Do you have to RP on Argent Dawn?

What part of:

Did your brain failed to understand?

Edit: Never had I called you a troll, simply that your arguments made no sense.

To be frank, I am in a raiding community where the majority actually -are- rp’ers and we’ve been managing to clear heroic pretty consistently since Dazar’Alor. And that’s including getting enchants and food/alchemy stuff, we get most of that ourselves too ( Even if it is only through dumping mats on our raidleader who then crafts us the stuff we need), and I have been making my own Legendary boe belts myself on my blacksmith.

My dislike of OOC’ers is not as prevalent as that of some of the other posters in this thread, and a player that just minds their own business and leaves me be gets no trouble from me either, but the notion that RP’ers -need- full-time OOC’ers is ludicrous at best.

Although I -have- to admit that thanks to them I did manage to make 2 million gold from selling belts on AH ( I checked who my buyers were out of curiosity) so… thanks for that?

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I think thats what puts alot of people off OOC’ers though, is that they dont all stick to themselves, alot of them grief rp and flock together and inhabit entire districts and towns that could be rp’d in, its not just OOC’ers either, but the other filthy side of rp, its not like removing OOC’ers would give rid of every issue or if they even just stayed out of the way of certain areas if they wasnt doing anything so others could immerse/rp there, there are other issues also that need to stop but removing huge OOC presence from certain areas would certainly help to improve the opinion of their presence from rp’ers, I would imagine so anyhow.
Edit: and ofc griefing, it seems this “yeah lol let all OOC’ers come we all pay a sub n should use any realm for any desire” mentality is so on the tiny off chance some dont grief us? its not great.

Actually, this is pretty much the same thing:

So, yes, you did indeed call me a troll previously. But don’t worry if

I forgive you.

I think this is great!

Although as a minor note, I will add one thing: I remember a player who dunked on nonRPers on the forums while, in the meantime, he was playing on a PvE raiding guild with me. At the same time, he’d also join a community of RPers and raid with them.
You could say that he alone helped these role-players. But in a situation such as the one I mentioned, I think that PvE raiding guild helped them aswell, even if indirectly (by helping said player acquire the gear which he’d use to help others, aswell as share with him infos on how to play his class etc)!

If being a contrarian=troll to you, then you are the one calling yourself a troll mate, but I’m glad you cleared that out.
Have a nice day.

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A contrarian for a contrarian’s sake*

can I ask you

because that’s your own quote

It’s quite fine thank you.

It’s yours that need work there. Or is your ego that bruised, that you refuse to see the difference?

Perhaps you can elaborate further. What is the difference between these two?

Contrarian: Someone who lives to just disagree.

Troll: Someone who just makes a nuisance out of himself only to poke reactions out of people for attention.

Clear enough for you?

Edit: Which the guy I was really mentioning did with silly responses and over use of “funny” emojis.

Can spend months if not years debating why ppl who use the realm for its function should welcome those who have zero intention of.
Cannot spend any time whatsoever building their desired “chill vybe” elsewhere even with bloated numbers apparently seeking the same?
Sratches chin and goes shop

Ehh. I wouldn’t know: as far as I know, a contrarian is simply someone who disagrees with a majority of people, regardless of their reasons.
But you said a contrarian for a contrarian’s sake. There is a huge difference, and that’s my problem. Someone who does it for the sake of a contrarian is not just someone who disagrees with a majority but also someone who has no ulterior motive other than the disagreement itself.
So three criteria apply here:
i) hold a position against the majority,
ii) not care about it specifically but rather care only about the fact that it is the position that the majority doesn’t hold
iii) hold it to create a reaction out of it, such as upsetting others

It kinda fits the criteria for a troll. So, yes, you did call me a troll.
Honestly I’m not one, I’m just a normal contrarian - in that I do hold the position against the majority of people here, but points ii) and iii) don’t apply to me.

Again. You assume people should listen to you, a rude dude on the web, and change server. Don’t you see any flaw with this? (hint: people won’t give a damn about what you tell them to do)

Did not, that’s only your own opinion on the matter, I already explained. I didn’t called you a troll, you jumped to that conclusion on your own.

Would be great if rp’ers who adored OOC presence just made alts on OOC realms, alas, we have to suffer your kind, still, dont expect a red carpet and trumpets I guess? get what your given, just like us, we all pay our subs right, we’ll be as courteous/considerate as we please within the rules.

Ok. I won’t expect a red carpet.
But you can still give me one btw. I will let you. Would be a welcome surprise!

What a terrible plight

Well aslong as you never expect OOC’ers to be welcomed, you shall never be disappointed I imagine

I’d like people to be more neutral towards them to be honest. The amount of hostility is uncalled for.

We would like them to f off, so I guess we want different things and will behave as we wish? so be it.

I’ll never understand why people want to join an RP server and never RP. I don’t mind if they join, with the intention on RPing in the future, wanting to see how things are done first and just watching OOCly.

But, those that come here to never RP, eh. Why are you here?


Honestly, even if I’d prefer that people who are here have atleast some interest in roleplay & will still wonder and ask why AD;

As long as they are not bothering anyone and can at-least follow the bare-basics that is the roleplay name policy/not name themselves anything intrusive, then I ultimately don’t mind and perfect fine with a neutral approach/just let it be.

But when someone can’t even do that, which is the most minimal thing to ask for, and instead roll in with “xEdgeDarkDaddy” from the guild “I only raid while in the toilet” or something like that, then I will be vocal about that they shouldn’t be here, or at least change their name/ways to not bother people and follow one of the only rules we actually have.


There are realms designated to certain things, and only really one for rp left, why cant non rp’ers just go elsewhere and “becuz I like it here” is abit annoying since they some places a non zone for rp due to their presence here when they could simply be other places more tailored to their needs n legit branded as such.