Do you actually enjoy the state of this game?

Last time I played was Shadowlands season 1 and I quit for obvious reasons. Just came back a week ago and I’ve been trying it out but I can not fathom why anyone would still play this game for pvp. There’s barely any interesting abilities in this game anymore and the ones that are left have ridiculous cds or have been butchered. CC feels absolutely irrelevant and it’s basically just nothing but mindless dpsing.

I knew it was bad but this is unbelievable to me. Do you actually still play this game for pvp?

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Theres no PvP games even remotely close to what we have in WoW
Also SL s1 was fun, lots of pve ppl quing, fast glad push, beautiful mount, pvp gear working in pve hence to high ilvl

You look like a type that always complains, just stop playing and don’t spread negativity


PvP is okish, some says CC now is more relevant then before.
Last expansion in general was balance wise okish, was ups and downs, like ultra OP palas for some time, but its part of rpgmmo.
New builds, some new skills ect. Cant keep going with same as usual for 20 years.
Cos of RSS can play any spec what you prefer. Wont get declined just cos your spec aint FOTM.
Prepatch not the best for testing pvp, same as low level pvp.

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Not really pvp is the deadest it’s ever been on a massive decline.

People only q shuffle to grab rewards and call it.

Core abilities are either removed or irrelevant, and as you say the most ridiculous and terrible abilities persist like SL covenant spells.

Completely correct observation.

Not to be negative Andy but tww is just a 70 euro patch for DF with yet another talent tree.

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Do you even play this game?

Any coordinated cc comp spins your healer unable to play whole game
Theres a massive backlash of cc blowt, and then someone says cc is irrelevant


what they mean probably is setup cc and not this micro cc garbage we have currently.

Current cc is more frequent in general but shorter duration. it used to be really long and back to back if noone stopped the cc chain and mostly was hard casted or rquired some sort of setup.

Setup comp are terrible, the only one being really good is assa rmx and you win just cause of disgusting dmg.

Sure micro cc is a big issue but normal cc aren’t that strong especially with healer 1m30 trinket.

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Idk every setup based comp doing ez 10 sec CC every dr rotation, I played healer till glad last ssn, afked half games vs cc comps screaming partners how to rotate their cds

yes, you know in the glorious time where you could get 1 sheep for 10 seconds on itself? :slight_smile: later 8 seconds and this was one single ability. Into a 8 second fear (16 second cc by 2 abilities)

Current game is much more disruptive and has so many cluster micro cc with many pseudo interrupts and overall insane mobility by everyone.

Somehow for me it feels like a council raid encounter with annoying mechanics, thats why i just tip in from time to time just getting a fast elite set and dip out.

Maybe its just because i was used to it cause of when i started playing this game, but i preferred the way cc was present in wrath/cata and mop more than how it is now since mythic + was implemented.

You will not want to play this game with old CC, one mage could get you off the game for 20 seconds, thats 100% not fun
And not healthy for the game, I hate micro cc but old CC been much worse

I don’t. I’m sick and tired of the no skill high damage meta, in which I am CCed 90% of every fight.

eeh i actually play this with wrath and cata classic :smiley:

some masochistic vibes over there :grin:

Garbage gameplay, it needs to be slower and more methodical not just pve rotation fest with milion micro ccs dampening waiting room, utter garbage gameplay.
Infinite mobility on almost all classes (mages have what 4 blinks now ? and DH can still catch them up, using port as warlock used to mean something now dh/war/ww is on your port 1 or 2 globals after u pressed it) , 1sec cyclone casts with possibility of providing aura master (any1 that is anywhere near high rated in pvp understands how utterly easier is to fake cast with a 1sec cc cast, it is the most skilless thing u can imagine in pvp) no uniqueness to almost any spec aka enha and resto shaman has thunderstorm, all 3 specs have earth shield, all 3 specs can have spiritwalk, enhance can have double earthen now ???
Unimaginative talents like Burrow? really are shamans moles now or what, i get it they needed a def cd because gameplay is trash but come on.

Thats just shamans, can make a wall of text going through every other class as well.

These talent trees are simply the worst, they just threw everything that ever existed in there because they have no idea how to make a spec, its suposed to give some “classic” talent feeling but its just a scam , half of the spells are completely useless (did any1 ever use channel demonfire in last 3-4 expansions?? 90% of ppl prolly dont even know this spell is in game except warlocks that avoid it).
Throwing sh*t and hope it sticks is the ideology behind talent tree , gameplay is just a reflection of that.



I can barely cast anything due to the amount of CC, lmao. Nobody interrupts, they just spam everything they have on you to stop you from casting.

If anything, amount of CC needs to go down so people are actually FORCED to use their interrupts to stop casts. I’ve been playing rated blitz on my druid as balance lately and it takes ages to even get into an eclipse if I don’t have instant starfires to use because it’s impossible to cast wrath or starfire because you just get absoutely spammed with CC whenever you try to do that. It’s ridiculous and they need to do something about it.

The issue is cc is used to stop casts/dmg cos its not enough to land a kill so in the end every game is just a dmg check.

Thats funny cos i’ve faced some of highest rated rmps on ladder and they literally said something like dont cc healer just do dmg, stop dmg and win in damp, i believe rmp is supposed to be the setup based comp however well its just damp as everything else.

It makes perfect sense vs some comps, but not sure that this rule works all the time no matter the comp they face

sheeping is now the rogues job in rmp funny wise :smiley: cause getting a 4 sec gouge is just more consistant than sheeping for setups^^


Get rid of precog then people will actually try to interrupt again.

I did enjoy pvp during this expansion. Pretty much played throughout all seaons which i haven’t done the last couple of expansion. I must note that i’m a casual player that mostly pugs RBG group (which has been a pain because of all the gatekeeping).
The last season RBG was pretty much dead.

I’ve canceled my sub.
Curious how the solo queue RBG will play out.
I just want to see how the next season/expansion plays out before i’m going to “invest” more time and money into the game.