Do you have to RP on Argent Dawn?

That’s essentially what our contrarian, see void elf mage, unironically wishes would happen to AD too by defending those who would disrupt roleplayers. The same type that made Sha’tar vanish into nothingness.

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Hm. Could you join a community and get invited over? Might spare you some money and get a feel for goings on.

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As someone who used to roleplay on Swtor quite a bit, the fact that a RP server in WoW is doing worse than a Swtor server did/does is pretty dire.

How do you propose Blizzard would sort this issue if they cared to? Assign janitors to Argent Dawn whose sole would be monitoring how much time each player spends roleplay walking and sitting in taverns compared to running instances and doing world quests?

They used to punish players for griefing roleplay but they could never filter out non-roleplayers. Also, in my personal experience it was up to the mood of the game master answering any given ticket whether griefing was actually punished or not.

I remember several tickets that were closed with no action taken because the game master said that the griefing is actually in-character or that it’s permitted gameplay.

Yes that would be called RP-PvP.

Well firstly, you know griefing when you see it. To jump on an extreme example, drinking growth pots, using toys, mounting up on the biggest thing you have & standing ontop of RPers is very blatantly griefing. Furthermore, spamming chat.

All a GM would have to do is look at what is happening.

There are some horrendous stuff being put on TRP profiles too. Again, all it takes is a pair of eyes to determine if it is acceptable or not.

[source missing]

Also again. Figured it may help you read my point:

because AD is not the last RP community, and also

  1. I’m not arguing in favour of griefers (“those who disrupt RP”), only nonRPers.

Just saying; if you keep repeating a lie it won’t become true, with any luck it will be a widespread lie, but anyone with a brain can realize it’s not a genuine argument.

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I even would do this for free tee bee eh.

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Same in ten characters

AD is literally the last RP server, come to the sha’tar and you’ll feel like you’re playing a single player game.
I think the other servers in the cluster are dead too, I went to Oribos a few hours ago and just saw one guy at the mailbox and that was it, /who stormwind had 2 players.


/Who has been notoriously broken for a while though, but I do believe you when you say Stormwind on your server’s been dead!

I don’t think any player should really be given the authority to police another player in game. This is how you nail things to a cross.
By all means report Bailjait and other dubious profiles through the proper channels but the alternative is a Mad Max world.

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Yeah, like that ever works :joy::ok_hand:

If you do not RP in my presence, I will put dents in you.

There are plenty of text-based RP servers in other games that do this with thriving communities. I’d love it if there were player moderators in WoW with a roleplayer’s interests at heart.


Who has been broken for a while, as Desartin said. If I were to look in /who Argent Dawn, I’d also get broken numbers (ie. 12 people in Orgrimmar while I see 20 standing right before me)

It’s likely that the SWC/Sha’tar/Moonglade servers don’t have many roleplayers but their guilds are active and keep advertising on a monthly basis. I doubt they organize daily RP, but it wouldn’t surprise me if quite a few guilds had their 1-2 weekly events and would love to recruit new people. They even organized multi-guild campaigns and RP. There was also a faire in early Shadowlands in Tanaris which happened on a monthly basis. If you want to look for roleplay in your servers, I suggest you contact a guild leader and ask for an interview. Sounds easy enough.

Of course… AD has recurring casual roleplay (especially on Alliance) if that’s what you’re looking for. I’d suggest to create a new character here, join a guild you’re looking for and level. I started with a fresh new character on AD rather than doing a transfer at the beginning, and I couldn’t have made a better choice. Leave the weight of your character behind and level a fresh one! It won’t feel the same in this new server anymore, I think.

Someone willing to police others for free is exactly the type of person you don’t want to be policing others tbh.

I also think all these coordinated reports, sometimes for the right reasons, other times for trivialities, have unironically harmed the system and that’s why reports have become more ineffective over time.

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The Last Officially Approved Server That Operates As Intended.


I don’t think anyone would be able to suffer doing it for more than a week for free. They’d go insane after two days looking over Goldshire and similar area logs.

I wouldn’t know. I think a lot of people would love to play God, even in a small sinful area such as Goldshire.

By Levey’s Standards On Europe*

And I repeat:

We’d appreciate it if you come to AD & try RP! We love to see it.
We are toxic, love drama and we will gatekeep because its our hobby.

OP had no interest in RP and I hope he finds the perfect server that will allow him to play the game how he desires. Wish him the best.

Case closed.