Do you perform better after people being toxic to you?

Do you perform better after people being toxic to you?


Fortunately, I have always had nice raid leaders. If someone started to shout at me, I would immediately picture that WoW video (which I’m not going to link here because it would get me banned) where a raid leader had a meltdown and someone in raid recorded it and illustrated it with drawings. It was priceless! And, once you start to laugh at someone who is really mad, they get even more mad because of it! I cannot take people who are throwing a tantrum seriously. :slightly_smiling_face: WoW is just a game, afterall.

As you quoted I wrote “in general” it was my overall opinion not an attack against you so you don´t need to link me guides…
I wasn´t there and can´t say who or why someone was in the wrong in your case.
I just gave you a possible answer to your question, looking at it from a different perspective.

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This! If your gonna call out mistakes do it constructively not belittling

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Can’t post the video because it has names ofc :stuck_out_tongue: but it doesn’t matter.
The point of the topic was about raising up after someone being toxic to you and it became an attack to me if I knew the dungeon or not :sweat_smile:

Been pushing 3k and above score since SL so it’s just a matter of learning the right technique of bosses. It’s not that I’m going blind. If tactics on video don’t show it then I can’t fathom doing it by my own unless I watch it somewhere or someone explain it to me.
My strat worked so far, I need to change because the level is too high to handle? Fine, I’ll do it.
But people saying oh you go into 10s without knowing the dungeons I’m not. I pushed all 5s before doing all +6s and I had all +8 before even trying a 10…

It was never my intention to make you feel attacked by me, I apologize if thats how my answer was received by you.
I was just trying to see both sides since from my understanding he yelled out a “mechanic” mid fight and you seeing that as toxic behavior.
I agree that him leaving after instead of explaining is bad on his side.

If it works for you then go for it, don´t let angry players get to you.
Just put them on mute and ignore and you will never have to play with them again.

Put your time and effort into your own gameplay and listen to people who are being helpful in a respectful way :dracthyr_heart:

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Toxic people dont bother me really, mostly they’re just funny…

I remember back in SL i had a random BrM tank… and he started yelling at me like crazy to use my leg sweep after we wiped on a pull…

I just calmy told him i did, as there was no communication we overlapped. He denied this, as in his.mind i didnt use it… i offered to link logs… he didnt care… at the end, i just had a laugh st him

Gonna stick up for Aundra here, as a couple of posters seen to be a bit snarky. Ive done keys with him back in BFA/SL and i found him to be a very good player. He sure covered my butt a few times.
I think the issues this season is the hike in difficultly (M0 being the new M10, etc). Takes time to get used to, but if i can attempt it (not always successful) then anyone can


it might help posting on my main :wink: I hate I have to use my alt because of the amount of posts and likes which gives me perks… wish they would be account wide :stuck_out_tongue:

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Joined some random guild on an alt. Went to do a +20 with the help of a guildy. She died a few times before the first boss and on the first boss, together with the others. We wiped and people bailed.
She then proceeded to call me the worst tank ever for not holding aggro. I should never tank again in my life. (I’ve been tanking since 2007)

I checked Details which shows she stood in crap every time instantly killing her each time. I linked it but she would have non of it. I lost aggro because the mobs turned red. (Well yeah, the chasing ghosts I can’t tank)

Haven’t really played that alt anymore. I don’t mind the random idiots, they can be hilarious but what does annoy me are people from the same guild or community that crap on you and act dishonest.

I know right (: I wish this system was better.

If they whine about something valid that I did wrong then sure I’ll play better, but if I know they’re just being stupid I’ll just fall down to hell and absolutely troll the hell out of them just to piss them off more.

I stopped playing M+ all together, since I found it being mostly toxic players.

But I see M+ as a place that breeds that kind of players, so if a person decides to wanting to push keys, then it shouldn’t come as a surprise. :man_shrugging:

Kind of like expecting drunks in a bar.

So I just enjoy everything else besides M+ now, which made WoW a much more positive experience. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah :blush: I instead like adrenaline pumped content that doesn’t involved PVP :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I can’t deal with unpredictability, I repeat the same things over and over until I do them right. Often I know when spells happen before addons tell me :sweat_smile: I could play without addons tbh but I use them just because they keep me company :joy: “move” ok m’am.

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