Do you think Dracthyr should be able to fly like druids outside of dragon isles?

you have no arguments for banning them from flying other than “penguins don’t fly” and a mythical imbalance.
I think it’s useless to continue this “conversation”.


Something wrong with disliking something?
I HAVE to explain myself for every decision I make?
Stop it.

In YOUR opinion. I disagree.
Deal. With. It.

Okay, the personal insults are starting… Time to say bye bye.


We disagree on something. It’s fine.
You have no good reason FOR them to fly, in your opinion.
I have no good reason AGAINST them flying, in your opinion.

I’ve given my opinion. That’s all.
Time will tell what Blizzard decides to do.

You should use the same courtesy when sprouting crap out of your mouth and marking it as “facts” or “logic” implying that disagreeing with you equals being wrong.

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Exactly. Even something like a “fly for 8 seconds” similar to the Worgen Run Skill is fine.

I am sure that with that Drac’thyr could become even an actual Pharah-like Class/Race like in Overwatch. And tbh, I know not a single MMO that has 2-dimensional fights on ground and air at the same time. Could make WoW a bit more interesting.

Of course not saying it should be like that. Just that it could work.

In your opinion… in which you don’t make any sense.
If they can fly on the isles the same as other classes/races on their mounts, then they can fly normally too.


I’m not implying anything.
That’s your take on it.

None of the arguments I’ve brought are not facts.
They 100% are.

Only the part where I think they should NOT be given a flying racial is my opinion.
And it’s fine you disagree with that. We don’t have to agree.

Just like you don’t have to resort to flaming and personal attacks. But you did. You made that decision because somehow you can’t allow someone else to have an opinion that opposes yours.

Don’t you think that’s rather silly?

Nobody said they can ‘fly as normally’. The isles have dragon riding. That is not flying normally.

So if they can fly like ‘dragon riding’ then that is not at all like ‘flying normally’ and no I don’t think they should have THAT form of flying.

Okay well I didnt even have to prove it since you did yourself. Thanks.

It is not if you lie to try to pretend to have a point that would not make sense otherwise.

Acting like people are asking for instant, usable in combat, 310 flying or balance breaking things.

You are free to have your opinion.
The reason you gave are made up or straight up lies.

So maybe next time just say “i dont want them to fly” dont try to make it look like something super logical because it is not.

Your balance reason is “every race has to use a flying mount so they should as well”. Which is nothing related to balance.


Oh so because YOU believe something to be true, it’s a fact?
Reality doesn’t work like that.

Where did I lie? Show it to me.

I’m not. Again; your take on it.
You seem to have a problem with understanding other people.
Maybe it’s you? Not IMPLYING anything here though (just thought I’d state that for clarity’s sake); just… maybe a bit of introspection is in order here, that’s all.


Again; show me where I lied.

It is. And for you it might be superlogical that they ‘must fly’. To me that logic is missing and it just boils down to people wanting the race to have flying. Which AGAIN in my opinion does not warrant it being so. Many people want many things; we can’t always get what we want.

But it is. Because there are rules and restrictions related to using a flying mount.
If ALL of those would still be in place for Dracthyr then I would have no problem with them flying.

You should honestly repeat those words to yourself more often, but I appreciate it as a first step.

You brought up totally irrilevant facts or non - existent balance reasons and you ask me where?

You used the “no other race can fly” or the running wild example maliciously just to again, have a point.
And I already explained why your arguments did not make any sense.

As i said already, i dont care if they do not give flying to them.
But given it would be cool then yes i would like it to be added.
I am not ripping my hair if they dont do it.

Asking cost nothing, and given it would remove NOTHING from you or your experience, there is not really a point on being against it.

I could care less about “more pets for BM” but I would not be in your topic going full stupid arguing that it does not make sense or that you should not get it cause “cool” is not enough of a reason.

I could care less if they give drak custom to other races, but following your logic they should not.
Cause we do not always get what we want,right?

If you didnt try to use running wild maliciously before and just dismiss the idea for the sake of it,you would know that in no way the Drak’thyr fly would offer an advantage over normal mounting up process and none is asking for that either, exactly like running wild.

But the only thing you had to point out is that flying and running is different, as if that was of any relevance.

I mean we got it, you are against it for no logical reason at all, no need to make it more obvious.

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Don’t ‘say’. SHOW me.

And what about that is a lie? There IS no race that has a racial that allows them to fly.
That is a fact. Nothing about that is a lie.

No. You gave YOUR OPINION on why they don’t make sense.
To others they make perfect sense.

