Do you have to RP on Argent Dawn?

if u wanna play ally and on a not toxic realm there isnt any other server only other high/full pop realms are full of toxicity

if you roll on an RP realm with the explicit intent to not RP at all you’re as silly as someone trying to buy a car at a bike store
and if everyone flees a ‘toxic’ realm to go to a ‘non toxic’ realm that realm will just become toxic


not really RP realms have a good AH for certain things and ppl are generally less toxic on RP realms.

And lets say u just wanna chill on alliance with casual raiding then AD would still be a good choice sure there are more guilds on other realms but there is a decent amount of casual guilds here

And who is everyone? Not every single person will leave a server just cuz its toxic

First of all RP realms are made for rpers, second I’ve seen plenty of toxic coming from non rpers often when I advertise my guild on alliance general or trade channels.

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In this context everyone who came to AD without the intent to RP at all ever
And don’t go down the ‘you expect rp 24/7?’ route, that’s been answered too a million times before
(wiped it had to rewrite)

Price gouging because RPers want certain looks?

Pretty much, why I left to other servers AH for cheaper mogs.

yea and without non rp ppl there server will end up like the sha’tar

i havent seen any myself but ofc that doent mean it isnt happening

:clown_face: kinda toxic but okay

ig i dont use the AH on AD much myself since i prefer making gold that isnt very profitable on AD


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No one talked about going down the rp route 24/7 so idk why u think that was where i was gonna go with it

Because it’s used often enough to warrant shutting it down before it’s mentioned

nah the idea of going that route is just dumb in the first place ill happily say that

Alliance general chat is nearly always toxic and edgy af, surprised they dont get banned, some of the stuff they talk about is disgusting so not shocked to see them trolling rp’ers.

idk about that but there are some trolls for sure

They talk about stuff thats very 18+ constantly in general, I see it alot, not saying 24/7, but its very very common, and just generally edgy comments for the sake of it.

Why I ceased advertising there, the toxicity and lack of understanding is astounding, thou not unexpected, was even called a criminal just for advertising a crime RP guild.
Another reason non rpers do not belong here and that less is indeed better if the toxicity is cut greatly.

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yep cuz a couple of trolls represent every non rper on AD ofc makes sense :clown_face:

There isn’t a single reason the presence of oocers benefit the rp community, so yeah, and it’s not “a couple” it’s the majority.

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yea sry for keeping ur realm alive if it wasnt for ooc’ers the server would be a low pop realm with little to no mats, pots, enchants, glyphs, tmog and base items for legendary’s etc etc and the little amount of those things that are avaible will be hella expensive making rp players either play another realm or buy wow tokens to be able to get the legendary’s

You dont keep the server alive for rp’ers lol, plenty of rp’ers do content and would likely not charge half as much for rp type items in AH, OOCers do not benefit the rp community.