Do people actually prefer this content model to what we had in Legion and BFA?

It is a hassle because I wanna buy and sell on Ah, I don’t wanna be forced to speak to anyone.
Thays why I am only using public orders.
Hope they won’t go further with this complicated system.
But I won’t buy before I actually see whats in the xpack next time.
Once burned twice shy.

You have world content to do. And it’s not just 5 WQ.

The bolded part is your issue I think but creating a Shadowlands situation where you had to grind in 58285729 systems to get all your currencies and stuff every week/day won’t fix the issue. It will just make WoW more grindy and I hate grind, it’s the reason I quit during SL and came back in DF. I don’t miss the SL hamster wheel in the slightest.

I agree however that dungeon spammers and Raiders are getting the most content and Blizz needs to flesh out the outdoor areas even more since now the zones are bigger and have more space. But my original point is that compared to SL, DF is definitely better. I still haven’t done/explored everything in the DF zones and I have tons of fun.

Ohhh why are you comparing to Sl?That did not even have proper Ap.Doesn’t count.And it was almost the same as Df,in terms of content.
Compare to Legion or Bfa.Cause then we did have content.Lots and lots of it.
And I liked profs in Bfa,had my niches I was happy,no hassle,no talking,no complications.

And I want to buy and sell things in a more traditional way, I actually would love the possibility to set up my shop anywhere. But since we both cannot have exactly what we want why not choose the middle ground between the two? Speak to people, but if you don’t want to say much or socialise just do it for less than 2 minutes. It is not much to ask.

I actually pre-ordered. DF is awesome and me pre-ordering is like saying I trust this new direction they have taken.

I don’t want to so I am not(I already said this).Its very much to ask that when for the past I dunno how many xpacks there was no need for forced interraction to sell or buy an enchant or whatever(which was good).
Good for you.
I ll wait and see.

Because SL was forcing this grind on you similar to how Legion forced the AP grind and BFA the azerite grind. Endless grind is never good for me in the game. You might feel you are getting rewarded and therefore incentivized to do it, I feel like a hamster on a wheel running without end in sight.

Now that i finished with the mandatory grinds in DF I can choose and enjoy the content I like at my leisure and I love that. Because I care about having fun, not getting some more vertical progression out of it…

How did you manage this before Vellum was added in WOTLK ?

Classic & TBC was having to find an enchanter everytime.

But i also think it’s dumb that everything is BoP and you have to whisper all the spammers in chat for crests or crafts.

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I started to play in Mop…So didn’t take part in the original classic era.

It is quite annoying indeed.

What grind?SL?anima was useless.
Problem with Sl was lack of content and delving into the realm of death and robots(which should ve never happened).

I played alts in Legion and in Bfa.It was not such a grind some people make it.

And profs you could jump on an alt and do your thing,now unless you have renown its not doable.And grinding KP is different from just leveling the recipes(very long and exhausting).

Bottom line.I liked my Leggos to drop from actual kills,not crafts.(thats one more reason why Sl is closer to Df than others)
I liked doing wqs cause they mattered.
Profs were easy to pick up and you did not need a phd or to be social.

We had classic & TBCC from 2019 until 2022 as well.

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I did say original didn’t I?
The 2019 was a re release.
But anyway,I did not care for end game content so no need for enchants.I only play that for the leveling,the journey.
Cause leveling is fun and long(just the way I like it)there.
Retail has to much emphasis on the end game.

Thing is SL didn’t have just anima (which initially was no useless) it had other things like the ashes for legendaries and the like. SL merely avoided using a single singular currency and opted to using many.

And getting some kind of currency was not the only form of grind. I remember very well I quit during the Korthia patch because I calculated for how much time I needed to do all quests in Korthia every single day in order to unlock everything Korthia-related (which gave some useful armor pieces as well). And the result was more than 2 months. Two months of mandatory grind? The same and the same quests at the same location???

I was so disappointed I uninstalled WoW. Not only because of the repetitiveness of it but because this grind took way too much time on a daily basis.

IMO it had plenty of content, it was just forced down your throat, especially Torghast. In the beginning I loved Torghast, found it really interesting. During 9.1 I was already sick of it due to how many times i ran it.

I agree on that as well. It’s not that is shouldn’t have happened, it is that it was handled poorly. But that lore, and we were discussing content and gameplay.

Compared to what you have already learned about your class, the boss mechanics etc etc proffs in DF could be considered straightforward… :rofl:
It was just not interesting to you because apparently it’s just a way to make money for you. I actually loved the fact we have more control than ever over our gear in DF.

Look man, I could go on and on about how love DF for many reasons. But in order to understand you better I have to ask, what content would you add to DF? Just more WQs? Because we already have 6-7 zones with WQs+World Events already. Do you think that if WQs were refreshed on a daily basis you would enjoy DF more?

While I get you, for me it’s not fun when all my friends are doing end game content and I am stuck on leveling. Sure the journey to 70 has its moments but IMO you cannot focus too much on it. If I wanted a single player campaign I wouldn’t play an MMO… And leveling on a 20 year old game is a lonely experience most of the time.

One aspect I don’t like about the modern design, is that it revolves around seasons and season goals.

I notice this playing Diablo IV, that it’s really just about getting through the Season Journey and the Battlepass, and then you’re done. The game’s progression is entirely structured around those systems, and once they’re depleted, then the game appears hollow and meaningless.

And WoW appears to slowly move toward a similar design.
Get AOTC, KSM, and so on. And then you’re done until next Season.
You can hang around and grind cosmetics and farm old content, but beyond that and some FOMO stuff, the game doesn’t really offer much reason to stay engaged.

