Do we need currency to buy M+ gear?

Hear me out, since we are all doing M+ and not receiving any loot. I did 10 runs and got one piece of gear. Wasted all my weekend on doing M+ and not gaining one ilvl. While my guild members are raiding and are almost 200 ilvl… (There is a to huge gap to raiders and M+ and yes i know BFA it was different, but the gap is maybe a little bit to big?)

Why not give currency, 10 pieces of currency is one piece of loot. I mean the raid has it (sort of) So why not M+? At least this way, it is less RNG. There is just to much RNG in M+ right now. Also if you dont time your key it is a waste of time for 90% of your party.

Because i agree, you should not get overwhelmed with loot. But then again, you should feel rewarded for finishing an M+ dungeon. 35 Anima is a slap in the face.
Yes we have the great vault, but thats just one silly piece of loot.

(Maybe i should just do one high key each week and be done with it, M+ is not worth it at all)


Copy and pasting a comment I left on a thread about a currency system literally an hour ago because the search function is so hard for some people apparently

Cry me a river, want to discuss the idea. Because i like it!


The purpose of m+ is the vault, Blizzard made it clear they don’t want players gearing up from endless drops of no lockout content.

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Yep. It sucks early on in a season [i.e. where we are now] but it’s absolutely a benefit later on [i.e. when “M+ pushing” actually becomes a thing] due to the vault’s bloated iLvl on the M+ row.

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timed run gives 2 items, so it’s only 1 down from bfa

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I know but thats just one piece of loot each week. And i know we should not be able to gear up so fast. But i think it is a bit to extreme now and SO MUCH RNG. One guy gets away with 4 pieces of loot in 10 runs, and another with 0. That hurts, and the 35 anima hurts even more.

Exactly, but if you dont have it timed. It is only one! ONE PIECE OF LOOT FOR 5 PEOPLE. You are better of just leaving the dungeon if you cant time it.

i’m a casual player, but had quite some time this weekend since my GF had to work all weekend. But it felt like a hugggeeeee waste of time doing M+

Why did you bother to link that terrible lie and flawed post?

You realize that in BFA almost all m+ drops got vendored? The main benefit of this system is that not everyone feels forced to spam m+ non-stop early on to get geared up vs other content in the game.

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This is exactly why people farm lower M+ than their push level. (and people leave when it all goes wrong). For gearing you better time 2 levels lower dungeons than pushing keys that very often fails.

But I get excited and motivated by knowing I can get the item I want…

RNG makes me try less than currencies.

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Yeah thats the problem… Why push the key if it is better to do lower key’s… Thats counter productive if you ask me, and it loses the sole purpose to push higher keys.

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Go purchase a calendar if that’s your thing. If you shop around, the end of the month is a real exciting day as you get to flip to the next raunchy pin-up!

We get it, you dont like the idea. But do you think the system we have now is actually good? Do you even did M+?

It’s all light hearted humour. I’m not that dense, I get why people would prefer a currency-driven system. It’s just not my thing, and was honestly one of the biggest reasons I stopped playing FF14.

And M+ is pretty much all I’ve done on the “end-game” scale since Legion begun. I think it’s fine as long as the quality of the items is good. Which it is because we don’t have extra-RNG layers on the stuff that drops.

What you’re asking for is not weird or out of the ordinary and existed if you played in the past.

Tokens were a fine system that we originally had. You did runs, got tokens from each boss, if nothing dropped after x amount of runs, you could buy what you needed

The RNG is what kills me, not the lack of loot. It feels like a kick in the balls everytime som1 gets a weapon and im still using a blue.

But mah rio score :smiley:

Yup, the idea of +1 item for timing should go. Just give 2 items per finished run. For loot it is way better to do 2 25 minute +6 runs timed than +8 playing your but off for 62 minutes for 1 item in the whole group.

Yeah Do we need currency to buy M+ gear? - #19 by Psjohly-argent-dawn

Exactly and also discourages people to try to get timed higher keys. And also to pick non-meta classes in their line-up… It is actually really counter-productive.

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