Do you think I'll be bullied?

That won’t happen in WoW though, we had a case once where someone tried to votekick a guy with store mount, blue fox I think, and the guy trying to kick got kicked himself.


You need to think of the wider picture. If they’re focussed on targetting you due to the transmog then they’re ignoring the flag carrier. Consider the use as a tactical distraction!


Try /rasp next time :wink:

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Stop being worried , nobody gives a **** about your transmogs.

Forum people are just noisy

I mean you lean on a bunch of players that spent 8 months updating a cloak :slight_smile: and did that flaking the forums

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I’m honestly more preoccupied at how my own character looks, but you never know.

Why would you all want to wear the same thing - like those stupid 3 masks the benefits crowd bought from shop, lasted all of a day :rofl::rofl:

Hmm… if they do i can see multiple different tactics for your team to bait other team members to locations where they shouldn’t be while rest of the team wins the game. :wink: Use it for your advantage, use the fools for the win.

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100% yea , I mean it’s an extra reason to frag you , they will press those keys harder

My god you are really emotional and salty aren’t you?

You think they delayed the launch to release some transmogs?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Majority of players, regardless of faction, won’t give a flying donkey about what you are wearing. Or your gender, sexual orientation, irl & ingame race etc unless you make a big deal out of it yourself.

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Of course not, my dear! That’d be utterly preposterous, distasteful and barbaric! I’d never bully anyone for their fashion sense!

I bully every Horde equally… :skull::blue_heart:


I’m going to main fae DK, so not gonna hurt ya!

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You are low. Its not about who can afford it. Or how you spend your money. Its effects game and its will get pushed further, so to say,testing waters.

Yeah you could get bullied. My mouth will be super dry from spiting:d

Almost certainly, but that’s part of the fun. If they waste time chasing you around and ignoring PvP objectives while your team caps them, that’s great :slight_smile:

(Source: used to play resto druid in Wintergrasp. It was great fun to lead a pack of enemies around on a long chase!)

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That’s what happens when you listen to Asmonturd. Clear clinical case of lacking somewhere.

I hope so at least. At least I will take part in doing so.

I will most likely focus you for either being a healer or a spriest, nothing to do with your mog.

Your opponents will not target you harder just because you are wearing the mog it would be counter-productive.

You might get abuse from your own team though.

And from teammates in dungeons (but you seem to not do this too much).

However most of the time these people will not care at all and will not even look at you unless you bring the subject up and purposely call their attention to your mog.

@OP … why would you care if you’re targeted? It’s a game, you should feel honored that there are players who think you are worth killing. I’d be upset to be ignored. rofl

Also… any1 know what piece of armor is transmogged into those wings? Is it the cloak or shoulders? because they looked connected to the shoulders…
I don’t pay subs, only game time through tokens (6 at a time) so i won’t receive it.

But if it’s the cloak transmog and not shoulders i’m inclined to spend some gold buying it separately. xD