Do you perform better after people being toxic to you?

Nah. Toxicity breeds more toxicity. The chances of somebody getting better is close to zero in my view.
Depending on the person’s skin widh, some might take it to heart but most likely the person will either ignore it all together or will go full defensive “no u”.

I’m not saying what the healer did was right but its also pretty telling the tank was doing a boss on a +10 in the 2nd week without really understanding how it works.

That fight can go one of two ways. Frogs get eaten smoothly or people run around in circles screaming doing close to zero dps while getting chomped by mini kermits.

This reminds me of those inspirational videos you see on youtube, where some overweight guy gets bullied then goes to the gym and come out a looking like greek god.
While the end result is applaudable, the motivation is not. Nobody should ever be pressured into living up to the expectations of others. Do what you want for YOU, not for them.

Yeah probably that. But I won’t do it with the same person, I usually jump to another group and show myself that I can do it. That I wasn’t the problem.
Toxicity actually pumps me to do better… in another group :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m not perfect :sweat_smile: I’m just human, not a robot. I do a lot of mistakes and the funnier ones I post them on YouTube, no shame… just for fun.
Because at the end of the day this is a game, and why wouldn’t you play a game if not to have fun?

But I learn from my mistakes… tonight took me 3 tries repeating the same BH+10 in pugs over and over, changing my route slightly, pulling more at the start, moving the mobs back so they don’t run into other packs, etc… I finally timed it at the 4th time. The problem was bolstering in that dung so I had to learn how to carefully doing it in a precise way.

First: I did that boss on a +8 tyrannical without all that shenanigans and it went well. I didn’t play S2 which is not a good start.
Every time I did that boss +8 and +9 all went smooth.
Second: Does it mean I was doing it right? No! But when you clearly doing it wrong, an explanation might help doing better in the future for everybody.
Do I know now? Yes. Did that screaming healer helped me? In a way. But who really got the tactic was just me analysing the situation and come up with a solution.
And that is what separate good players and bad players.

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sooo - did you try - i dont know ? moving the boss if leader of key clearly asked you for ?

or you decied to grief his key and now look for moral justification on forums ?

There is a lot of difference how you would perform running with a bad group or good group. With pugs, bad groups and some toxic behavior is a possibility. Sometimes every group member can be dedicated and with good behavior but stuck behind being under geared or lack of knowledge for the level of the run. You just move on for the next best opportunity and you won’t have to wait long for it. Trying to play better and showing dedication is the best behavior, you will improve and get better for sure.

Hm, it does seem like it’s a cheese/unconventional strategy of sorts as the OP seems to know what they’re doing normally. If they know how to do the dungeon normally an irregular strategy could at least be explained with a ping or so (:

Soooo…. Did you read anything of what I wrote or ADHD kicked in???

Move boss.
What does it mean? One yard? Two yards? Out of the circle? The other room? Out of the dungeon??? The other way of the room? Up your bum? On top of the healer?
In what way I grieved the key then, please humor me… when I’ve never done that strategy before? :thinking:

Do you even know what grief is? Let me illuminate your cloudy mind there for a second:

griefer or bad-faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately and intentionally irritates, harasses, annoys or trolls other players within the game

Nothing I was doing was intentional, while screaming move boss over and over it’s in the borderline I would comment.

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Maybe if you knew the tactics before going into a 10 you’d know. Just throwing it out there.

I used to get pretty bothered about it, like it added more pressure. Now i usually respond with a lol. Now I usually except its probably some kid or someone with no friends. How do you kill that which has no life?

I got 2k rating on a tank last season and someone tried flaming me when i was at like 1.9k after a DHT (admitably a dungeon i didnt know that well) but i just laughed and responded with “well i made it to this rating and done 9/9H so i cant be that bad”
Of course he came back saying my rating wasn’t a flex but as long as my skill is good enough to do the content in question I dont care :blush:
I think when you realise it takes a certain type of character to give abuse to stranger on a video game it stops bothering you.
I also stick up for people when they get flamed, everyone starts somewhere

Standing still worked up to a 9… if ain’t broke…
Maybe the pug groups I was in they were good.
They never complained and did the mechanics. But we all learn right?
And 10 is not that hard if people know what to do.

Oh look… at 09:08
Nope… no moving the boss here :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:
Another one? Here no move boss here either so tell me…. Where do I learn it???
hmm who’s the fool now?

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No I don’t, and it’s not better for them either as they get reported right away. I tend to avoid pugging these days though unless I’m doing a key on an alt for a vault.

This post would be a lot better if we knew which boss the leader pestered you on, and if it had any merit

I wrote tbh, the gulping Goliath in Halls of Infusion.

Oh, well some people prefer if you move after he summons frogs so that they can chase boss while leading frogs into the circle rather than run around like the first boss in algethar academy while u keep the boss stationary. Both strats are good. Keeping him still fails when the dps don’t actually lead frogs, while the second strat is foolproof because they zugzug and follow anyways.

Keeping him still fails anyway because the frog you spawn can fixate on someone else. If you’re all in different places that leads to you kiting one to the boss but one that spawned somewhere else may not etc.

I find the easiest way is just to stack and walk through the boss, carry on 10-15 yards or so and they all form a neat line. Snare / stun / ring or whatever and its a complete non issue.

I’m sure there are a ton of ways to do it but this is simple to explain (stack and run between 2 markers) and low risk. My happy place for a pug.

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This question is a bit insulting.

Let me see if I got this right, someone shouts and is rude toward me and for some odd reason, that’s the person I have to appease, I have to do my best to make sure that they don’t get mad.

It could be the smallest of slights and I would devote time to breaking down that person psychologically.

I’m the one that’s toxic, because trust me, I will win that mental game.

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If you stack like the tree in algethar and do exactly that boss’s strat, they all spawn near each other and u move clockwise around his hitbox, they’re just forever being kited inside the hitbox. I frankly prefer this strat, but whatever works works.

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Headless chickens!!!

Where everything you do is wrong for someone :sweat_smile: