and able to maneuver your character somewhat decently.
Itā€™s sad to see so many players who are most likely adults but they canā€™t handle that a game is a tiny bit challenging. They just want to go in, zug, get all the loot and then stop playing until the next phase. To each their own but it makes me sadge

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I could accept slight nerf on Algalonā€™s melee damage, but I donā€™t think any other hard mode requires nerf. Remember that we have boosted ilvl so getting gear automaticaly ā€œnerfsā€ Ulduar.

The fact that the classic community is so bad at the game is scaryā€¦ my guild is 20-30% dad gamers mixxed with a couple others that used to do heroic and a few ones mythic raiding 5-10 years ago and yet we cleared ulduar in week 3 no problemā€¦ we arent special, we arent fast, we have some good players that played on a high level back in the days but we also have dad gamers that can listen to the raidlead and do what they are told and thats enough to clear the raid in its ā€œhardmodeā€. a nerf to ulduar, before halfway thru toc would be terrible and killing all purpose of hardmodes. if they nerf it 3-4 weeks before ICC thats fine with me, let the omega dad gamers that cant move their character while doing a 3 button rotation clear hardmodes a couple weeks before ICC

judging from your own logs, you killed algalon week 6, nicely done. You still havent killed yogg 0 tho.

So saying the game is easy and that the players are just incredibly bad, yet it still took your guild 1.5 months to clear (nearly) all of it. Is a bit ironic isnt it ?

Even my warrior cleared it week 7 in our alt run, but i still wouldnt judge and talk trash about everyone like this.

Actually i think its time. We clear HMs on 25, but pugging HM 25 is pain in the lets not say where :slight_smile:

Just because the content is available doesnt mean its supposed to be cleared, as the matter of with the pugs iā€™ve seen taking 7 hours to clear normal ulduar, those ppl should just farm linen cloth as socials for the guilds, because the game should never be adjusted to their liking.