Do you play World of Warcraft to "escape real life"?

Its not all bad, some people do want to grow up eventually lol.

I still play video games from time to time.

But Mmorpgs, my playtime is non existent as things stand.

Maybe wont be forever, but i have a few major real life things i need to do now while i can and am fit enough to do it.

Once ive done that i will purhaps settle back to the pc again.

Poland, which also happens to have been ranked the most homophobic country in the EU for several years in a row. Fun stuff.

Its an argument used by peopel who make things political when they really shouldnt be :man_shrugging:t2:

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:hook: :interrobang: :fish:

Play WoW to “escape” from RL?
Not really… I play WoW ( or any game) because i want to play …like a real life activity.

However, it helps chilling out sometimes…
Relaxing the mind with games is good for health if anything.

Each game is a break from everyday life for me. Not only WoW. As an introvert, I have quite a lot of trouble making friends. Sure, I go to work. I also meet these people outside of work. Additionally, I discovered a new passion, which is traveling, and now I try to fly somewhere to the other end of the world once a year for a whole month. But apart from all this, I wouldn’t say that I’m happy with the way my life looks, quite the opposite. That’s why such a diversion is nice.

Do you play World of Warcraft to “escape real life”?

No, it’s a hobby, entertainment. I’m quite content with my life, thank you.

I have a chronic illness and I play to escape what can be a rather sedentary life. My character can run, jump, fly and explore, things I find difficult to do unfortunately. I do my best but energy is low and while resting and recovering, WoW is a good distraction.
Personally, I’d prefer real life issues left out of the game, otherwise it seems less of an escape.


I dont want IRL stuff in any of my entertainment, i want to relax and enjoy my entertainment not see this crazy modern IRL crap also when i want to chill.

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I started to play Real Life a bit, to escape WoW.

Its hard to be a wizard in real life, no matter how much one would want they simply couldnt be able to cast a single spell. Thankfully we have video games so I guess could say its an escape from the magicless real world. :man_mage:

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No, it’s just a pass time.

Atleast you can be priest in real but I cant be wizard :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I think you could be just as sucessfull magician as priest :thinking:
Remember, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic and any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology

Please define clearly what recent addition to wow is a nod to real life asian politics because if I take this at face value this whole thread becomes a complaint about Pandaria’s theme which would make the original question extremely loaded for the actual reason its being asked

But no, wow has its own politics built in to the story, real life topics make no sense, Azeroth and life on it deviates so strongly from Earth and life on it that any real life topic will be lost in translation

Warrior mains probably have it easyest as anyone can swing axes around even outside of the game, rogue is doable aswell but thievery being more risky outside of the virtual setting. The topic is a bit silly but I guess thats the purpose of it. :smile:

Yeah, but ninja and priates exist, like assasins, so… :person_shrugging:
Who knows, on a somalian priate ship, could be a Wi-fi and they could play WarCraft
We still have samans and druids too
Even Warlocks…
And a Paladin is a religious person who physically fights for what they believe is justice - technically we have that too

Warlock and summoning an zoo of demons would be my dream alas its not possible so I escaped in warcraft :joy:

Axes ?!
Excuse me, but dignified Warriors use a Sword and Shield.


it’s not odd. if i wanted to read twitter i would read twitter. blizzard should keep “real world stuff” ouf of the game