Do you think Dracthyr should be able to fly like druids outside of dragon isles?

I don’t understand why Dracthyrs can’t fly normally on and off the islands. It doesn’t sound cool at all xD


Chicken cant fly


Wouldn’t need to be instant-cast like it is for druids (since that’s keeping in line with all their other shapeshifts), but definitely should be allowed to fly yes.

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This needs another topic realy, there is like 5 already at least


Demon hunters can’t fly either, and they sacrificed EVERYTHING.


Because Dracthyr is a race.
Druid is a class.
Demonhunters have wings and can’t fly. They’re a class too.
There is no precedence why Dracthyr SHOULD be able to fly. No race can fly.

From a purely game perspective the answer is clearly: Balance (and yes druids being able to instantly fly and such is unbalanced already, no need to unbalance things more in that regard).


it wouldn’t affect balance very much tho… It would be the same as a worgen hitting their running wild button.

Or a normal player hitting their flying mount on their action bar.

It would be the same just for Dracthyr. They’d hit their flight form. Get their mount casting bar same as everyone else. and fly.

Obviously in bg and pvp if a dracthyr hit their mount button. They’d just be flapping their wings on a ground level.


^^ This

Both are more like flying squirrels.

They just glide.


Oh come on xD thats just insulting!

Adding a dragon race that cant fly while we have Worgens who can run wild.

This is like turning a Eagle into an ostritch… Or…flying squirrell.

Demon hunters need to Methamorhp to attain wings. Dracthyr where literally born with their wings on the other hand!


So were ostriches.
Or penguins.



And you spread salt into the name of the Dragon! Comparing them to Chickens and puffins!

I don’t give a crap. I don’t even think players should be able to play dragons.
They’re cool as powerful allied npcs and dangerous foes. As player made vessels they take away all power and mystery and awesomeness.

Just my opinion of course. But that’s how I feel.
To me they are not ‘dragons’. They are more akin to kobolds (the D&D variety).


Honestly I dont see the problem with giving Dracthyr a flight form.

The game would still work the same, Their flightform would be a mount cast ability same as any of the rest of us have to their action bars. And Worgen their running wild.

It wouldn’t break the game or inbalance anything and INFACT! il’go even more radicall! and say Demon hunters should get the same! A class mount racial form!

It would only make em both look cooler but their ability to mount up is still the same as it is for everyone else.

We all have the same mount cast bar and ability in our action bar. It wont make a difference.


If they looked like Alexstraza etc I’d agree but they dont’. They look more like scaled lizards with some wings like a bit of a cape.

I like them, dont’ get me wrong. I’m looking forward to levelling one. However flight in their own right seems far fetched.

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…Do Worgen look like horses to you who can run at Horse speeds? No?! Thought so.

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I think it’s already been confirmed they’ll be able to use Dragonriding without a mount.


Yes they do. Worgens look like they could run like a large dog and keep up with horses. Much like carriage dogs can, only more muscular and mean.

I wasn’t going to bring this up… But this sentiment here was what I was talking about when i mentioned ‘‘haters 4 years from now’’ In your other thread about hair tints previously…

I remember you saying you didn’t mind them. But lamented Blizzard didn’t put their effort into something else that you cared about… See where I am going with this?

That’s fine. We don’t need to agree.

But this is just not true. It would be giving one race a free flying mount option. At level 1.
That changes the game.

Factually not true. It does imbalance things. Nothing gamebreaking, but imbalance nonetheless.

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How? like literally how? When a Worgen uses ‘‘Running wild’’ they cast it like the same as a regular player getting up their mount too.

Its the same cast time for flying and ground mounts for all races.

With dracthyr it would be the same. Just a flying mount with the same cast time and mount up time as a regular player. Just without a flying mount. But a form instead.

Same as running wild. In what way is this inbalanaced? Besides just being awesome?