Do you have to RP on Argent Dawn?

I think RP servers should be used for RPing.

Your argument rests on faith, then.

Nothing you won’t dismiss as a useless anecdote.

I shall endevor to expand the qualifiers of The Last Officially Approved Server That Operates As Intended for your convenience in particular.

Your argument is “other RPing communities exist, hence AD shrinking and bleeding RPers is no loss, people will just move”. And sell their houses to who, Ben?!


Says you.

It’s all these things and more, and I just want the non-RPers to join us and grow our dwindling community, not crowd us out until we’re two small, mutually exclusive guilds sniping over discord.

This was never my argument.

You’d have to concede a single point and you won’t.

To you?

I’m right, you’re wrong. Nana nana booboo.

I don’t hate myself enough for that.

While my useless anecdotal evidence has non-RPers mocking RPers, assuming us incompetent at the game (kicking ADers from dungeons) and deserving of being mocked into irrelevance.

Rules you argued aren’t necessary, as I’m putting up an elitist qualifier for what’s a real RP server.

These chill non-RPers should join us and have fun. That’s all I want.

Other than sleep.


Cool, cool. How is this statement connected to the argument about non-official WoW platforms not counting as WoW RP communities?

“it is not about this”, “oh, let’s make it about this!”
Also, the “I have a hard time believing that bit” is not based on faith alone: in this very discussion you manipulated and cherry-picked your own anecdotal experience choosing what is “relevant” and what is not based on your already-established bias. See here:

or here:

Better than nothing at all, still. No? Tbh, I did also offer my experience, and it’s not like you have considered it at all. Which is fine – anecdotes by themselves aren’t a solid argument. But let’s not pretend that they are.

Below, the two statement directly contradict one another:


A contradiction is a state where at least one of the two statements has to be false. Namely, the idea that AD is the ‘last server’ that offers RP is false: you yourself point out that the previous concept lacked qualifiers, and indeed there are other [official] RP servers that still have communities and offer RP.
Hence, by the other premise and the introduction of new qualifiers, it follows that The Last Server concept is false and misleading. It’s not just something I am saying.

Another strawman. I thought I made myself clear but it doesn’t hurt to clean it up for clarity:
NonRoleplayers aren’t the cause for the shrinking of the roleplay community. Blaming them is both wrong and won’t solve the situation. The cause for the bleeding and shrinking are other factors - namely the poor management of the game (from a PR, gameplay and storytelling pov) and community feuds.
If it were true that nonRPers cause guilds and communities to collapse, we would see this happen especially where the imbalance is greater: namely, the Dalaran community and the smaller servers, which is where the interaction is bound to happen more frequently. But these two communities haven’t been harmed [by nonRPers] and continue their business as usual even among nonRPers.
It therefore follows that having nonRP folks won’t harm roleplayers and we can share the space with them.
I hope it clarifies it for you.

You argued that a majority of nonRPers affects the purpose of the server as their mere presence chokes out roleplayers. Additionally, you’ve then stated that roleplayers are exposed to mockery and hostile behaviour from nonRPers.
Indeed, you then reinforced the claim when you contested the possibility that these two approaches to the game exist together as, in your words, nonRPers remove the purpose of an RP server and “bully roleplayers into submission”.
When I argued that an increasing numbers of nonRPers doesn’t decrease the amount of RP, you directly denied that and used military imagery. You’re implying everywhere that the two categories are bound to fight one another, with the roleplayers being at a disadvantage, especially when they are in the same location.

So, yes, it really feels like you’re telling me that sharing spaces with nonRPers is bad. How else should I read all these statements?


Just wait until she lashes at you in petty combat.
(I feel bad for these puns tbh)

RP good.
Little bit of RP good.
Lots of RP good.
RP all of the time good.
RP some of the time good.

RP none of the time bad.

It’s that simple. Last surviving RP server, like a dying flame were trying to keep alive by fanning it frantically. Interest in RP? Good. None? See above. Do you have to RP 24/7? No, whos saying that? A drop of interest and the want to try is more than enough. But if you can’t be bothered then you’re making things worse.


