Do you have to RP on Argent Dawn?

There is no pvp realm but okay

You come to a rp realm for pvp? dont fake stunt lol

ur pathetic u sit on forums and cry aobut not being able to use 1 area in stormwind for ur RP.

grow up fr this started like 12 hours ago u still sitting here spending ur day having a fit over ooc’ers :laughing:

You came to a rp realm to pvp? how pathetic are you lmao!

:monkey_face: :monkey: there is no pvp realms in the first place i never said i was on AD to pvp

u a are on of these :clown_face:

Just put it on ignore when it starts to just completely break down to insults and strawman trolling.


iq lower than ur gnomes height

Your right.

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You’re* :slight_smile: imagine spending 12 hours on a forum crying about not being able to RP in 1 district in SW :rofl:

Imagine being so bad at the content you desire you have to play on a realm not suited to it

But you dont know what content i like/do? and again realm dont matter when it comes to pve and most definitely not pvp

I feel like ur boomer brain think its still like it was in tbc or wotlk or something

Go play where its more competitive…if your capable I guess? if not, hide here in the shadows

Yea man i guess i need to be on ravencrest to do rated pvp :clown_face: i’
ll go tell that to all the r1’s on argent dawn so they dont get confused cuz thats apperantly how it works

Or maybe go to a realm literally dedicated to pve/pvp? somewhere that makes sense for your direction?

again u dont even know what content i do

If you rp n want load of OOC’ers here, you a liability, but cool do you and I’ll do me, both expressing opinions as we see fit.

yea man cuz idm ppl playing the game in other ways than me and i dont feel entilted to every area on a realm makes me a liability i guess.

You’re an actual child mentally

Thats fine, theres places dedicated to playing the game in a different way, plenty just dont use it, guess they are donkeys/goats, cant expect any better

Yea sure man go cry about ppl not rping 24/7 and then say stuff like dont go down the 24/7 rp route its rather dumb