Do you think Dracthyr should be able to fly like druids outside of dragon isles?

That’s my point. People WOULD start asking for the things I stated.
100% guaranteed.

It’s still an imbalance.
You can ridicule it all you want, but it literally is.

Anyway… I’m tired of your verbal abuse so I won’t be replying again.

I don’t want them to get flying. That is my opinion and I’m sticking to it.

If they DO get it; I don’t care. It will just be another stupid decision on Blizzard’s part in a long line of stupid decisions (like limiting that race to 1 class and limiting a new class to 1 race - both stupid decisions that are very Blizzard-like).

And that’s that.

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Oh wow, better not add anything to a game because SOME might open a topic asking for more and we can’t have that.

Gaining 10% extra rep IS an advantage.
Having 8 extra slot IS an advantage (it arguably allow you to be on par with current exp bag spending way less EVERY EXP).
Yeah even saving 500/5000 gold IS an advantage sure, every racial give something positive.

Now tho, calling a ONE TIME SAVE of 500/5000 gold an imbalance (in a game where doing the 3 callings as soon you ding 60 netting you 6500~) is ridiculous, so yeah, I ridicule it because that is what it is.

Imagine calling “imbalance” a passive that every other race can basically nullify in a ONE TIME 30 min gameplay session (also,30 min if they gave the best speed, which is not gonna happen ever).

How will the game cope with such a broken racial oh jesus.

Feel free, my point was never to change your mind.
Just to prove that your “reasons” are not reasonable at all and are just “facts&logic” made by Tah, that are nothing but made up problems and inflated “imbalance” just to again try to make you point look more logical and less of a " i don’t want them to get flying cause I just dont and that’s it".


People also whined about the “unfair” “free” paladin (and to lesser extent warlock, though not as much hate there since warlocks didn’t get an invulnerability spell) mount for years, only getting tired of it around Cataclysm I think, and the game somehow survived that. An innate flying “mount” for dracthyr probably wouldn’t be the downfall of the game and forums either.

So much crab mentality going on in this thread ‘‘If I can’t have it too! Then no one will!’’

Even though it would work the same as any regular mount and make zero difference to the game. It’s bizzare


Crab people confirmed/predicted?

‘‘Craaaab people, Craaab people…’’ Yes.

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Lets hope crab people Beastmasters gets to have multiple crab pets.

With added crab glybh for more crab effect when using Stampede

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But Vulpera can’t run either. Neither they can jump up to 6m

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And that does make me sad… Can you imagine how fast our running wild form would look? We’d dart all over the place with out size.

Gotta go fast! Zoom zoom!

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Awww. It seems like he’s having so much fun :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I guess that in a game were gold were scarce that felt like a huge advantage, even if again, the fact that is a one time save it get outshined quite quickly should you ever decide to farm gold.

Utility racial are strong when the bonus is always there imo, not something nullified in 30 min by other races.

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Imagine that too… A vulpera player had to charge a power jump holding down their space button for a mini power jump! I’d be fun!

Unfair advantage, in that case give it to humans too.

:weary: Imagine all the extra bricks and rocks we’d be able to bounce on… Oh the humanity

For real tho… A dragon race that cannot fly is the same as making a worgen race who cannot run like a wolf…

Yes I lament and grieve that I cant dart across the couch like a fox. I still wouldn’t be a total crab about Dragons getting a flight flying mount form that they would have to cast as any other regular player would for their own flying mount.

The mentality that ‘‘that would just look too good and be too unfair’’ Cannot get more crab if it even tried. Loosen up people.

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Okey okey… How about this?! Dracthyr only gets to have basic gliding… But BUT!

In a distant future patch they get a class quest. Or race quest if you will! Like warlocks did for Fellfire spells? It’s super hard and difficult… But at the end reward you unlock a racial only flying mount.

Witch basically works like a regular flight form. But it comes with a epic dragon tronsformation cast animation when a Dracthyr casts it. Becoming a player protodrake form for Dracthyr only! :eyes:

Fight me! If you don’t think this is cool, You have no fun and il never invite you to my parties.

Dracthyr can use Dragonriding as far as the dragon isles are concerned. It seems so there is that.

Just like any reasons in favor of it aren’t either.

We’re done.