Blizzard has spoken of the importance of server community and so called spirit of classic wow. But after the introduction of cross-realm BGs without even battlegroups limiting them, I seriously started to doubt them. Let me explain in somewhat lengthy way.
I’ve started playing in vanilla, and played through multiple expansions. Skipping some raids and even whole expansions there and here, but always returning to the game. I’ve also played on two private servers before classic: Anathema and K3. In vanilla wow (Chromaggus server btw) I ranked to r13. I do still remember dozens of people from Chromaggus that I played against. All my friends who played with me still remember. Now that AV is so hot stuff probably most horde casters from Chromaggus who played a lot of AV still remember this sole BM specced dwarf hunter whose big red cat harassed the **** out of us. I remember three enemy faction premades by their guild/name. I played before and after the introduction of cross-realms in Vanilla, and I can honestly say I don’t remember ANYBODY from cross-realm bg time. I only remember Crushridge as a server, because we used to call them “pizza-ridge” or “pasta-ridge” due to them being (and speaking) mostly Italian. They were considered very negative thing to have in your team. So for me personally, the introduction of cross-realm enhanced only negative aspects of the pvp game.
Now tell me, honestly, do you think I’m going to form such life long memories and rivalries with these opponents? i.imgur com/bAcY41H.jpg Is there even the slightest chance I’ll remember any of these people even if I meet them again (which is unlikely), or even if I face them 10 or 100 times in the current AV? Because I do believe, that I wont.
This brings me to my point: I’m very frustrated that Blizzard, despite their talk about understanding the community aspect, have absolutely gutted the chance for any feeling of community with this current cross-realm setup. Literally all private servers I have played have managed to cater me better and more vanilla-like pvp-experience than Blizzard is currently giving.
The limitations could be technical, in which case Blizzard should try to overcome them. But I am very afraid, because there shouldn’t be any technical reason why they couldn’t offer us even the battlegroups. Like limit the amount of people you’ll face by even that little bit. But no, its just faceless mass game after another.
I understand that some people might prefer this retailish type of pvp over the vanilla one I so much enjoyed, but this is not the kind of pvp that made life lasting memories in vanilla, and what made people roll on new private servers year after another, looking for the classic experience.