Do NOT nerf Ulduar

The only hard modes worth their name are Council, Algalon and Yog0. Council is a DPS gearcheck, Algalon is tank and healer gearcheck, and thus both can be solved by simply gearing your raid in other hardmodes. Yog0 is personal responsibility check and can’t really be brute-forced if half your raid are dummies. Then again all the gear drops form Yog1 which is trivial, and I kinda like that the fugly robo gnom head mount is locked behind dummy check.

I’d rate Mimiron as harder than council. Council is a gear check, Mimi is an attention-span check.


It must be nerfd

That’s probably true. It never really occured to me since we have an amazing RL who handholds the raid through it by calling out all the stacking to bait fire and spreading out, but doing Mimiron HM without voice chat and a competent leader would probably be next to impossible for many raids including ours.
Still, Yog0 is just as much of an attention check with personal responsibility on top, so yeah.

Once you get gear, the fight is trivial… We are smashing Algalon without much effort now after 2 weeks of killing him, it’s just 1 shot and done with full HM clear in 2 and half hours.

Nerfing Ulduar is going to just be very very very bad for wow.

Nerfing Ulduar because retail andies cannot handle it is just dumb.

Buff Ulduar or give a mythic difficulty. I’m surprised how easy hard mode is.

I see alot of Alzheimers here , Ulduar was nerfed in OG wotlk prior to ToC release or @toc release , whats the issue ?

As for Pservers… they NEVER work as the game was intended , played a few prior to 2019 and none of them worked properly!

ToC 10/10hc/25nm will be pointless for those in 10/25 HM gear since the buff to ulduar gear

The world will turn regardless of what any individual is doing :wink:

I quit retail a while ago but this statement is just not true. Retail endgame is way harder than Classic, even with Uld HM’s in mind.

But yeah a nerf now would be ill timed. People are still gearing up and progressing through HM’s at their own pace. Sure sweaty ‘split-runs 3-4 nights a week of raiding’ guilds have all HM’s on farm but dad guilds, of which there are more of than tryhard guilds, are still busy.

Nerf it on the eve of ToC, fine. that way we have one day of Uld and one day of ToC. Ulduar’s HM gear will remail relevant either way so no downside there.

It is already nerfed as the gear we get is better than it was back then.

Ulduar is Full fine and don’t need nerf. Just Algalon feels not so good because the mechanic suckz. Nerf dmg of algalon and buff other dmg at this boss.

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Nothing needs to change on Algalon.

totally agree

More complicated than that, i will try to break it down for you :slight_smile:

  1. we are on 3.4 version of the game (with pre-patch cata tuned characters)
  2. We have as you say ToC level gear (tnx to bump in item lvl)

Basically the “power” of the classes/characters are overtuned to the content we are currently doing (Ulduar). For instance my mage from OG wotlk (icc patch) is doing LESS dmg with the exact same spec and rotation compared to my current mage , roughly 1k-1.5k dps less on the old mage compared to the “classic” mage.

But all this does not change the fact that back in original wrath blizzard nerfed Ulduar just as much due to ToC being released and they always nerfed the “previous” raid tier when a new one arrived , i dont know when they stopped doing these nerf´s probably a long time after i stopped playing wow.

Ulduar is really easy. What people need to do is learn mechanics because unfortunately, Ulduar is a raid where you can’t have a lot people failing mechanics and die.


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