Do you perform better after people being toxic to you?

What a surprise: pug group being toxic :sweat_smile: except this one was in NoP community.

We were struggling on a boss in a +10 which I’ve always done in a certain way, he wanted me to do it in another way (which after testing did make sense) but the instruction were unclear.

Move the boss, move the boss, move the boss… he kept repeating that in chat instead of… idk… healing the group :sweat_smile:
Reminded me of my grandfather: pass me that thing in a garage full of stuff… that thing… that thing over there!

Anyway, he got frustrated, left the group implying I’m a noob
Long story short, soon after I joined a pug, same key, same level… almost +2 chested.
My best performance on a key ever.

Just to prove him wrong, even though he might never see it or care for that matter :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: still have the recording but haven’t published on my YouTube yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you guys have the same? Once people are being toxic to you, you just pull yourself up and play better?

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Not had it yet with Scared of Dungeons, but they follow a zero toxicity code. Im all for people calling me out for mistakes provided they do it in a constructive manner


Do you perform better after people being toxic to you?

No, never. People being rude my way gets me down, I’m also just likely to leave. I don’t care, be a better person and I’ll stay. Only when people gank me in pvp and i have to win a 1v2 in pvp does it make me stronger. :grin: (More often than not I do win with my priest)

Buuut they aren’t really trying to help you. They just scream at you more often than not which does nothing positive for anyone.


In another moba when someone kept verbally abusing me I muted them (so did the others) at the end when we won he was boasting how he “improved our team’s gameplay by insulting us” and that is when all 9 players were literally dumping a bucket waste on him how he did nothing. He was 0K/10D/2A at the end of the match.

I got fairly steel nerves due forum trolls, people only get 2 chances from me - you can always disagree respectfully but don’t get aggressively offensive. I always point out: If you make a well constructed argument and get people behind you it’s much more likely for Blizzard to listen than if you keyboard warrior wall a text that’s really unreadable.


Nah, I honestly couldn’t care less what some guy on LFR rages about. I know what to do during the fight, I’m not even looking at the chat because I can usually guess what it is because it’s always the same, everyone is bad except the guy calling them bad. It bores me at that defeats the purpose of playing a game.


i dont care and i ll dont change my performance when someone or the group is toxic, i tag pickup for mm+

if they bother me i just leave and re-tag instant, I m healer idc.


I’ll just leave and put them on ignore and report if they start flaming and so forth. The run is already over when someone starts raging like that.


Absolutely not. I only improve with clear, precise and neutral/nice communication. Thus, I only ever played with people I know. The communities such as Scared of Dungeons are all fabulous, though.


No, more often than not these people feel its better to belittle you instead of educate which doesn’t help anyone at all.


Are you in that one???

My gameplay tanks if someone is toxic to me. My experience in most pugs is that it does more harm than good.

There is obviously a vast difference between someone saying, ‘we can skip here’ or ‘you can use ability x on this mob’, rather than some toxic tyrade having a go at someone.

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you really don’t see the problem here? :'D

I am as well (: It’s lovely. Would recommend to anyone

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Nope. I remember years ago during BfA, the only time that I tanked on an alt of mine a Hunter kept pulling aggro. I even used Death’s Advance for a speed buff to get to the trash mobs before the Hunter and they still kept pulling aggro. Then one of the DPS said “nice aggro” in chat, and that same person then pulled aggro as well before I got to taunt a boss. I got so steamed I told them “If you guys are going to keep pulling aggro and play the victim card like the pitiful people you are then look for another tank” and left the group.
Never again did I tank after that experience since all I got from that is people will expect you to be a god at your spec even as a newer player in a low-level dungeon.

No, but I have been in some in the past. Can’t remember which ones but it’s just a lovely place to be.

Not seen you there, unless you play as a different character- but yes, it’s an amazing community. I even got invited to a Nelth +3 last night despite being massively undergeared- missed timer by 54 seconds but my mistake as i screwed up on last boss

Well, I do have 3 chars in it and my demon hunter is Alysea, but otherwise all my characters have unique names ^^"

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I look forward to doing a run with you at some stage- this is my only character in there, its possible we’ve done dungeons together before…

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I’ve seen you but we never played!

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What were you tanking when he asked you to move it?