AD has more guilds than Defias Brotherhood and Die Aldor put together, and they’re pretty much the only allegedly active non-AD RP servers on the mighty EU data centres. AD is where the vast majority of RPers are based and it’s telling that almost all the largest guilds are essentially purely content-based and have no RP presence at all - the one light in the shining darkness being Eminence, of course.

you’re looking in the early 100s in ranking before you start to see any fully-fledged RP guilds! not 100% sure of their methodology but it supports my own experience that way, way too much of AD’s population is here for anything but RP.

acting like we’re one of many thriving servers is nonsense, frankly - we’re teetering on the edge as it is.

I understand the desire to correct tomfoolery but feeding trolls is like feeding pigeons, it makes them keep coming back for more while they defecate all over the place


You being right is like feral being good this patch. Which is to say, it’s not, and neither are you.

And you know I am right, no need to deny it. ; )

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I had characters on Defias Brotherhood for most of Warlords and didn’t realise there’s any RP going on in there.

There is no RP on Defias Brotherhood, or on any other “RP” server. RP on Earthen Ring ceased to exist about 8 years ago.

Zaphius is talking out of his backside, as usual.


Which one is it: there is RP but it’s scarce, or there isn’t?

Also the number isn’t really something that matters for my argument. Just -if- there is a community.

[source missing]

on this server cluster you see four or more RP guilds that have been recruiting in the last month, two of those guild sporting 100+ members, the third 90+ and the other 50+.

Even assuming that most are alts (let’s say 4/5 of the guilds?) that’s easily more than 60 people. And this is counting only the guilds that have been active on their forums in the last month.

Seems like you’re the one making stuff up huh.

Those servers seem pretty much dead.
At least a lost cause with few tryna scrape together what’s left.
Everybody came to AD 'cause… yea.

I think most people came to AD because AD just had a better offer in terms of quantity, and usually that implies quality too.

This was likely the major downfall for these servers, what mutilated the population: a bigger, more popular and populated server. (akin to what happens with migration from small cities to a metropolis)

It wasn’t harassment and number imbalance that made RP impossible, how could these people keep their community going for so long? Clearly it was other factors.

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Tbf I’m willing to believe the servers were abandoned for mixed reasons;
Mainly because AD grew and people wanted to be on the most popular server.
Slightly because people gave up and mainly did OOC content?
Harassment… I’m not sure happened as a main factor, personally speaking, that is.
It’s possible it could’ve been a source of people leaving? Possibly not.
Nobody knows -for sure- why -most- people left, though some probably did leave from harassment.

Thought about this a bit over the last few days and honestly, I think the whole ‘people look down on role-players so people stop role-playing’ thing is just a bit odd. I’ve always seen roleplaying as a niche hobby and so do a lot of other people but it’s never stopped me or any of my friends in any part of the community from wanting to role-play.

Someone making fun of us for doing something inherently nerdy just isn’t really something that registers because… well, we’re nerds. We play WoW, which is already a niche hobby.

Majority of people I’ve spoken with don’t RP on Argent Dawn anymore because they either find elements of the RP community toxic OR they’ve quit role-playing on AD because they’ve quit wanting to pay for a sub to role-play on a game they’re not enjoying.

Do feel as if the ‘ooc players takin’ muh space!’ thing, while maybe cumbersome to the immersion of some, is not ultimately what’s going to destroy role-playing in this community.


Yeah, okay.

But then you see this:

And this:



He really does not help his case when the first two threads speak of the realm being dead a and ask about a merge with AD haha.

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It’s not about RPers feelings being hurt, it’s about a non-RP majority normalising not RPing on a RP server.

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The total activity of the server is not relevant. The point is exactly to prove that there is a small RP community, not that the server has big numbers.

If anything it furthers proves that nonRPers aren’t that bad as their absence is cause of discomfort.

AD is probably ur best choice then if u dont want a dead server.

AD is the best server if you want to RP, if not, there are plenty of other servers that are also full.

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