Do you play World of Warcraft to "escape real life"?

And no, every race has something modern to it, it’s mishmash.

no it isn’t it’s matter of how you do it, sapkovsky blatantly copies modern problems and implements them into witcher, i don’t say that warcraft should do it, i say that escapism is flicking dumbo bumbo term for media that looks like attempt at deluding yourself, you aren’t escaping real life problems in a game about war, you won’t ever escape from reality with kind of themes warcraft touches upon, history is cyclical, something that is history can hit you in the future, or even next day.

Sure, you can also see this in GoT and HotD. They do have modern political messaging but they are presented in a more natural way regarding the setting. Like I said it is trickier to pull this of in this particular genre.

You can say whatever you want, but it won’t make it true. Escapism is about taking a break from the unpleasant things one has to deal with in life, for some that would include the non-stop lecturing from a political movement. And again I am not saying to not have that in the game, but you will get more people to listen if you actualy discused the issue and explore counter argument to it as opposed to just saying “do better, don’t be hatefull”. Escapism is entertainment, if its not entertaining enough you don’t get to escape, simple as that.

No. I play games for fun and socialising.

Yes, that’s the only reason that I am still playing WoW for almost 16 years as I missed 2 or 3 expansions along the way, in different times, due to work. But yes, generally that is the reason, it gives me chills, makes me forget the stupidity of life for a while.

It’s right making thing political crying anytime someone different shows up. The left accepts people aren’t all the same

Between about 2011 until 2022 I used to escape reality by playing WoW, trying to deny my psychosis.

Today I regret it more than anything in my life, because it’s 10 years I will never get back. The lesson I learned and what I urge anyone who thinks about escaping or currently doing it: It’s better to deal with your problems now instead of prolonging them, you will have to face them anyway at some point and it will hurt even more if you wait.

Euwww…that requires interactions with people.

I will explain it this way.
Activists can not force how other people spend their money. People can not also be forced to consume content. If people walk away - stock value falls - viewer ratings fail - intellectual properties die and studios are shut down permanently - comic book stores are closed forever.

Activists consistently attack and demonise the very audience that they were dependent upon for the success of intellectual property.

Your last statement is a lie. If you reject the politics or ideology you are excluded from the content.
Marvel’s Iceman was turned gay some time ago. The focus then was on his orientation not the life and challenges of being a mutant.
If I refuse to purchase read and consume any further content of Marvel’s gay Iceman no doubt there would be some that will brand me phobic for choosing to drop it.
Judy Harmon was his love interest before - then the old movies had him try to have a relationship with Rogue but could not touch his girlfriend as she would drain his powers and life force.

Things might be “adapted for the modern audience” but they still need the real audience to stay in business. Hundreds of millions of $$$ even Billions and tens of Billions of $$$ have been lost because intellectual property franchises and content was made Woke.
There will never be another Saint’s Row Game again. Reason being that once again activists hijacked an Intellectual Property used said Intellectual property to proselytise their politics and ideology to the masses, Openly antagonistic to those that would disagree with them.

Such a failure that Saint’s Row is dead and Volition the studio developing it is closed forever. This is one of many examples of this. But at least they got to hijack the intellectual property, preach their politics and ideology. Attack the paying customers they needed with “Haters gonna hate” tweet.

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Just for a moment… why?
A Fantasy setting literally can be anything
Fantasy set in a “magical world” - tho not always -, often involving traditional myths and magical creatures and sometimes ideas or events from the real world
The name of the genre’s called fantasy
Nothing is of the table, from the medieval from the Speljammer-like pseudo sci-fi
Why would it be harder to justify the presence of acceptance in Fantasy? :eyes:

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You need to understand. What you are dealing with is Faith. In not just their politics and ideology. But also their “greater good” or eutopia. A world where everyone else shares their politics - ideology - beliefs and world views.