And nostalgia be damned, but I liked it better in the old days when I always wanted to be in Azeroth because someone had to defend Astranaar from Horde attacks, or supply the guild’s raid team with Winterfall Firewater, right?

These days it’s predictable. I know what a Season entails. I know what I have to do. I do it. And then I’m done. It works for some games, but I don’t think it works well for an MMORPG like WoW. It’s not a design direction I approve of.

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No man here.
Not only Wq,though it would ve been nicer to have more of them.And to get them to drop at least something more than explorer gear or supplies(which I really don’t need).
But another good solo activity like previous xpacks had.
Which I know WW will have but I am still sceptical to how well it will be tuned,gear and difficulty wise.
Btw I actually liked Korthia.Did not see it as a grind at all.And Torghast was once a week,not really a grind.(by that logic the weekly accord is a grind).
Sorry I get you love Df.I don’t and nothing someone will say will change my mind.

Mmo does NOT mean you have to play with others.
It just means you exist in the same world and can interract if you want.In any way you want.Emphasis on want.
Common missconception is that it means being 24/7 glued to other people.


I apologize I didn’t know… Lady? Miss? Whatever I guess…

The thing is that we already have an insane amount of variety in WQs. As for the quantity of them, well… I struggle doing half of them now, more of them would be useless to me at least…

Some quests and world events give you adventurer gear and Emerald Dream world bosses can drop champion level gear. If you don’t push M+ stones or Raids I am not sure how better gear than that is useful to you in any way though…

Could you exemplify?

Although if the outdoor world is doable with the gear you already have I am not sure why you would want higher ilvl, they say that at its maximum difficulty it will award one item of Heroic Raid ilvl per week.

Difference is that the accord weekly basically completes itself as you do other things. Not to mention that right now is no mandatory at all. I can ignore it if I don’t feel like doing it and I will lose nothing of high significance. Because whatever useful it gave, it did so the first two weeks of the expansion, now its rewards are really insignificant.

That’s fine. Tastes don’t change because of a discussion. I am merely trying to understand the other side while providing a different point of view to them.

Of course MMO doesn’t mean that. And I know that today an MMO without solo content basically sabotages itself.
However, personally I don’t see any value in playing an MMO alone when I have the choice of playing other games which are designed exclusively around the single player experience and therefore have better single player content than any MMO could ever hope so.

Well its Lady…jeez that sounds so formal…Woman hehe…better.

If it will be good tuning wise (delves)I would not mind Hc gear at the end.If its impossible then it will be sad.I ll see in the milions of streamer videos though.

I want better gear.Its as simple as that.No hidden reason nothing.I just want to feel like my char is progressing power wise(if I use it in some way or not does not matter)

Because I like Wow,well lets say I like the feeling,being horde,the music in certain places,some old zones,some old chars.Like Sylvanas,Ilidan.I love my Dh,the gameplay it has.Stuff like this.

Yeah I get it, our ape brains love to see numbers grow and vertical progression. But what awaits you at the end of it? Go with an alt and do it all over again? I don’t know my lady, to me it looks like folly. I have a friend who played having the exact same priorities while being an alt-o-holic and gearing up basically 7-8 alts each expansion. Now his burnout is so severe he doesn’t want to play WoW again.

And he admits he really doesn’t know why he doesn’t feel anything while playing WoW anymore. Well, I believe I know, and the reason must be he was playing only to progress vertically with his characters.

Pretty sure they will be overtuned at first and will be nerfed later in classic Blizzard fashion.

Fair point.

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Seasons are at this point one of the biggest reasons why WoW struggle to retain players. Having mmo what invalidates your progress every few months only creates apathy towards gear progression. WoW doesnt have any content what would create desire to actualy play game. Entire wow content can be experienced solo and gear have no value. Mounts, pets, titles and other stuff are no longer interesting becouse there is just too many of them and Blizzard constanly invalidates those rewards by catch up systems and welfare systems introduct later into exp.

I recetly boosted my mage and he literaly got 421 itemlvl full DF flying unlocked and 20 renow for all factions minus 10.2.

How in the hell can someone feel good about their progression when i literaly after 1y of not playing game got on same level of progress with press of the button. Anywax i unistalled retail and waiting for season of discovefy at this point.

I share this sentiment as well.

The epiphany is of course that if you ignore all the progression and rewards and just look at the gameplay content at face value, then it’s garbage. You would never ever in a million years engage in any of WoW’s gameplay content for its own sake. It’s simply not compelling enough.

What hooks you is the satisfaction from acquiring some vanity reward, a progression item, or a story conclusion. That’s the juice that makes players chop through all those otherwise mundane activities.

But as you point out, then it gets watered down over time.
Getting a mount was very satisfying the first time, but the 435th time it’s far less satisfying.
As a reaction it feels like Blizzard have gone into overdrive and just started hurling more rewards and items and stories in people’s faces, recognizing that a single mount isn’t going to compel the player much anymore – so just give him 10!
But it’s a short-term solution and at least personally the realization has dawned that I’m just banking all these mounts and transmogs and pets and tabards with no care or interest at all. It’s all gotten completely watered down at this point. It’s meaningless.

Diablo IV and Overwatch are sort of if in the same design space. An endless stream of cosmetics and skins and what not. And like, how am I supposed to care about 99% of it? They’re meaningless additions to the games.
So you start looking at what there is to the games besides all those cosmetic additions, and you realize there ain’t much.
And it’s the same in WoW. If you don’t want to chase an endless amount of cosmetics or farm BiS gear, what does the game even have to offer beyond its immediate story playthrough?

Not much, is my current conclusion.