I’m not asking this to be salty or aggresive, I’m asking because I’m genuinely concerned. This game says it’s an MMO (Massively multiplayer online) yet if more than 70 people converge in the same spot pretty much the whole city lags. Why would 70+ people meet, I hear you asking? Well…why shouldn’t they? That’s a fun thing the game was made for. Now with the passing of that streamer last week there have been people filling the cathedral in argent dawn and the whole city block was experiencing lag. Some weeks ago people were complaining about asmongold and his large following causing lag. I didn’t take part in the cathedral thing and neither do i watch asmongold’s stuff but are these people really to blame? When an MMORPG’s servers can’t handle the MMO part they may need an upgrade and since Blizz isn’t this indie 15$ company anymore they should look into it. Thanks for reading my rant.
It’s hard to tell from an outside perspective. But I would suspect that the server power itself isn’t the problem. To my knowledge similar get togethers on classic work fine (or atleast a lot better).
I would suspect that the continious incremental upgrades left wow with a lot of convoluted, poorly optimized code. But again there’s no way to tell without official information. This is just speculation.
Whatever is going on I hope it gets resolved soon
They really do I think its to do with less spell effects IE corruption and azurite traits going off all over .
Might also have to do something with sharding. Classic servers are self contained. On retail on the other hand every player can enter every server depending on the group he’s in. Making all that data available everywhere can be a big challenge.
I can’t really remember when this started happening.
I do agree though. This shouldn’t be happening as often as it is. I see it especially in epic battlegrounds like isle and it just is no fun pvping with that lag.
You know I do wonder if it’s a server problem or just most people’s PCs are unable to deal with this many people in one place.
Should be server related. The pc not being able to handle that many players would result in stuttering (low fps). The lag we are refering to is the game running fine, but all the skills happening delayed and players teleporting all over the place since the position updates are delayed aswell.
The only other explanation would be the network of the player’s pc not being able to handle that much data. But I’d say that is rather unlikely.
In that Epic Battleground ( Forgot the name ), the one where you have to breach through the gates of the ennemy’s base by capturing the docks to get the glaive throwers or the factory to hop onto a zepellin, everytime most of the horde/alliance rushes the docks leading to around ~50-60 players in one spot.
The first minute of the fight is just a massive lagspike that turns into a litteral slideshow where my abilities take at least 5 seconds to pop off after I pressed the key.
And I don’t think it’s my computer being too weak given that I have a ryzen 5 3600, 16GB of ram and a vega 56. It’s definitly the servers not being able to handle all the sh*t going on at once. Now wether it’s activision being stingy and cutting every corner by not getting proper servers or the game engine just not being optimized for all the new stuffs/effects that’s been added over the year is another story.
Isle of Conquest
That’s exactly the one I was refering to and probably the worst one in regards to lag.
It will solve some fps issues but not lag from having many people in a single area, that is what Blizzard needs to improve on.
There was a video posted ages ago of 2 large scale PvP battles on both official and private servers, private servers were able to handle the load so much easier and the official server was basically frozen with some spell effects happening. Considering Blizzard has the money and infrastructure they should have better servers and/or coding to deal with these scenarios better than private servers do.
I agree something needs to be done I wasn’t saying otherwise but I do think corruptions and traits do not help with the servers having to deal with all that info going on with procs and such like .
Don’t forget the addons constantly scanning the servers too.
Feels like the servers can handle what the developers have put into the games sometimes .
Doing a heroic warfront and massive lag spikes when some corruptions were going off ect.
Nah … /s
i lag everyday on high pop servs
Quite frankly: World of WarCraft is an old game. The architecture is old. There’s probably only so much that can be done, at this point, without moving over to a whole new construct - that is, a new game.
Then you haven’t played Ashran half a year ago, that one was unplayable 90% of the time, not just the first minute. They reduced the lag by capping the amount of players. Sadly it’s still present though.
So random proccs ruined the game in more ways that we even thought.
Perils of playing on full realms and not being offered free transfers OUT. Nobody wants to pay to move to the boonies.
I play on Draenor (horde) and Ravencrest (ally) and zones like Uldum or Nazjatar often have about 500ms server lag ON TOP of your latency (especially wednesday assault zones). Your GCD often runs out sooner than you see your ability actually fire. It’s maddening. I have 50-57ms latency. There’s just no way to use up the entire 0.75 SECOND GCD to launch instant ability.