When Helldivers 2 was received it was an undeniable success. Devs had to force log off after 5 minutes of AFK as people will leave their machines on overnight so they do not lose their spot on servers. Servers that had no room, compared to Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League that had less than 1000 people playing on first week of release.

But almost immediately came the activists talking about politics in Helldivers 2. Then trying to push their politics with requests of alphabet people flags and more. The typical Trojan Horse tactics to infiltrate an intellectual property.
There is the understanding that the vast majority of people do not want hear these messages. Which is why popular and successful intellectual properties consistently are hijacked or attempted to be hijacked in order to preach to the masses.

People are not allowed to be free of THE MESSAGE

The world of the Witcher is separate from real world that people get lost in the games. With it having high replay-ability value as different choices lead to different outcomes and such.


You release you people are the vocal minority as well most people don’t care either way. You think the vast majority are basically n@z!s I think the vast majority don’t care about characters race sexuality or any thing we’re never gonna agree let’s just accept that

If that was true. Then why are comic book stores closing?
If the “modern audiences” spent their time and money or could replace the actual audiences. Then it would survive. Not die as a franchise or lose Billions of $$$ and their stock market value will not plummet after.
Like Games Workshop announcement of Female Custodes objectively hurt their stock value as the ACTUAL paying customers - content consumers - audience objected to what was happening.

The same thing was said about the Budlight Boycott.
Look at how that turned out. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If people did not care. Then Get Woke Go Broke will not be a thing.
:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:
Who knew paying customers and content consumers were actually important. Eh?

Why do you keep projecting?

Incorrect again. Activists care so much that straight characters are turned into a variation of alphabet people.
After 25 years of writing Tim Drake’s Robin bam is an alphabet person now.
Disney Star Wars the Acolyte is being actively marketed as the most gay Star Wars yet. They are retconning the Force into “the Thread” also the “diverse” character she had two moms that came together to magically produced her. Similar to the origin story of American Chavez.

The readers of this thread can see for themselves. If characters sexuality was not important. Why is it that only one side is doing their best to announce to the world that they are some variation of alphabet people? Why is their orientation almost the sole focus on some characters?

You are free to disagree with facts if you choose.


That’s a lot of words and a lot of dog whistles to say you don’t want gay or brown people in the game.

The problem with this mindset is that it allows room for the setting to be destroyed.
J R R Tolkien’s work went on to global success for decades and was translated into over 38 languages including Braille for the blind.

If people now added machine guns - helicopters - tanks - missiles - miniguns and modern technology. To the fantasy setting of Lord of the Rings. Then it actively ruins the setting and peoples immersion. That whole “suspension of belief” thing.

But the: It’s just fantasy bro they can do anything they want. Rhetoric.
Does. Not. Work.
Like when Disney Star Wars added the infamous Leia Organa flying through space scene in the Last Jedi movie.

Either force users can now fly like Krytponians through the vacuum of space and in atmosphere OR Force users can not fly and massive mistakes were made. But those that do not understand the setting and universe or do not care for it. Can and will destroy it.
There is still a setting - established lore and cannon which continuity compliments.

To explain.
The problem with Current Year Games Workshop. Is that they stand on a franchise that has been running for almost 40 years. Other people’s work and success.
One of the fail safes put in place for the superhumans known as Astartes or Space Marines and the Elite among them known as Custodes.
Is that by having them as Males only they could not breed their own race of superhumans.
The Emperor of Man those that the Primarchs call “Father” always intended for regular humans to rule the Imperium of Man.

But now that Female Custodes have been introduced into the setting. They have effectively destroyed the Imperium by removing a failsafe. Since there is nothing preventing the Emperors “angels” the Astartes or Male Custodes from breeding their own race of super humans and damn humanity to extinction.
While some Astartes genuinely care for humanity, Many of them do not and see regular humans as a nuisance or play things.

Before this retcon regular humans were still needed. To inherit gene seeds from their slain battle brothers of the Astartes and Custodes - replenish their ranks - rebuild their chapters 1000 battle brothers strong or create new chapters.

