Do you play World of Warcraft to "escape real life"?

On the contrary, we do not believe that the vast majority are yahtzees. And yes, I have been saying that the vast majority of people do not care about a characters sex/skin color/etc., that is why these characters keep failing, because most of them do not have a character past “I am a member of X minority”. Again there are very good examples of LGBT characters that are interesting like Vi from Arcane, Astarion from BG3 etc. The difference is that those characters were written as a character first and then being part of X group and not the other way around.

Again you are not the person who decides that.

Yes and? At the end of the day people like o relax, it doesn’t matter from what.

Pretty much what Amonet writes.
As a member of the LGBTQ+ (do I have em all?), I really couldn’t care less what a character’s sex, gender, skin color etc is. It’s not relevant to the game, and often when it’s being tied to stories/quests it’s so poorly shoehorned in it simply doesn’t make sense.

Since you asked “do I have them all?”
Incorrect little Vulpera. You do not have all of the Pokemon cards.
LGBTQQIP2SAA it is a constantly growing accronym just as the Progress Pride flag has more things added on to it. The acronym currently stands for: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous and asexual
:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

The latest Progress Pride flag comes with Traingles Circle and an Umbrella with the rainbow squeezed in there.

To clarify.
In the West you are not going to get good alphabet people characters. The reason being is that Western content creators are held captive by / ransom to activists. Creating good content IS NOT and WILL NOT be the priority. Only activism and preaching to the masses the “approved” politics ideology and worldviews.

Compared to Emperio Ivankov of One Piece. Who has a lot more going for him than being an alphabet person, 2nd in command of the revolutionary army - best friend to Monkey D Dragon the worlds most wanted man and Monkey D Luffy’s biological father - has his own Island of like minded people that are strong enough to easily fend off the World Governments forces - Saved Luffy as they broke out of prison together and more.

If readers Google search the words “Gay black Samurai” you will see that skin colour and orientation is how Ubisoft has marketed Yasuke of Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
Afro Samurai went on to be a cult classic. But he had more going for him than skin color and orientation.

So then who is “represented”? Real alphabet people or an ideal of what they THINK alphabet people are like or should be like?

One of people who don’t like Hitler apologists like you?

People are not allowed to have any form of escapism. They must be propagandised to. Constantly.
The actual World War 2 German Soldiers and Ruling party. Used the same tactics that are being used today. Content can only exist as long as it pushed the “approved” politics ideology and worldview.

The Devs of Helldivers 2 choosing to maintain their neutrality was welcomed by people that just wants to have fun killing bugs and automatons. That 2 Billion bugs were killed in 24 hours shows the determination in bug hunting of the Helldivers.
What orientation is a Helldiver? Nobody gives a damn! Managed democracy demands they get into action. Malevelon Creek can NOT happen again.
This is how you have “inclusion” WITHOUT creating division.

I’m not the one that claims these facts are political

I don’t care if a character is gay straight black white whatever. If the character is intresting I’ll like it. No politics involved

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Yes totally the same as having diverse characters. Must have only straight white males to stop shows from jumping the shark

There is more to Revan of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars the Old Republic than being a “straight white male” as you call it.
Yasuke of Assassin’s Creed Shadows is being market as the “gay Black Samurai”.
You see how only certain people are focused / obsessed with orientation and skin color?

Skin color and orientation is hijacked for political and ideological purposes.
Like the Killmonger hairstyle. It is everywhere. Many Black people live their entire lives without the Killmonger hairstyle.

Pre Disney Obi Wan Kenobi was the embodiment of part of the Jedi code: There is no Chaos there is Serenity.
Master of Soresu the defensive lightsaber form. He would take everything you have to throw at him, using the area and surroundings to his advantage then end you when he creates an opportunity or you let your guard down.

But since Disney Star Wars. Attempts have been made to retcon Obi Wan Kenobi as an alphabet person. Since he was a padawan allegedly. So is not conflicted with between his orientation and being a Jedi. No longer the Serene Jedi he once was thus destroying the character. General Grievous feared Obi Wan Kenobi because he repeatedly defeated Grievious.
You are correct that there is an focus on orientation and skin color. But it seems to be one sided.

Duchess Satine Kryze was the woman that Obi Wan Kenobi loved that he gave up on in order to become a Jedi. You know. Jedi teachings of detachment as there was a concern that any form of attachment could lead to the Dark Side.
Turning characters with established following etc… Is what is done almost every time Marvel’s Iceman was just one of the most blatant and famous example. Instead of creating new characters. There are differences between characters who happen to be an alphabet person and those whose sole focus and identity is that they are an alphabet person.

“Diverse” is a politically hijacked term in current year Western entertainment.
:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Something missing of Disney’s the Acolyte are “white males”. This is not a coincidence. That what is packaged as “diverse” is exclusionary of the same demographics of people each time. Why must “white males” be EXCLUDED in order to be INCLUSIVE of others?
Helldivers has inclusion as it does not create division by forcing politics and ideology. But others create division where there is none.
There has always been plenty of alphabet people characters and non-white characters. As this is what “diverse” have come to mean presently.
Just non Western content creators are not held captive by or ransom to activists.

