Does ANYONE equip Cyrce's Circlet right now?

I genuienly don’t understand the point of this ring. If any class or spec uses it right now, please explain why and provide some numbers if possible, because I can’t imagine it.

If I would equip the new ring right now, I would LOSE around 4000 of my strongest secondary stats, even though its item level is 6 levels higher than my current crafted ring.

In exchange I would receive a negligible healing proc, a tiny amount of stamina and a thunder proc that does a measly 1,2% of my damage and doesn’t even have an impressive animation. Why doesn’t lightning strike down from the sky like crazy when it procs?

This new ring should be SUPERB immediately when you pick it up. Every player should be impressed by it the moment they see it. Where is your creative COURAGE? How can you implement such an underwhelming piece of equipment? Did you really not foresee that players would be completely disappointed by it?

Is my calendar wrong?


“I give you 50 silver for it” - Any shopkeeper.

Jokes set aside, you can slowly upgrade with the coming weeks and better gems into the sockets. It may not be as good now but it could become better so hold onto it.

It’s similar to the Onyx Annulet in DF.


Gems to be made available at vendor:


So I’m supposed to put the brand new ring on my bank for now?


You mean its really a cut and paste and reskin to a ring. The difference is we got most of the gems on day 1.


Difference being all the gems for annulet were available from the jump.

There’s already a 6 week ilvl timegate, why is there also a 3~ week timegate to make the ring worth the ilvl it already says it is.

It’s like rushing downstairs Christmas morning and opening your presents to find your shiny new toy didn’t come with any batteries.


More like rushing down and find your shiny new toy comes in six parts and you have to wait for the batteries to come at the very last moment.


Ehhhh… I’m not actually that mad about the ilvl timegate. It’s the lack of gems to make the items actually good on launch.

At best it’s a paperweight / savings someone some crests, at worst it’s a noob trap which less enfranchised players are going to equip without knowing it’s currently a paperweight.


Oh, that sounds like a terrific addition to the game. I’m writing a thank you letter to Blizzard right now.

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Yes. I dont know for other specs, but for me as bm, we will only use the ring once we actually get the gems we need.

I generally see these patches as catch up opertunity for alts. For example this character is gonna love the ring right off the bat.

No, its bad


Even if so, why don’t they simply make it so that EVERYONE loves the ring immediately?

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Simple answer with a quick explaination.


The currently available gems dont cut it. From my Mains perspective, I either replace a 639 Key to the unseeming or a 636 crafted ring. Both far exceed secondary stats value.

Once we c an get the all secondary and mastery gem, I will likely swap out the crafted ring.
Funny thing, the event table shows the all stats gem as reward for the wird event. But doing the event doesnt give it and it keeps showing the gem as reward. Not sure if bug.


There should be a full questline available right now that allows you to unlock all of the gems at your own pace without timegating. They can do the itemlevel timegating if they really feel the need to (I don’t see the need for it) but the gems should be unlockable NOW.

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Can’t please everyone.

In this case, Blizzard easily could have.

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Maybe better than my current 606 champion ring :smiley:


Hell naw, cyrce sounds way too much like cersei lannister, i refuse!


You’re wearing Cersei on your finger.