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I will not go down in this rabit hole to educate you in Tolkien, but Saruman with gunpowder was basically the first step of modernization and the whole theme of Scouring of the Shire was industrialization…
Both Saruman as Curumo and Sauron as Mairon were the students/servant of Aulë the Smith and both learned much about smithing and handiwork. They both were inventors and innovators, and their ultimate goal was an ordered Middle Earth - not unlike what the Titans in WoW want - with a global spanning industry and mega-city; every Tolkien scholar agree, if any of them would have won, Middle Earth would have became a Coruscant-like ecumenopolis

Perhaps orientation - skin color and ethnicity should not be the sole focus of a character or intellectual property?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: that is the same smugness one is used to from Kentarro.
But you either did not understand or ignored points made.
Fantasy settings are destroyed unless real world things are excluded from said fantasy settings.
This does not just work with Tolkiens work but George R R Martin’s work.
Boats and Navys do exist. But air craft carriers - submarines and current year battleships that can launch short to mid range nukes. Will destroy the setting.

Even with settings with futuristic technology like hyper space. In order to preserve the fantasy setting should not have real world things forced and or added to it.

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Perhaps you should not deem things “woke,” “political,” or whatever silly adjective you outrage addicts use whenever you see a character that is not a straight white male in a video game? When seeing a random guard NPC do you also complain about their occupation being the sole focus of their character?

Calm your bigotry and let characters be a little different, lmao.


In ignorance you are quite welcome to dwell in your own head and hear the echoes in the empty darkness; that might satisfy your need of attention
A few may even engage you out of pity and try to have a conversation before relaizing it is pointless
Don’t worry, you will don’t have to “suffer” any more reply from me, and in turn, I don’t have to see your posts
A win-win

Then wow isn’t about it, never was

First world problems, lmao.
To be sure, I don’t like several quests like the one with searching for “identity” in valdrakken, but not because of agenda but because how poorly and hamfisted they are written compared to everything else, they stand out, but there are too few of them to really affect my mood in any way.
Again: escapism is incel bullcrap for people that don’t really endure any hardships, WoW is written by people that live in California, many of them are politically motivated in some way, you are either accept it or cry about not being able to cower and hide from the world

Ah. You’re one of those then.
Why are they always Blood Elf players?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The Marvels - Madame Web - Furiousa.
When it was left to the viewing public. The market. Are people “bad people” because they chose not to spend their money - chose not to consume this content?
It is easy to brand dissenters a b1g0t.

You clearly do not understand how things work. Why are characters like Blade or Luke Cage popular? Do you have to share skin color and ethnicity to enjoy content?
There is this ongoing “representation” argument which is a trojan horse.
Sonic the Hedgehog movies went on to become box office successes even though a Blue Hedgehog does not “represent” demographics of people in the real world.

You quote me but miss the point. What have they got going for them besides their orientation and skin color?

Mace Windu was never the “black Jedi” he was a living contradiction. The only practitioner of the Lightsaber style called Vapaad that did not fall to the Dark Side. Vapaad users must love battle despite being “defenders of the peace” and Jedi generally having an aversion to combat. Vapaad uses the dark side powers of the Sith or enemy against them WITHOUT coming under it’s influence. A Jedi version of: Why are you hitting yourself? if you will.

Ubisoft is using Yasuke’s skin color and orientation as a selling point for Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
In Disney era Star Wars. Like with the Acolyte you see that White Males have effectively been banned from their content. You will never get the likes of Kyle Katarn - Revan - Obi Wan Kenobi under Disney Era Star Wars. And no the Kenobi show is not Obi Wan Kenbobi just Disney’s version of him.
These characters have a lot more going for them, including what makes them interesting than being White Males.

Sounds like retreating to an echo chamber. Okay. Just know that Diversity of Thought is not a Sin. :+1:

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