My favorite part that isn’t the jojo video has to be someone coming from and currently playing on my old server cluster saying its deader than dead and calling AD the last functional RP server, meanwhile Zaphius over here is having an ego so dense it makes osmium look light.
Take the L dude and get some help for that narc you got going
Nah, nah, don’t you see Levey? we’re all lying or making a mountain out of a molehill.
I sure didn’t move here because i was getting tired of the OOC “le Epic PvE guild” (who couldn’t get server firsts so the GM server transferred to get it and transferred back) standing mammoth trains on us all night long, oh no.
don’t bother with argent dawn. its a toxic community - can recommend this as someone who played from 2010, and im underscoring it now.
its dead now, everyone moved to an… alternative that i can’t mention here, because of harassment, lack of interest in the game and that scandal, amongst other things.
so you don’t have to rp no, but i really, really don’t recommend this realm on an OOC basis either because i mean… there’s like 5 drama blogs for this server already. its insidious.
I can confirm this. I got my start here on AD, then briefly transitioned over to Moonglade because the main person I was RPing with on Argent Dawn also RP’d there.
In two years of on-and-off logging, I think I saw exactly one other person while we were out roleplaying. Nobody questing and levelling, certainly nobody else RPing other than that one, singular person.
I watched the decline of Moonglade happen in realtime from Cata onwards, people were hopeful with the mergers but eh, all it did was cause drama on both RP and OOC’er side.
When I logged an old alt there last year before I quit I did not see a single person whatsoever.
I mean chances are, that will be the case for anywhere else where people roleplay. While plenty of RPers are normal everyday people, there are always the crazies who take character-based storytelling far too seriously to the point of being pretty y individuals IRL.
Things like taking IC to OOC or tribalism will still be a thing on any RP server IMO. At least with the place you’re reffering to, people can set their own rules to blacklist certain types of RP that we would really like to see blacklisted here on AD. (The sort which spans 4+ threads over several months and is mostly met with vast discomfort.)
I certainly hope that’s correct! The vendettas and tribalism caused by those vendettas are really boring and just get in the way of what would otherwise be a fun bit of RP.
you’re using pointless semantics to argue it’s a community by definition, not in practice
It is a community in practice. You’ve been forced to acknowledge it with words because you would never accept the conclusions. So, I’m satisfied with that.
Comparing apples to oranges. Typical strawman.
I’ve quoted Wikipedia along other definitions. I asked you to find any serious definition of community in which numbers are necessary. I’m sure if you were to look on Wikipedia / articles, you would find written that homophobia isn’t necessarily overt or declared openly.
Your definition of purpose is this one:
By your own definition, my vision is completely fine. A roleplay server functions properly when: role-players can meet and engage with each other, with rules against griefing and harassment – rules that are enforced. Plus, role-playing can be found on a rather regular level. It is this server. As are the others. According to your definition, non-roleplayers can fit here too.
Factors that you assume to be about nonRPers but that I do not think that they are. If you want to make a good debate, stop describing. Argue.
I was one of these people. I came here – like all of my friends – because here you could find more role-players as the overall population of World of Warcraft declined. On Argent Dawn there were more guilds. More concepts. More casual RP. And more PvE too. That is what drives people: offer and demand. AD had more offer. Therefore, more people came here.
Not even WoW then? Okay, a completely different context perhaps. Or are we talking about…
Ah. Right. I do agree that Defias Brotherhood has suffered because of world PvP and griefers. I think it is the one server in which roleplayers were effectively attacked and couldn’t feel safe/couldn’t roleplay in peace.
But in an RP-PvP server the rules and dynamics are different. For example, corpse-camping players (even while people are role-playing) is a legit activity which even finds a reward in-game. Whereas disrupting role-play in AD is not only harder (no forced pvp on), but also easier to avoid (if you have pvp on, turn it off; if someone disrupts your RP with mounts, report them + it is by far less rewarding). The problem with Defias Brotherhood was the way in which the server operates – that is, forcing people into a dynamic where world pvp is enforced in unpleasant situations. And not just with Defias: all RP-PvP servers eventually collapsed because of this dynamic.
So, yes, we’re safe here: AD will not share DB’s fate.
I assumed you’d push in this direction, making your point even more abstract and nonsensical. Your statement is unironically an unfalsifiable, super-vague claim about an Armageddon day that will or will not happen someday soon™, with no timetable given, with no reference to tangible ongoing situations, no argument offered aside from “it happened elsewhere” under different circumstances.
Even assuming that it is true (and it isn’t), if these small servers that you don’t even define a community have endured for eight years, how long will Argent Dawn have to wait before it even inconveniences the community? Ten more years? More, perhaps? Come on, it’s just ridiculous on so many levels.
You didn’t realize what was being debated until a post ago. I wouldn’t be so certain about it if I were you. Your entire defence hangs on the thread of “but I did not specify a timetable, so eight years ain’t enough!” which, as I said before, is not really a good point. I’m more than satisfied to point out how ethereal your entire reasoning is - at this point, it’s pretty much a win in my eyes.
Yes. It is a positive because it shows that RPers and nonRPers do co-exist. And it doesn’t just show: it also reveals something about role-players and non-RPers interactions. That they co-exist just fine, without the two communities being endangered by one another.
To you it is simply an odd exception to your universal rule that will eventually collapse. And if/when the community will collapse, I wouldn’t be surprised to read something along the lines of “it was the non-RPers all along, they drained all the will to roleplay!” rather than look at more realistic causes, such as the fact that the community leaders perhaps moved onto other projects or were drawn away by IRL circumstances.
This isn’t even an argument. It’s a statement. For an argument you need a conclusion that follows from two or more premises.
Because I brought that up.
Oh, please. This is ludicrous. Surely the people of Dalaran don’t view themselves as refugees. They went there because they like the idea of a neutral and diverse hub and Dalaran was their best shot. And definitely it is not a bubble, seeing as they are in one of the most open cities (and welcoming to all players). If the point was about a refuge the community would have been placed in Northrend Dalaran, Booty Bay, etc etc.
But if the problem is the number of non-RPers, the same applies to Stormwind, where you simply dodge the point:
It is not what we’re arguing. Again: the whole point is about how is it possible, if non-RPers choke RPers by proxy, that in Stormwind these two groups have been co-existing since the beginning of the game. Sure, the non-RPers have claimed the point of interest, but they haven’t really been spreading to other areas for… well, more than ten years. Surely this means this problem you speak about is not very urgent.
Zaphius gets his information from Wikipedia? The worse site for reliable information since any wack job can alter it’s contents to say whatever they believe it’s the truth? That explains a few things.