Do you think Dracthyr should be able to fly like druids outside of dragon isles?

Yeah, I don’t mind them being in the game. They’re not for me and that’s fine.
I still don’t think they should be able to fly. That’s a seperate issue.

Aside that you could make it a active/passive that you learn at level X.

So no breaking, just people being butthurt cause they can’t have something on their toon someone else has.

Pretty much like everyone moaning about druid instant cast form but that is in game already and that is something you can call imbalance.

Having usable wings that can be enable with a cast time pretty much like running wild would cause no harm or imbalance.



Then we don’t do that. Worgen didn’t get a mount form at level 1 either.

A Daracthyr flight form in my perfect world would be available at the same level flying is available to every other races level.


Not a really hard problem to solve is it?

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but alriight… I can see your Imbalance issue now.

Should a race have flight form and demon hunter glide all in one?

Honestly flight form would still work as a basic race’s flying mount. It wont make a flying difference in that way compared to the rest of the players.

Id even argue demon hunters should get a ‘‘Running wild’’ option with their wings too and their own flight form. So our Illidari edge lords could stay in their methamorphis outside of that spell if they choose too.

Yes totally radicall and I know it. I am sorry not sorry.

And how does THAT make sense?
They have the wings from the get-go.

To me it just sounds like you want flying ‘just because it’s cool’.
I don’t think that’s a good enough reason to imbalance things.

This hero class begins at level 58 according to Wowhead.
Wowhead Dracthyr info


If I was working for Blizz, I would have made it so there would be no option to choose mount in dragon form but a stance-like option where you can fly on your own with the newly implemented mechanics and once you go back to your human-like form, the flight option would no longer be present and you could summon your mount to ride it as others.

Imagine if they sacrificed their eyes… but who could ever imagine such a sacrifice!

The class yes.
But this is the race we’re talking about.
Devs have already mentioned that they’re considering giving Dracthyr more classes down the line. They have to design with the future in mind.

Ahahahahaah you can easily spot tahra out of arguments because that’s the reply you start to get.

“Uhhhhh it does not make sense”

And it does not make sense that a Void Elf can wield the Light to heal as a Holy priest, but hey.

Sometimes you simply adapt “the sense” to equalize the gameplay field.



It makes sense because yes they would be able to glide.
But they wont be able to learn flying before the same level as any of our other core races can learn flying same as everyone else.

Yes it is exactly because ‘‘thats cool’’ and I dont see a problem with it honestly.

Its just another flying mount uniquie to that race same as Running wild is for worgen.

One is a ground mount. The other is a flying one…

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If when dracthyr do their flyby maneuver they turn into a “real dragon” then there is no excuse that they can’t do a normal cast time and turn into that version of a mount… like the sandstone drake and be able to carry a passenger.

Wouldn’t that make sense?


Not even close to being true.
I’m using their ‘logic’ against them.
They said earlier on that ‘it makes sense’ for them to be able to fly because they are born with wings.

Of course it does. They are a CLASS. That class has certain properties. That doesn’t counter anything about their racial properties.

Sure, but adapting ‘the sense’ to create imbalance is imo not proper use of that.

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Ahem… Class and Race. Excuse me. And since they are just exactly that. That argues even more for why they should be able to fly.

Compared to Worgen who can be a race and -all- classes. and still get a mount form.

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I do.
I’d like my beastmaster to have 10 pets. Because I think that’s cool.

And so let’s just agree to disagree because we are never going to see eye-to-eye on this matter.

So you wanted tinted hair styles for other races beyond Dractyr… Why would you want that beyond ‘‘thats just being cool’’ -.- Woudn’t that imbalance the customazastion across races?

Like this change wouldn’t even go beyond or hit any other race or class… Its just another race spesific mount


Atm I don’t see anything greatly different to DHs who also transform for a specific spell.

I just don’t see the argument. Everything is just short term burst.

A slow mount form.
Don’t forget that.

Hell, if they were to give Dracthyr basically the monk flying skill, I’d be fine with THAT.
Just don’t make it ‘as good as or better than a mount’.