Do you think Dracthyr should be able to fly like druids outside of dragon isles?

A slow mount form? If a Worgen player has learned maximum mount level. Will Running wild make them run slower you mean?

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No it would do the total opposite. Imbalance is having two-tone hair on 1 race only.
Having it on all races is balance.

Also: Hair colour is only for looks. It doesn’t DO anything.
So completely different.

Don’t be weird.

It wouldn’t to the the appeal of Dracthyr though? One of their selling point and features of customazastion?

Neither do a mount form or flying form! They work in game as any other race mounting up!

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1 race is not more important than any other.
They already have plenty of selling points for people who like that sort of thing.

*Sighs * How you mount up… And how a dracthyr or worgen mounts up wont matter either… You all have to click the same buttom. Cast the same time bar… to do the same thing…


I’m not going to continue this.
I don’t think they should get flying.
You do.

You’re not going to convince me to change my mind.

End of story. We disagree.

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Ok I see what you mean, it would be a shame to limit the future of the model to one class within one expansion only.

I wish they would be a bit more creative with heirloom riding as seeing baby dragons sitting in a motorbike sidecar is gonna look a bit odd unless they are wearing human form.

While I wouldn’t mind a demonic flight form for demon hunters, I can’t see Meta being the form to use, as it is big and currently a visual indicator that the DH is using a specific spell.

Flying in a demon form could look really cool and fun to play with at a n appropriate level.

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Let me explain in simple terms.

That’s how they are being designed to work, by the game designers, the innovative people who make decisions about how things are meant to look and work in the game, their choice, they think it’s cool. They don’t force you to have one either.

imagine if they added worgen without being able to run like a wolf…

Why this insistance a Dragon race shouldn’t know how to fly after reaching flying levels?

Its mental. Guess Dractyr are forever Chickens that faceplanted thrown out of their nest.


It’s not that hard to imagine. They took away Plainsrunning from Tauren.

Do the DH’s transform into dragons? Because dragons fly… i haven’t seen demon hunters fly, just glide. Illidan can super-jump ofc and then glide.

The difference between doing something fast and short term, versus preparing (cast time on mount) for it.

They seem pretty capable of flying properly here. The wings seem to sustain their flight normally.

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One of the reasons I decided not to roll one when I started way back at vanilla launch.
The other reason was their lack of customization and the fact that I wanted to roll a female character (wanted to use the name Tahra and always felt that was more of a feminine type name) and female tauren have always looked ridiculous to me.

But yeah… Plainsrunning seemed cool and fitting for a tauren way back.

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they do have fly form, if you look at the screenshot of their abilitys

i cant link picture yet :frowning:

Thats an ability only animation. Sadly… But that does perfectly show why a flight form would be plasuible.

Some people want a flight form same as the worgen have their running wild ground mount form.

Just flying instead for our first and only Dragon race in game.


really? i thought it didnt make sense … seing as its the same icon as druid flight form

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Considering Blizzard said them self our Dragons only get to glide. And that fly over ability i think your mentioning.

I think that ability works like a Death knights Sindragosa’s breath. But you wont be able to use it as a flying mount. It only shows when you use that ability in that trailer.

You clearly feel that way and that’s fine. I see them more like DHs. Which is also fine.

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they may still change their minds, who knows… it might be a racial thing

they could make it work like transforming into like a vial of sands type of form

‘‘Should of would off… Could have would off’’ As they say… Whats been said for and against has been said. Lets wait and see for now :pray: