Do you have to RP on Argent Dawn?

But then you act like this! AHAHAH
You’re a goofy little guuuy!

To you, Zaphius. To you. Subjectively.
Subjectively my reasoning is better to me.

This is WAS and SHOULD be a simple disagreement, mate. That’s healthy.
But then you act like your subjective opinion is the objective truth. That’s why there’s an issue here!

You’re acting like you have a superior position and you HAVE to prove it when the reality is, you simply don’t. Or at least this is what is perceived (and not just by myself, clearly.)
You’re coming across as an egotistical narcissist who is blatantly ignorant to other’s view.
In good faith, I like to believe this was not your intention but it sure as heck seems like it.

Your ego and constant need to reply has got to the point it’s just hilarious. The absurdity has crossed into comedy for me.

Can you at least understand this perspective? Or is it a bit too foreign for you? (Foreign meaning: Anything outside your own perspective)


Yes but you can’t judge that directly unless you have some magic-glasses that make you peer in the soul of other people as you argue with them on the web. You need to use a some criteria to think that I am one.

I don’t even recall discussing with you? We just threw a couple of jabs and that was it.

Also I’m not sure what’s the point here: I claim I am right, therefore you know I am a narcissist? What kind of reasoning is that?

Nah judging from your response it worked loads.


Arguments and reasoning are in essence intersubjective. It’s something that is shared among people and civilizations, it has set methods and standards of quality that can be judged.

Having better arguments increases your chances of being right. Which is why I claim to be.

You still don’t get it.
Listen very closely. I’m going to put it in big letters and simple words.




Your posts speak volumes about your ego.

You need better memory then but let me help you.

Claiming for the sake of being right and others wrong yes. Narcissism.

Yeah, think of me making fun of you as a victory. Again as narcissists are known to do.


Also, an argument is only won when both parties agree with it.


You know what, I’m happy to take an L in trying to educate and respect Zaphius.

I may win in memeing and making him bite but I cannot win in keeping a conversation intellectual with his nothing-points.

Zaphius. Stay a goofy little guy.

Yeah, I don’t think that’s possible for normal people

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I’ll sneak this in before you finish your next post Zaphius: Just leave it. Get off the forums, shut down your pc and go for a walk or something. There are much better things to spend your time on then going in circles in an argument that’s never going to go anywhere.


Look. Let me rephrase that to you:

Arguments about facts of the world can’t be subjective. They have criteria which makes them better or worse, correct or incorrect. More likely to be valid, or less likely to be.

The opinion of people doesn’t matter, just like believing that 2+2=5 doesn’t make it valid “in your subjective opinion”. It’s still wrong.

Yeah what you quoted is called a jab? It wasn’t really a discussion about anything other than a poke directed at you.

[source missing]

…no lmao.
When they are won - that is, in a competition, they’re usually judged by impartial third parties. Since you clearly never took part in a debate class, have you ever looked at a debate channel on YouTube? No one right in their mind, in such a competition, would ever say “oh you convinced me”.

Alternatively and more importantly, arguments are proven false and that’s what I’ve aimed to do. I don’t have to win, only to show that it is formulated in an incorrect way or that it isn’t true. You don’t have to be convinced: the truth-value is independent from your will.

I’d rather not engage with why I’m doing forum banter in this thread. There’s a higher purpose, I swear.

Perhaps. I wanted to see if I’d find what lies behind the cracks of their masks.

AHAHHAAHAHAHA Brooo you showed no FACTS

I concede the wording may be deceitful. I’m speaking about the topic, that is about a fact of the world: if “X” situation would cause outcome “Y”. Namely, if it’s true nonRPers’ presence destroys RP hubs.

This is a situation which either happens or doesn’t happen.

Are you sure you don’t want to take a walk yourself?

But why be so invested in denying the RP server’s RP community suffers when the server is overrun with people who refuse to RP?


The narcissism continues, will you ever get tired my dude? I suggest also you take a walk.

Because the fact there are many players who don’t do RP isn’t a cause of the server’s suffering and because it harms the community to engage with them as if they are.

Zaphius, once again you literally write words and say nothing.

What’s up with you? If you have like an obsessive disorder, I humbly apologise.

You’re allowed to stop replying, mate. If you want to come off the forums and stop clogging up the thread then let me know and we can discuss things but you’re dying on a hill.

So you’re mad that you’re wrong?

For real, how can you keep denying it’s a genuine problem and that doing nothing about it will only make it worse?

Huh huh, weaponizing people with obsessive disorders? That’s stepping at a very low level.

The saddest part is that you don’t understand any of them. But I genuinely wonder, if you think I am doing such a bad show as I keep replying, why you keep doing that?

I unironically showed you contradicted yourself and you’re calling me wrong?

No you did not. You just refuse to recognise my point.

And then my major argument about the communities’ continued existence amidst nonRPers went pretty much uncontested, so I take it as a major score.

No I didn’t. You’ve just jumped to an extreme conclusion.

This is where you’d go “A sign of insecurity” while smirking and wiping your nose.

Edit: He’s still replying lol

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