And I disagree: I don’t think it would be cool if it was added.
And I’m not ripping my hair if they do it.

Very relevant because comparing those things is disingenious. It was used by people as ‘look X have THIS so Y should have THAT’.

It would be like me saying ‘hunters need to get auras because paladins have them’.
It’s a nonsensical reason only used to try and force someone’s wants.

You don’t have it. Sorry.
But I don’t care. Think whatever. Have fun.

Just kindly stop with the personal attacks.

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Oh please, the Dragon riding stuff in those Isles are just so they don’t grant us flying like normal.
It’s just a cop-out from the devs.

After we get normal flying, they should have the ability to fly normally, since they’re capable of doing that.


I hope we do.
But nothing’s for certain yet.


Scroll up to points i have replied to already, you are full aware of the nonsense you sprouted, i am not gonna waste time quoting everything for your own pleasure.
You do not suffer of Amnesia.

Which is totally irrilevant and said in bad faith to try to have a point that would othwise hold no ground.

No other race have a racial that with a cast time allow them to fly with the wings they have (not that we have any race w wings).
So what this prove exaclty? Nothing, just trying to make it look like that since no other race can fly on their own then they should not either.

Yes that is why everyone was against you lol.
Because they made perfect sense :crazy_face:

Rich coming from the person asking for the Drak hair customization to be given to others as well.

You should just accept the fact you cant have what you want, not making post about it. Right?

Oh wait i am not so trash to fester your discussion just for the sake of being negative.

Uhmmm no actually, the only malicious one here is you and you pretty much proved it with your example. Considering that giving auras to hunter is giving something of a class to another class and those things are unique.

Flying and mounting are not unique, everyone can do it.

While giving “running wild” to worgen and a flying similar thing to drak is basically giving them something every race have already.

It would be something purely cosmetic cause every race can fly, there is no advantage in the racial thing(and none asked for a version of it that would give you a significant advantage) compared to your stupid example with auras.

Proving yet again the bad faith you are arguing with.

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If not wanting to requote half of your crap on this topic=No proof then sure.


No it does not.
I get that is hard for you to connect the two braincells left working inside your brain but racial are trait that are exactly something unique for a race.

Night elf set a precedent for being able to drop combat mid fight.
That is arguably more broken and balance hurting than “Running Wild” for Drak’thyr could ever dream to be, but here we are talking about how something totally useless advantage wise and simply cosmetic somehow set a precedent when every other race could do exactly what they can do.

If everyone one else was grounded then sure, your point about setting a precedent would make sense.

In the current game it does not. Like at all.

Not really, it is as much cosmetic as it is flying for Drak’thyr, with the difference that even if Idc if they open it to everyone, I am not there arguing against it for the simple sake of it.

My arguments are pretty visibile, but given your example of auras to hunter, I am not surprised you struggle to understand them.

I mean, said by the person using “balance” as a reason not to give Drak’thyr the flying version of “Running Wild”.

Lies and irrilevant things said to make you look like you have a point are hard to pass.

Or you think you can go around saying that would cause balance issue with none pointing out you are talking nonsense?

So it is unique because you use your race wings and not a mount? Those cells must have an hard time bouncing left and right into that empty space huh?

The only unique thing would be their wings, the mechanics itself is what counts, because the moment their wings are equal or worse than a normal flying mount (and that is what everyone was asking, not an advantage)then the wings itself become purely a cosmetic racial trait.

But you know this full well, and that is why you are already making up future issues.
“Huuuihhh duhhhh i gUaRaNtEe iT wIlL hApPenN”

Because i am the disingenious one here lol.
They cant fly like druids cause they are not a class and given that they wanna expand on Drak’thyr later on you don’t want everyone instant mounting.
And they need to buy riding skill because that is how mount works and Drak’thyr flying should follow same rules exactly like Druid flying does.

And honestly LOL to you just for thinking that saving what 500 gold in the current game is something of a great racial trait or something.
(Yeah 500, cause no way they would give it 310 speed, and even if they did 2xLOL you for thinking that “save 5k gold” as a racial in the current game is of any relevance or OP).

Convenience wise, Diplomacy or Vulpera Camp would beat that 10 to 1.


If they had a whelp type small dragon form that had no combat abilities and was just travel form then, sure. As that would be fair and give another option for another class to do the same as what druids can do.

That would be the best option if they were to go about it. The fighting form wouldn’t be able to fly about long distances.

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yes they should

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I need help. Send gravy please

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