Do you think I'll be bullied?

They made this item for a reason

Btw I main on Draenor fren :wink:

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good job .

everyone has to do their part and this transmog s…it will end fast

Just straight up childish and abusive behaviour and attitude. It’s just sad to see how low some people can sink. Simply because some other guys bought something with their own money, or even got it as a bonus for simply subbing to the game…


Yeah, ganking those people for hours who did something they don’t like is totally not targeted harassment. Well, i should’ve known that you won’t understand what it means.


I dont see whats so wrong about it, Blizzard probably has allot of armour sets laying araund that ended up in the «not this expansion» folder.

So why not.

Aslong as i still got gear to get in every raid and dungeon then whats the problem?


It would be harassment if they would only gank one person who can´t do anything about it. with warmode they can just stop it right away. Thats like saying “if you only kill gnomes thats targeted harassment”

But since you were in elementary school when bc was nearly over… I say again: grow up

The thing is that the armor set would have been fine if it wasn’t used as a desperate attempt for income like all the other cosmetic shop items.
If from the very beginning they took better directions with the game to keep their player-base, these items could probably have been acquired in-game in some way, shape or form.

It is what the shop items represent, not the items themselves, that is considered so bad by so many. In other words, buying those shop items means to most people that you support the declining player-base, which is why many of them may bully you.

when they added the yeti costume along with the virtual ticket i got 1-2 dumb comments on my set the week it released or so. so it really wasnt as bad as i imagined. after that it quickly died down and people moved on.

i got positive comments as well that it looked funny etc so i guess its a hit and miss with people. :smile:

to the op, just do whatever makes you happy and dont give a hozen about what others think. its your money, you are free to do whatever you want with it.

if you get negative comments just block or ignore them and move on.


doing the Light’s work

not me. i for once will appreciate your efforts to look better than your current mog


There’s something really fun about doing battlegrounds with an elf in a fairy costume and slaying big Orcs - it’s really fun! Hehe

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Yeah but its PvP… that’s kinda what I expect in PvP and why I don’t play it, it’s just nasty. If people start doing it in PvE then they’re just donkey behinds.

Don’t worry, I’ll be your bully.
No matter race, age, gender and/or background. Everyone deserves to have that special someone in their life to ruin their day!
:heart: :heart:

There is no rule in the game that’s says it’s forbidden or harassment.

If you don’t want to be killed just don’t turn on warmode.

Ot: most probably i earn more than you and I have more spare money since it’s already 15 years that I’m working.

In Fallout 76 people targeted people who paid for the $100 subscription thing to mess with them in game for it to get across their detest for Bethesda’s scummery. If World of Warcraft reaches the same level of bad that Fallout 76 is then I think that is when something needs to be addressed.

Personally I have a few old pets and the Celestial Steed thing I used to love, but I do feel bad using them now just incase someone sees them and thinks “wow you support that stuff” but I might be self criticising too much.


No you won’t, I bought it and no one made any negative comment about it. I’ve seen half the stormwind and boralus wearing it, so really not an issue.

If you like the transmog, just buy it.


and this is why this game went to sh…t to the point that expansion launch gets delayed by half of year.

why do decent game when you can just release more of trnasmog sh…t

this is hwy its up to players to do something about it - kicking people in those mogs from any groups could be a decent start

If you think this set is the reason they delayed the game, you have no idea how development works. And all issues they have right now are tied to anything but cosmetics, so this actually makes most sense, they’re utilizing their art team during the time their other teams struggle to finish the expansion.


I had to suffer through that.
It made me cry…
But then I remembered I could just store all of my tears in my brand new endless stash box!
laughs in fallout1st

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The best part was your scrap box would eat your scrap so no one will know you cried!

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