Do you perform better after people being toxic to you?

I would like to say no. But when a @@@@@ kicked me in wotlk for my poor dps during a HOs i studied my arcane mage and after exp i was able to raid.

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It works for some people. A friend used to raid in a realm first guild and they were always having a go at any one who messed up and that made them perform better.

It’s not for me. I would find that a hostile environment.


in truth somethin broke inside me after this. mid cata i unsubbed and i came back on late wod (i bought diablo 3 and 1 year gamtimetime but barely played). So not good thing at all…

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No, I stop playing, it’s not worth my time

To be honest… I’m not saying that he was bad or anything… actually that strat was actually good. But it was the delivery that failed :sweat_smile:
Yelling multiple times to move boss without specifying where, while the tank is under pressure, that doesn’t work :sweat_smile:
Doing this, people will never learn and we all need people to learn.

It reminds me back in S1 in Temple of Jade, one rogue started calling me with every name possible but among those yells I got one word: los.
What he meant was to bring the elementals at the start next to a wall so people can los the aoe damage. I had to figure it out by myself among idiots and other less kind words :sweat_smile:

… gotta love tanking.

Ask Reese;

In his defence he probably didnt have time to write out a full explanation mid fight but hoped that you would have some knowledge about the dungeon and know what he meant by just telling you to move.
Him leaving after instead of explaining is annoying tho.

If people are just a-holes in chat or run around like headless chickens not knowing what to do I mute them and put them om ignore after the run so I dont have to play with them again.

In my opinion (in general, not trying to jump at ts) its kinda rude going into mythic+ not knowing mechanics…
yes, you can take different routes or have some different strats but you should never just ”stand in fire” (ignore mechanics) wipeing the group, if that makes sense

I litterally decline anyone from Kazzak.

Call me toxic for it if you like. But no Kazzak players in group , zero toxicity in chat. Zero leavers.

Zero experts telling people how to play their spec.

Chill , peaceful quiet pugs , it’s nice.

I perform nothing because I leave the group. If people can’t stay civil then I am under no obligation to entertain their crap. It helps that I only ever push my own keys, so while it sucks to waste other people’s time, at least there’s no angst about bricking someone else’s key.

Oh look this one doesn’t move the boss…

And this

No kiting the boss…

Let’s try with Sha shall we?

Nope, not kiting here either.

What about this?

Oh no kiting the boss…

Should I continue? I’ve already posted Tactycs and Quazii in previous posts above here…
… now… who doesn’t know the tactics??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I havent really pugged since TBC, only thing the toxic pugs back then accomplished was me leaving the dungeon and stop pugging. I enjoy playing with friends anyways, would be too stressed if i had to play with pugs and risk getting flamed.

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You didn’t when you went in… I mean, grats on swotting up after you managed to annoy a healer in a chill community so badly that they left a key you were tanking.

And also one of those guides talks about “And you can’t hear it on this video but I’m telling them where to position…” etc. I mean at least the healer tried to communicate (imperfectly), you just kinda mocked his attempt to do so.

So… let me round up:

  • Every single guide on the entire internet doesn’t show this tactic.
  • I’ve timed +9 keys without kiting the boss
  • never had a problem
  • the group was cool about it
  • he wanted me to do something I’ve never done, without explaining…

… and I’m the one in the wrong??? What the hell is wrong with you? You just here to sour every post??? Do you even read the post? Do you even watch the videos? Did you know to move the boss or someone told you???

Find me a video, one, where it explains this tactic and not one video with 22 views and I’ll officially write an apology to you and all the people here.

One of those guides the frogs are still running around long after the gulp has happened and the dps are hitting them instead of the boss. Did you even look at the crap you linked?
On Naguuras video the boss has the enrage because nobody got eaten and it says nothing about how to deal with the adds.

And grats you did up to a 9, seems like you’ve met your limit on where you can brute force to without knowing anything about the dungeon you signed up for.

I just said how I do it, the most important part is probably that I actually communicate with the group, the “how” you can do whatever the hell you want.

Fine… it took me to get into a +10 to learn that… doesn’t mean I was doing it wrong.
All the internet is backing me up and I’m well aware Naguura is not a credible source, that’s not the point :sweat_smile: what about the others? Why focussing only on one?
Never played S2, I already said that.
To me, what I was doing was right based on the YT guides

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I literally referenced two videos. Do me a favour, if you’re going to reply at least do me the courtesy of reading what I wrote.

It is basically one of the reasons why i enjoy being in voice in NOP. It is fine to duck up stuff, or having different expectations. But at least after a wipe people can try to talk to each other who to pull it next time. Usually voice sounds way better than just written text in a chat during a bossfight. Usually you found out people are actually quit chill and not yelling.

I read it… all I read was reheated soup :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I think you’re wrong, you think I’m wrong.
Well congratz, you’re better than me playing the game :+1: good job.
I instead just learn with experience, in pugs, with people yelling at me. That’s how I learn.

Oh did I mention the key was set to completion and the leader wanted to finish the dungeon but the healer just rage quit? He wasn’t the key owner and the key was meant for the vault anyway.
I think I forgot this tini tiny part :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: silly me.

I think this topic has merit and you guys are very close to convincing each other of your views.


Thats not true at all, I just happened to play the season and our group worked it out as we went along.