Does anybody actually like Survival? it seems like the worst spec ever

It just seems utterly awful, boring and horribly designed and doesn’t feel like a Hunter spec in t he slightest.


Nice bait.


here we go again …

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Reported for trolling


How far did you go with an SV first? just curious.

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Is there a way to legit mute people like that on the forum ?
I don’t want to start an argument but also I can’t stand this type of poster, reporting for trolling is too generic and he’s not even trolling.

How can I (we) ensure clueless complainers like Zietrum stop with the clueless complaints ?


I have a feeling OP lost to SV hunter and/or doesnt know how to play one.

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Character creation screen then get stopped by finding a name


The bane of every player

Reminds me of the kid meme who ride his bike and put a stick in the wheel to cry about it later on.

There are about 10 posts where I said that people who know s*it about SV are the ones crying about it, and it seems I have to keep going :rofl:

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Don’t feed the troll tho, that’s what he wants, just leave him be.

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SV was cool in its first iteration in Legion but the problem with the Spec overall is that you are trying to force a melee spec onto a class community that was always designed for ranged.

Thats very likely the reason it is lackluster everywhere too, so no Hunter is forced to go melee when they wanted to play the Class for ranged.

DPS on Mythics might not be on pair with the meta specs but it is quite good, and in PvP it’s quite a good spec too, idk where you got that “lackluster everywhere”.

There is literally just the same couple few playing Survival since it became melee in PvP. The input and effort for making that weird spec work versus current BM for example is just astounding.

One thing is it being lackluster, another is the amount of people that play it. Choose an argument and stick to it.

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They also tempt to confuse between making it melee and boosting everything else but SV as the reason why it is lacking, but lacking what lol

melee side was always part of SV, Idk how long we should repeat that.
and as I wrote above, if SV is down in meter it isn’t because it’s melee, but everytime they boost other specs we barely get a thing, so if we have to compare, let’s remove all boosts or boost everything equally and we compare.

Prove of that you have it now BM is below SV tho it is ranged.

Sorry bro, I couldn’t understand what you meant here.

I actually found a quote from someone from Blizz that said SV was meant to be melee in Vanilla, but they scrapped the idea half-way through it and made it ranged instead. Sadly I saw that a few years ago in a random forum and I can’t find it anymore, wish I could to show it to these “SV purists”.

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I meant that people who think that ranged gives more dps think that “Magically” you give SV a melee weapon and damage drops, it’s like the weapon is what made Ranged do higher damage than the melee lol

yes there was a very old documentary that I’ve seen back then, Hunter was not meant to be ranged actually not just SV, the devs said it was meant to be a pet friendly, and rogue was meant to have a small shields as secondary weapon. But the decided to not put the small shield as item and realized there are already enough melee classes, Warrior Pala and Rogues were made before Hunters. Tho Hunter ended up being ranged, the melee spells were always there, thing that the Hunter from the Legion era tempt to not know.

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Oh right. Yeah it’s silly, being melee is not the issue, or else all the melee classes/specs would be bad… xD


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even if its better than two other specs, the community perception wont change