Do you perform better after people being toxic to you?

I only consider constructive feedback. If I make mistakes (or someone believes I did) and the person blows up on me, the opportunity to teach me anything is wasted.

I don’t stay around toxic people. Just not worth it and not good for anyone’s mental health. But I don’t really encounter much toxicity in the game. Most random people are quiet or friendly enough, and I play a lot with players I already know.

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Spite is a great motivator.

No. And when people whine i will propably out of spite do even less what i did before.

no because i’m starting to write equally or more toxic response and it’s hard to play and write simultaneously.

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For me it’s quite the opposite. Whenever somebody is toxic, not even necessarily towards me, I lose all interest in that particular run. In extreme cases I may even just quit on the spot.
Nobody plays poorly on purpose, and people who are struggling will not improve because they’re being called names. Certainly not mid dungeon.
It’s not just that being mean to people is wrong and it harms the community, it’s also completely counterproductive.


Players more toxic in M+ than heroic/normal? Alright

My person dont care about M+. Since I dont interest “speed time” in duty. Where I did first time in Legion…

And I try remember. I’m very rare run in normal mythic with player make group.
I dont see toxic players in normal mythic.

Still I can remember… Before WoW wihout M+. Only Heroic was toxic well


Its a videogame.

If I’m not having fun because someone wants to take out their pathetic inadequacies in their life out on me then I stop playing.

I’m not paying a sub to be someone’s punchbag.



I will never understand where this comes from. I never bump into “toxic” people.

Not sure what is up with this.

No one should ever accept toxicity, report the toxic player, and try and get to the end of the run, so it doesn’t spoil the key.

wow community , especially the part that pugs is so toxic, i mean mostly. they think if they trash another player it’ll make them play better when it just doesn’t do anything. it’s too sad blizzard doesn’t fight with toxicity unless they use slurs etc.

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This is also a knock on effect. The people arguing stop doing the dungeon because they are stood still while typing rants at each other.


I try not to give anyone constructive feedback these days if I have something useful to say, people often get triggered into thinking you’re trying to make them look stupid and recite some angry monologue about elitism/you being toxic or you run the risk of being reported for so much as speaking in party/raid chat.

No if course not.

What boss was it and what did they actually want?

I’d imagine the opposite in spite.

Had someone call me lowbob animal. During a halls of infusion run.

This all happened after the final gauntlet.

I decided to wait for a dps that was running back to group (said dps died and accidently released + we had a few mins to spare) and called me “bad” because i wouldnt utilize his x many stacks of the pocket anvil.

And "he could make up for the dps running and could “solo kill it”

So 20 seconds later, group is complete again, and we pull the boss.
Than, we hit the intermission for said boss. And this awesome dps is dead instantly from said intermission.
I couldnt have laughed harder for sure.

Either way, ress happens we kill the boss.
Afterwards i get some toxic whispers about being a lowbob newb that cant play m+ etc etc.

Did it change my mentality? No.
Will it ever? No not at all.

Too many people acting like you can pug keys with MDI tactics or because they have seen x tank do x pull, any group can pull it off.

Thats weird to me, and i cant understand how anyone can think it will work in a pug enviroment


If there’s a lesson in there, perhaps. Will improve more if said politely.

But if all I get us “omfg u suxxors teh big 1” then no, I will not improve. On the contrary.

odd eugh motive me to do better sure it hurt same time even funny prove them wrong get upset get better then them same class lol

It was the frog :sweat_smile: fortified week.
Tbh… the tactic was actually good… the delivery of the message wasn’t. In a circular room where all the adds are spawning, a healer just writing in chat:

Me: … where the F do you want me to move???

Anyway, what he meant was to start the boss near the stairs on one side, then the first frogs you don’t move, the second frogs you go to the other side of the stairs and so you kite the adds for the next gulp. Easy :blush: I did another one with pugs and for the people who didn’t get it I pinged the floor.
I would understood better with one “move boss” and a ping. If you keep yelling move boss in a :o: circular room my brain goes pfzzzz

I skipped S2… guilty

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It’s not what they say it’s how they said it?
Some might not be open to criticism.

Yeah, I was wondering when I first read the original post. Move but where? I’m glad you found out later at least

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