Kenobi has never been anything but straight. The one person he loved was satine and maul used that against him.


They shouldn’t but why should everyone else be excluded to focus on straight white males. People like us are in every single piece of media prominently

Not political people like you just don’t like it when it happens. You feel threatened by you imagined enemy

It shouldn’t matter to the character either way

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Including characters thats sole purpose is to be LGBT is though.

You should do your own research. In Disney Era Star Wars it is now cannon that Obi Wan Kenobi is bisexual. Luke Skywalker is also gay in Disney era Star Wars.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: Except for when others politicise it. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
Being a Black person does not mean you have to subscribe to BLM or a Democrat.
Being a Woman does not mean you have to be a feminist.
Being an alphabet person does not mean you have to be one of the acronym people.
These are things that others might push on to you but it is an individual choice to accept or reject what others are pushing on you.
Disney era Star Wars has been doing the exact things you are claiming not to happen. Politicising orientation. The Acolyte is just the latest example of that. Disney Era Star Wars version of the Night Sisters - is quite literally a Coven of Lesbian Witches. The Acolyte is the biological offspring of two lesbians that through “the thread” (Disney Era Star Wars version of the force) conceived biological twin daughter.

I so badly want to be wrong on this.

Ah progress is being made. Excluding demographics creates division. It hurts the audiences and possible paying customers. People once united in their common interest. Now unite against those that create discord and division.

Incorrect. As you admitted. White Males should not be excluded in order to include others. It is no coincidence that “diverse” content always excludes that specific demographic of people. Race swaps go one way the vast majority of the time.

Except it does matter. It matters enough to convert straight characters. It matters enough for the focus to be on their orientation and skin color. Even by marketing teams. It matters enough to retcon - co opt - subvert intellectual properties then claim that things were always this way.

Pointing out that Marvel’s Iceman was not always gay. Could have me targeted by the activists and such.

Not quoting the entire post, but I personally don’t need representation.
I don’t care about people, groups or orientations being represented in the game, because in 99% of the case, it’s done in such a poor way that it becomes a joke.

If you want a game that actually represents a certain community, then make something related and revolving around that community. To give a simple example, if you want to make a game for/about the African culture, then make a game like Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan but don’t try to twist an existing setting into it because it will never work or be accepted.

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Give my paintings back and add some statues in style of Michelangelo’s David depicting Maraad.

I will explain it this way.
There is the saying: You can take a Horse to water but you can not make it to drink. Threads like these always have more readers than commentors.

Bryan Intihar Senior Creative Director for Insomniac Games the company that produced Spiderman 2. Said and I quote “Give people stuff you know they want. So that you can inject things maybe they aren’t familiar with. Maybe they don’t know they want but make them like that stuff”

Spiderman 2. Had Progress Pride flags front and centre. Had the bait and switch where the female character is the main character of a male franchise. As Mary Jane was the strongest person in the game. By Design. Also had deaf black girl and the player helping a same gender romance couple find love.

Insomniac Games removed literally all content like that. Alphabet people and or Woke stuff. From Middle Eastern versions of Spiderman 2. Why? Why is such content only reserved for the Western versions of the game and nations?
Middle Eastern nations and people are almost all Islamic. With very few people not being Muslim. So. Western propaganda will not be tolerated in their nations.

This practice is nothing new. It happened another time with the Last of Us tv show their infamous 3rd episode. The Director Peter Hoar admitted to trying to trick audiences into watching a gay romance.

“Sometimes you have to sort of trick the rest of the world into watching these things before they’re like, ‘Oh, my God, it was two guys. I just realised.’
“I think then they might understand that it’s all real. It’s just the same love.”

Those that believe “everything is political” have zero problem with politicising orientation. Have zero problem with hijacking intellectual property and use them as platforms to push THEIR politics ideology and agendas.
These are the ones that are getting things done. Regardless if people want to believe it to be happening or continue burying their heads in the sand.

Thoughts like this could be considered to be problematic.
Pandering to demographic rarely if ever works.

Yes a mockery is made of the very demographics they are trying to pander to. Shoe horning people does not make them receptive as well.

This is what the Witcher done. Poland an ethnically homogenous nation that does not really have game studios. Made the Witcher about Polish folklore and mythology which was a global success. Until the American activists got involved. Declared it “problematic” as there was not enough non-White people. Then went on to “diversify” the tv show with the mandatory race and gender swaps and pushing alphabet orientations.

They attempted to retcon the Witcher with Blood Origins which was yet another failure disliked by the audiences.

This is the primary tactic used. Presented as the “new normal” then when audiences - paying customers - content consumers dislike it they continue attacking them as “bad people”.

Exactly my point except you lot decided you are justified in unwarranted hate

Not but using bigoted phrases like alphabet people will

maybe juuust maybe… because we have more freedom here?

Source? If your going to make false claims at least try and blame it up. Besides I thought any Star Wars fan over 40 worshipped Luke. Ps mark Hamill has repeatedly called out trump so your hero thinks your full of :poop: